Why We Mask Up Series
Kostenloser Podcast

Why We Mask Up SeriesPodcast von Elias Benjelloun, Sofia Monroe, Izzy Thorn

Kostenlose Testversion starten30 Tage kostenlos, dann 4,99 €/Monat

The Why We Mask Up Series is all about young people fighting the spread of the virus, promoting professional resources, and raising money to serve the community. Hosted by Elias Benjelloun, Sofia Monroe, and Izzy Thorn.

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12 Folgen
episode Mask Up with Leland Smith artwork
Mask Up with Leland Smith
Tune into this conscious rap about masking up by Leland Smith.
16. Dez. 2020 - 1 min
episode Mask Up by RJ Smith ft. Don Conquer artwork
Mask Up by RJ Smith ft. Don Conquer
Tune into this conscious rap about masking up by RJ Smith and Don Conquer.
16. Dez. 2020 - 3 min
episode Community Service is Essential Work with Brooke Neubauer artwork
Community Service is Essential Work with Brooke Neubauer
Brooke Neubauer is the founder and CEO of the Just One Project, the fastest growing non-profit in Southern Nevada serving the community through food in socially distant ways. In this interview Brooke shares: 1- the impact of the pandemic on low-income families 2- why community service is essential work and how you can get involved 3- an ask for Governor Sisolak to encourage community service to help serve families in need
08. Dez. 2020 - 13 min
episode Taking Personal Responsibility with Reggie Smith artwork
Taking Personal Responsibility with Reggie Smith
Reggie Smith is a 2nd year nursing student in Las Vegas and downtown resident at the 211. In this interview Reggie shares: 1-  how his world has changed as a result of the pandemic 2- what motivates him to constantly remember to wear a mask 3- mental health tips for students or anyone struggling with quarantine
08. Dez. 2020 - 12 min
episode Practicing Law Remotely with Joseph Dagher artwork
Practicing Law Remotely with Joseph Dagher
Joseph Dagher is an Attorney at Kaempfer Crowell In this interview Joe shares: 1- how quickly the legal system has shifted to be fully remote 2- why he believes wearing a mask is an act of love 3- the importance of being patient to save patients
08. Dez. 2020 - 9 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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