Kostenloser Podcast
Clothed in Dignity
Podcast von Billie Murphy
This podcast was created to help individuals find their worth according to God’s word. To often, we are labeled and carry those labels throughout life. You are not your mistakes, your failures (you can’t really fail, you learn) or what people have said about you. YOU ARE CLOTHED IN DIGNITY! Follow along as we learn how to walk that out, in this crazy world.
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Alle Folgen
15 FolgenThere’s Hope on the Other Side
The storm won’t last always. There IS hope on the other side.
10. Apr. 2022 - 15 min
Demolition Time
What narrative have you been listening to? What are you believing? A stronghold is a belief system and some of them need to go! We become what we believe about ourselves. So, I ask again, what are you believing?
18. Jan. 2022 - 34 min
Marco, Polo
Just like in the water game Marco, Polo, the Lord will lead us, step by step as we follow His voice.
24. März 2021 - 20 min
The “Unlikely Evangelist “
A woman scorned by society but chosen by Jesus. The Samaritan woman.
14. März 2021 - 18 min
Shadows of Shame
Shame is not our friend. It will keep us bound and isolated, without hope BUT GOD!!! Whom the son sets free, is free indeed.
03. März 2021 - 18 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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