B. J. Harrison Reads The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

B. J. Harrison Reads The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

Äänikirja by Arthur Conan Doyle

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"The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" is Sir Conan Doyle's second collection about the great detective. In this collection we meet the same two protagonists, namely Holmes and Watson, but the cases and mysteries that must be solved are completely new. The disappearance of a champion horse, a dead coachman and stolen naval treaty are only a small portion of all the mysteries the two men will have to deal with. Will the complexity of the new cases force Holmes to give up, or will he once again handle them with ease? Are you ready to solve this new set of mysteries? If so, do not hesitate to embark on this journey along with the great Sherlock Holmes and his associate, Dr. Watson."The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes" was first published in 1893. B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere. 
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