EnGomanam ParakuthuPodcast von Thenmittai films
EnGomanam parakuthu is a conference call between three personalities - cinephile,finacial freak and Gamer. We talk about things that bothering us for the past week and AN IMPORTANT THING is we are so good AT SARCASM. GET IN AND YOU NEVER LEAVE. with love -tHrEe MEN join us in other platforms YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpp2Zccq4LLk9rm8Y2w9m9Q instagram link - https://www.instagram.com/engomanam_parakuthu/ telegram link - https://t.me/joinchat/dEhBQLAhmnplODll Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/thenmittai-films/support
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