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Psych Attack
Podcast von Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald
Psych Attack focuses on the diversity of the domain of psychology. Join us for a relaxed conversation with experts discussing the topics they are passionate about in psychological research and/or practice. The aim is to better understand the spectrum of human experience, the methods used in psychology, and the people attracted to working within it. The conversations will be of interest and accessible to novice and experienced psychology listeners alike.
Hosted by Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald (jasminebmacdonald.com.au).
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Alle Folgen
21 FolgenFactors that affect human-dog relationships
In this episode, I catch up with Dr Miiamaaria Kujala to hear about her research on human-dog relationships. Miiamaaria studies how humans understand dog communication, how dogs understand humans, and the factors affecting the interaction between the two species such as culture, human personality and dog behaviour.
We discuss:
- Her personal journey from philosophy to neuroscience and eventually to studying both ends of the leash
- The cultural differences in dog ownership between countries like Finland and Australia
- The impact of human personality traits on dog behaviour and the human-dog relationship
- How emotional closeness and perceived costs of dog ownership vary among different personalities
- The methods used to measure dog cognition and behaviour, including the fascinating "impossible task" experiment.
Dr. Miiamaaria Kujala [https://www.jyu.fi/en/people/miiamaaria-kujala] is Academy Research Fellow in the Department of Psychology at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. To see more of Miiamaaria’s work you can access her research group’s web page [https://www.jyu.fi/fi/tutkimusryhmat/ihmisen-ja-koiran-vuorovaikutus].
Papers mentioned in this episode
Bender, Y., Bräuer, J., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2023). What makes a good dog-owner team? – A systematic review about compatibility in personality and attachment [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168159123000291]. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 260. (Behind a pay wall)
Dwyer, F., Bennett, P. C., & Coleman, G. J. (2006). Development of the Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS). [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2752/089279306785415592] Anthrozoös, 19(3), 243-256. (Behind a pay wall)
Kujala, M. V., Imponen, N., Pirkkala, A., Silfverberg, T., Parviainen, T., Tiira, K., & Kiuru, N. (2023). Modulation of dog-owner relationship and dog social and cognitive behavior by owner temperament and dog breed group. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10484941/] Scientific reports, 13(1), 14739. (Open access!)
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B. & Kujala, M. V. (2024, September 2). Factors that affect human-dog relationships (No. 21) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com [http://www.psychattack.com/]
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
Special thanks to Dr Miiamaaria Kujala for sharing your time and expertise. Psych Attack is created and hosted by Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald [https://jasminebmacdonald.com.au/]. The audio for this episode was edited by Morgan McRae.
01. Sept. 2024 - 1 h 5 min
Self-advocacy and professional relationships
In this episode, I catch up with Dr Jade McEwen to hear about her professional and personal experiences of self-care, the benefits of being unapologetically self-promoting, and working out how to be heard in order to get the support you need.
Dr Jade McEwen is Assistant Director of Research, NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, Australia. To see more of Jade’s work, you can reach out on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jade-mcewen-589b294a/] or send her an email [http://jademcewen@hotmail.com].
Resources mentioned in this episode
Hough, A., & McEwen, J. (2024). Building quality and safeguarding into disability service provision. In: Bigby, C., Hough, A. (eds) Disability Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-6143-6_14 [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-99-6143-6_14#citeas]
The whole book that Jade’s chapter comes from is open access. Thank you to the authors (and their respective institutions) for making this happen!
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B., & McEwen, J. (2024, Aug 1). Self-advocacy and professional relationships (No. 20) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com [http://www.psychattack.com/]
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
Special thanks to Dr Jade McEwen for sharing your time and expertise. Psych Attack is created and hosted by Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald [https://jasminebmacdonald.com.au/]. The audio for this episode was edited by Morgan McRae.
31. Juli 2024 - 36 min
Academic mental health
In this episode, I catch up with Dr Marissa Edwards to hear about her journey advocating for better academic mental health and lessons she has learned along the way.
We discuss:
* What academic mental health advocacy is and why it is important
* Our own personal challenges working in academia
* The difference between individual characteristics and systemic issues when it comes to academic mental health
* The importance of sharing success and failures
* Ways to safeguard your time and wellbeing as an academic.
Dr Marissa Edwards [https://business.uq.edu.au/profile/608/marissa-edwards] is Senior Lecturer in the School of Business, University of Queensland, Australia. To see more about Marissa's work, you can follow her on X/Twitter (@DrMarissaKate) [https://twitter.com/DrMarissaKate] or connect on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/in/marissa-edwards-4a717a44/].
Resources mentioned in this episode
Voices of academia blog [https://voicesofacademia.com/]
The Australian University Staff: Work, Digital Stress and Wellbeing Survey report [https://stresscafe.net/e-stress-statistical-report/?utm_source=nationaltribune&utm_medium=nationaltribune&utm_campaign=news]
Research Handbook of Academic Mental Health [https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/research-handbook-of-academic-mental-health-9781803925073.html]
Emotions and failure in academic life: Normalising the experience and building resilience [https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-management-and-organization/article/emotions-and-failure-in-academic-life-normalising-the-experience-and-building-resilience/91FD71A50A32404D8EDFFB7886FF3521]
Sensitive content warning
In this episode, we talk about the mental health challenges that academics face. We speak briefly about an example of an academic who experienced suicidal ideation when faced with perceived failure. Please take care while listening and if you are feeling discomfort and think you would benefit from some support, please reach out to your GP or contact a service like Lifeline [https://www.lifeline.org.au/].
If you are based in Australia, this resource [https://aifs.gov.au/resources/resource-sheets/helplines-telephone-and-online-counselling-services-children-young-people] links to helplines, telephone and online counselling services for children, young people and adults.
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B. & Edwards, M. (2024, July 3). Academic mental health (No. 19) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com [http://www.psychattack.com/]
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
Special thanks to Dr Marissa Edwards for sharing your time and expertise. Psych Attack is created and hosted by Dr Jasmine B. MacDonald [https://jasminebmacdonald.com.au/]. The audio for this episode was edited by Morgan McRae.
02. Juli 2024 - 51 min
Sex therapy, kink and paraphilias
In this episode, I catch up with Dr Sarah Ashton to hear about her work in the area of sexual health and intimacy. In particular, we focus on kink and paraphilias, where they come from, as well how to treat a paraphilic disorder and work with clients experiencing shame.
Dr Sarah Ashton [https://www.shipspsychology.com.au/dr-sarah-ashton] is a registered psychologist, Board Approved Supervisor, training author, and the Director and Founder of SHIPS.
Sexual Health and Intimacy Psychological Services (SHIPS) [https://www.shipspsychology.com.au/] is a progressive psychology organisation in Melbourne, Australia. They provide sex, intimacy and mental health treatment & training [https://www.shipspsychology.com.au/online-training].
You can follow SHIPS’ work on LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/company/sexual-health-and-intimacy-psychological-services-ships?trk=blended-typeahead], Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/SHIPSpsychology], TikTok [https://www.tiktok.com/@drsarahashton], and their blog [https://www.shipspsychology.com.au/blog-1].
Sensitive content warning
The episode focuses predominantly on the importance of understanding the whole person, including their erotic experiences and desires. We talk about a wide range of erotic experiences and the conversation covers experiences that are fulfilling and pleasurable, as well as some examples of disorders where harm is done. This episode refers to sexual assault, pedophilia and exhibitionism. Specific case examples and lived experience are not discussed. Please take care while listening and if you are feeling discomfort and think you would benefit from some support, please reach out to your GP or contact a service like Lifeline [https://www.lifeline.org.au/].
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B. & Ashton, S. (2024, June 5). Sex therapy, kink and paraphilias (No. 18) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com [https://www.psychattack.com/]
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
05. Juni 2024 - 38 min
Developmental insights for investigative interviewing about maltreatment with Associate Professor Lindsay Malloy
In this episode, I catch up with Associate Professor Lindsay Malloy to hear about her research in developmental psychology and the law. In particular, ways to improve investigative interviewing with people who have experienced maltreatment and. In this discussion, Lindsay explains some developmental differences when interviewing children, adolescents and older adults. Much of the conversation focuses on reasons why children might recant disclosures of maltreatment.
Dr Lindsay Malloy [https://socialscienceandhumanities.ontariotechu.ca/research/researcher-profiles/dr.-lindsay-malloy.php] is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Science and Humanities, Ontario Tech University, Canada. To follow Lindsay's work, you can visit the Development, Context, and Communication Lab website [https://talkingtokidslab.com/] or reach out on Twitter (@LMalloy) [https://twitter.com/LMalloy].
Research papers discussed in this episode
Malloy, L. C. & Mugno, A. P. (2016). Children’s recantation of adult wrongdoing: An experimental investigation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 145, 11-21. [https://www.nationalcac.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/childrens-recantation-of-adult-wrongdoing-an-experimental-investigation.pdf]
Wyman, J. & Malloy, L. C. (2023). Increasing disclosures of older adult maltreatment: A review of best practices for interviewing older adult eyewitnesses and victims. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, DOI: 10.1080/13218719.2023.2192260 [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13218719.2023.2192260]
Sensitive content warning
This episode refers to maltreatment experienced by children, adolescents and older adults. The episode focuses predominantly on barriers to disclosure and issues in investigative interviewing. Specific case examples and lived experience are not discussed. Please take care while listening and if you are feeling discomfort and think you would benefit from some support, please reach out to your GP or contact a service like Lifeline [https://www.lifeline.org.au/].
Cite this episode
MacDonald, J. B. (Host). (2024, March 2). Developmental insights for investigative interviewing about maltreatment with Associate Professor Lindsay Malloy (No. 17) [Audio podcast episode]. In Psych Attack. www.psychattack.com [https://www.psychattack.com/]
The transcript for this episode was developed using transcription software. There may be some errors in the content as I do not have capacity to review for accuracy.
02. März 2024 - 45 min
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