How To Walk Yourself Healthy And Happy

How To Walk Yourself Healthy And Happy

Äänikirja by Russ Williams

Aloita maksutta
Walking is aerobic exercise; it is also the 'Superfood' of exercise. Most of us do it every day to varying degrees and many of us do not fully appreciate the many proven benefits for the body and mind that you can get simply by taking regular walks. Author Russ Williams – a UK based broadcaster – has been a walker for many years and noticed a distinct upturn in his physical and mental health as a result of walking regularly. He researched and subsequently wrote this book to help people fully understand WHY walking is such an important way of exercising and to understand the many PROVEN benefits of doing it for the mind and body. In his book he shares the medical evidence and why you can reap the benefits without taking a big chunk out of your daily life and routine. 'How To Walk Yourself Healthy And Happy' explains how walking can significantly help: - Blood pressure health - Help you lose weight safely with speed/ time and calorie burning charts. - Control cholesterol levels - Correct your posture - Increase core muscle strength and flexibility - Energy levels - Walking to ease back pain - Help control diabetes - Encourage better brain health - Tackle and help solve sleep issues. - Increase memory capacity - Aid recovery from cancer treatment - Post cardiac event recovery - The risk of a heart attack or stroke - Issues and conditions of the menopause - Reduce loneliness by walking - Improve mood and your state of mind Discover the many types of walking that you can do (14 in total!) – there really is a type of walking for everyone. The book shows you what to do and what not to do, explains why starting out modestly and increasing your walks and their intensity over time give the most sustainable benefits to your health. 
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