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Chicks and Balances
Podcast von Chicks and Balances
Introducing The Post Millenial’s newest series. Chicks and Balances is a series of short video editorials about Canadian culture and politics discussed through the perspective of a young woman, hosted by Sam.
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Alle Folgen
8 FolgenBill C-36 is Another Attack On Canadian Freedom
The Liberals unveiled Bill C-36 last week to target online hate and extremism, which would effectively increase the amount of oversight power awarded to Canadian bureaucracies and the courts on what can or cannot be said online. In this week’s episode of Chicks and Balances, Sam breaks down what this bill would do, how it differentiates from existing hate speech laws, and why we should be worried about it.
30. Juni 2021 - 12 min
Does Canada Still Need The CBC?
Those on the right are very quick to disparage the CBC and accuse it of political bias, while those on the left will always come to its defence and point to its alleged cultural importance. Who’s right? In this episode of Chicks and Balances, Sam breaks down the purpose of the CBC, it’s place in the greater Canadian media landscape, and instances of bias. Does Canada Still Need The CBC?
23. Juni 2021 - 15 min
Is WEXIT a real possibility?
Separatist sentiment is growing in the Prairies, the most recent spike in 2015 was due to the election of Justin Trudeau. But despite the desire for WEXIT, is it legally viable? Using the constitutional lessons learnt from Quebec’s secession movement, Sam discusses in this week’s episode of Chicks and Balances whether Alberta could feasibly separate. Is WEXIT a real possibility?
16. Juni 2021 - 14 min
What Being A Parliamentary Intern In Canada Is REALLY Like!
Ever wonder what working on the Hill is like? Sam and Sarah discuss their experience working on the Hill in 2018 in this week’s episode of Chicks and Balances. They’ll give you their honest reflections on the good, the bad, and their main takeaway from their summer in Ottawa.
11. Juni 2021 - 20 min
Are Universities Really Indoctrinating Their Students?
You’ve heard it before: university campuses are breeding grounds for teachers to brainwash students into believing their left-wing ideas. But is this true? In this episode of Chicks and Balances, Sam offers a more nuanced reflection on her own (and recent) experience attending a pretty liberal university. So, are universities really indoctrinating their students?
11. Juni 2021 - 12 min
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