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Failure To Stop
Podcast von Failure To Stop
Cops, Dispatchers, Firefighter / Paramedics, true crime fans, and truth-seeking civilians this show is for YOU. It’s TRUE true crime as told by experienced investigators, former and retired cops, and 911 dispatchers.
Mondays: UNCUFFED - where comedy meets crime news. J Derrell White and Eric Tansey are two ex-cops turned comedians and they deliver the funny truth.
Tuesdays: TRUE Crime - a TRUE true crime podcast with Kendra, a former officer and true crime aficionado with contributions from other active and retired cops.
Wednesdays: LAST CALL - Eric Tansey and Josh of Dead Leg Media team up to give you their spin on today’s current events.
Thursdays: THE COMM CENTER - Drew is a former 911 dispatcher and retired cop. Jon is a former officer and current dispatcher. Together, they lend their expert analysis of relevant 911 calls and radio traffic, as well as body cam and surveillance footage of the officers.
Fridays: BREAKDOWNS - Former cop Eric Tansey and retired cop Drew Breasy use their experience and job knowledge to break down audio/video of topical events that affect policing in the United States.
Sundays: Nightshift TSI - Former cop Eric Tansey and verified “conspiracy theorist” Anthony Raimondi (@conservativeant) use their experience and knowledge to deliver findings of top secret information in the supernatural, extra-terrestrial, and the paranormal realms.
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Alle Folgen
221 Folgen385. TRUE CRIME: Surviving the Mad Chopper: Mary Vincent
On this True Crime Tuesday episode, we're discussing the Mary Vincent case and the notorious Lawrence Singleton. Mary had her arms chopped off by the deranged Singleton, and through an amazing will to live, survived the near-death attack. After a soft on crime California conviction, Singleton was let out on parole when he relocated to unincorporated Hillsborough County in near Tampa. Through an odd twist of fate, Singleton was interrupted as he was in the process of stabbing a sex worker by the name of Roxanne Hayes. The murder investigation led to a conviction where Singleton died in prison.
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Visit our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/failuretostop [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblhqNF9BUi14RE1jQjcyN2haRjV1Zm1fVWYyQXxBQ3Jtc0tsV0Jqd3lMNGQzTXBlYmNaUXZOVVE3NFkxcE9hMjFZNkpZcExDVW9fR0hnaUp1Nk9xVzF6dVVkWnlDZ2dwblB5Qkd6VVk4ZUYxVXFnbGdOU2F2blRBRWgyZ0JKcklBaldWYi1qaERIaVJ6TS1tRjZuTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.patreon.com%2Ffailuretostop&v=FUwfFju9HI4]
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30. Aug. 2023 - 59 min
384. UNCUFFED: Trump Gets His Street Credit
Today on Uncuffed Monday with former police officer now comedian Jay Derrell and former cop Eric Tansey, Trumps mugshot has become a logo for his campaign?! A young High school student was not allowed to drive his truck on campus with the American flag flying from it, a book solves a crime, and Tender for teens is full of predators ? All this and more on today's Failure to Stop Uncuffed Monday.
https://www.Ghostbed.com/wolfpack [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblUtdFI3Q2JtQVVwR0t0VTBSUk9PQm1kd1JmUXxBQ3Jtc0tuNlBSRE82OVM3UFpkVzd4M2F3RW9rVHpWTnZrSkVsTXU1aHczU0pIN2ZVNE9Fdi1kSDFxaFdLUFEyWnVhQzBjYW9ocUZnWVFnN3B3YldjV2NTR19oNUF5TzNXUkVrSDgxMy1QUEFjVGl6UWZOZDJJZw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Ghostbed.com%2Fwolfpack&v=8wBr1652n0g] | Code: Wolfpack
https://www.factor75.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJHaEhYYkVEVVFITHZjd1FVMjdOcnE4bS1yUXxBQ3Jtc0ttUFNPODVCdXBHeEppMkNSZzZVcW5mMTFjbzlaUTJSRE9IWjFKZE9fa0xOUHZQV0Y5XzVmTFdqMWpwQzBIWF9Ja0RhRGNwdG5YSUtaVmZhQWxjcFU0cGpja0NrejZzTU9rVGpfcmJISXNadXQ3cjIxbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.factor75.com%2F&v=8wBr1652n0g] for Factor Meals | Promo Code: Wolfpack50 - 50% off
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29. Aug. 2023 - 1 h 12 min
383. COMM CENTER: Screaming 911 Caller Arrested
This past winter in Marshfield Wisconsin, a woman dialed 911 requesting urgent assistance. A male voice was shouting in the background, but the caller provided no more information before hanging up. There was an investigation, and even a use of force against the male subject. In the end, the female caller is the one who was booked on several charges.
Veteran police officer Drew and active duty 911 dispatcher Jon will discuss how common such calls are, and provide commentary on how it all went down. If you have questions or comments, join the live chat or call in live to discuss at 8/7C.
Call our non-emergency line at
*(848) COMM-911*
*(848) 266-6911***
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26. Aug. 2023 - 1 h 30 min
382. BREAKDOWN: Fargo Officers Ambushed by Syrian Terrorist
On July 14, 2021 in Fargo, ND, a Syrian national shot and killed Officer Jake Wallin and wounded Officers Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes before being neutralized by the heroic actions of Officer Zach Robinson.
On today's Breakdown, Drew Breasy and Eric Tansey analyze the case with a reaction video of the officers' body worn camera. Was there a bigger plot other than killing police officers? Did the Syrian national have ties to international terrorism? Why was the media silent on this and what can we learn from it? All this and more on today's Failure to Stop Friday Breakdown.
The guys also discuss a Dallas Police Department case that grabbed headlines because a disable veteran alleged that the officers laughed at him for urinating on himself.
All this and more on the Friday Breakdown on Failure to Stop.
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25. Aug. 2023 - 1 h 4 min
381. LAST CALL: Has Joe Biden Completely Lost it?
Aloha Joe visits Maui and reminisces about his 67 Corvette before falling asleep at the memorial service. Has Biden completely lost it? Rainn Wilson weights in on Oliver Anthony's Rich Men North of Richmond. COVID is making a return just in time for election season and Trumps trial set the Monday before Super Tuesday ? All this and more on todays Last Call of The Day.
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24. Aug. 2023 - 1 h 8 min
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