Kostenloser Podcast
Monster Mash
Podcast von The Fated Four
Monster Mash is an irreverant weekly podcast about the various monsters of the Monster Hunter games; their design, their ecology, their origins and their hunts!
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Alle Folgen
209 FolgenMonster Hunter Wilds Announcement Reaction
Emergency recording . . . though actually we have more than a year to deal with it.
If you want more of our nonsense, with even less context, check out our sister podcast Game Game Show: https://gamegameshow.transistor.fm/ [https://gamegameshow.transistor.fm/]
Find the show:
twitter: https://twitter.com/MonsterMashPod [https://twitter.com/MonsterMashPod]
facebook: https://facebook.com/MonsterMashPod [https://facebook.com/MonsterMashPod]
apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monster-mash/id1149728297… [https://t.co/EVqXVC48Ox]
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2hUq2VJwc7RleKHB8wNlwh… [https://t.co/fAI3rJ3NYg]
Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-y7BDX1j-AdH_jC2NvL4CGQ4hhjrH5-R [https://t.co/zBLrCUwhpw]
Support the network:
https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius [https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius]
16. Dez. 2023 - 34 min
Game Game Show Preview: Monster Munch
Here's a musical Monster Hunter-themed round from sister podcast Game Game Show.
Listen to the full episode: https://share.transistor.fm/s/ef62e6b9 [https://share.transistor.fm/s/ef62e6b9]
Be warned: Game Game Show uses explicit language!
The Game Game Show is a games-themed comedy panel quiz show.
Get in touch! This podcast has like 20 listeners, please like and subscribe, rate and review, all that stuff on your podcast app of choice! If more people listen, we may be more inclined to make an effort and less likely to disappear for a month.
Game Game Show is on twitter: twitter.com/gamegameshow
Support the podcast!
09. Sept. 2023 - 23 min
Hyrule Field Report - Tears of the Kingdom First Impressions _
Introducing sister show Hyrule Field Report, a Tears of the Kingdom audio playalong podcast!
We have our hands on Tears of the Kingdom! Jay made a boat, Jas made a monster truck and Luke . . . doesn't know the buttons.
Join us next week for Beneath Hyrule Castle.
We're a new podcast, please rate and review and share with your friends!
We're on twitter: https://twitter.com/HyruleFieldPod [https://twitter.com/HyruleFieldPod]
And facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091553694155 [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091553694155]
We are an area-by-area audio playthrough pod about #TearsOfTheKingdom [https://twitter.com/hashtag/TearsOfTheKingdom?src=hashtag_click].
Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hyrule-field-report/id1687039323… [https://t.co/zWzEJ4Kcbx]
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7mDuNpbOQPl3SThTuWTuYF… [https://t.co/aaxTTpUsjU]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@HyruleFieldPod [https://www.youtube.com/@HyruleFieldPod]
And the classic RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/hyrule-field-report… [https://t.co/g9OpbzkjpN]
#Zelda [https://twitter.com/hashtag/Zelda?src=hashtag_click] #LegendofZelda [https://twitter.com/hashtag/LegendofZelda?src=hashtag_click] #TheLegendofZelda [https://twitter.com/hashtag/TheLegendofZelda?src=hashtag_click] #TLoZ [https://twitter.com/hashtag/TLoZ?src=hashtag_click] #TotK [https://twitter.com/hashtag/TotK?src=hashtag_click] #BreathoftheWild [https://twitter.com/hashtag/BreathoftheWild?src=hashtag_click] #BotW [https://twitter.com/hashtag/BotW?src=hashtag_click] #ZeldaPodcast [https://twitter.com/hashtag/ZeldaPodcast?src=hashtag_click]
And please check out our other podcasts and consider giving your support!
https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius [https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius]
15. Mai 2023 - 52 min
Amatsu Hunt
The lads hunt an Amatsu.
If you want more of our nonsense, with even less context, check out our sister podcast Game Game Show: https://gamegameshow.transistor.fm/ [https://gamegameshow.transistor.fm/]
Find the show:
twitter: https://twitter.com/MonsterMashPod [https://twitter.com/MonsterMashPod]
facebook: https://facebook.com/MonsterMashPod [https://facebook.com/MonsterMashPod]
apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monster-mash/id1149728297… [https://t.co/EVqXVC48Ox]
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2hUq2VJwc7RleKHB8wNlwh… [https://t.co/fAI3rJ3NYg]
Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-y7BDX1j-AdH_jC2NvL4CGQ4hhjrH5-R [https://t.co/zBLrCUwhpw]
Support the network:
https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius [https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius]
07. Mai 2023 - 49 min
Hyrule Field Report Episode Zero
Breath of the Wild Memories and Tears of the Kingdom Hype!
Welcome to Hyrule Field Report, a Tears of the Kingdom audio playalong podcast! Join us next week for our First Impressions.
We're a new podcast, please rate and review and share with your friends!
We're on twitter: https://twitter.com/HyruleFieldPod [https://twitter.com/HyruleFieldPod]
And facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091553694155 [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091553694155]
And please check out our other podcasts and consider giving your support!
https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius [https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius]
07. Mai 2023 - 42 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
Eine wahnsinnig große, vielfältige Auswahl toller Hörbücher, Autobiographien und lustiger Reisegeschichten. Ein absolutes Muss auf der Arbeit und in unserem Urlaub am Strand nicht wegzudenken... für uns eine feine Bereicherung
Spannende Hörspiele und gute Podcasts aus Eigenproduktion, sowie große Auswahl. Die App ist übersichtlich und gut gestaltet. Der Preis ist fair.
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