911 Calls Podcast
Podcast by 11:59 Media
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Kaikki jaksot
259 jaksotOn this episode, The Operator is out running on the highways in the middle of the night again. The case of Reice Brown takes a fork in the road, and you’re along for the ride. Hugs. ❤️ Ad-free episodes, and hours of extra 911 Calls content each week, exclusive merch, and early access to all of the 11:59 Media podcasts. Start accessing hundreds of additional hours! Visit 11:59 PLUS [https://1159media.com] or https://www.patreon.com/1159media [https://www.patreon.com/1159media]
On this episode, The Operator banks on the fact that you’ll be a little cautious cashing checks in downtown Louisville, Kentucky next time. The story of a portfolio manager popping off is enough to make anyone withdraw. Followed by an f’ing Happy Ending that’s sure to derail you. Hugs. ❤️ Ad-free episodes, and hours of extra 911 Calls content each week, exclusive merch, and early access to all of the 11:59 Media podcasts. Start accessing hundreds of additional hours! Visit 11:59 PLUS [https://1159media.com] or https://www.patreon.com/1159media [https://www.patreon.com/1159media]
On this episode, The Operator continues the chilling tales with the story of Teri Jendusa-Nikolai. You won’t believe what she endured! And, in his usual, awkward fashion, he ends it with a happy ending - a case of soft-pour corn. Ad-free episodes, and hours of extra 911 Calls content each week, exclusive merch, and early access to all of the 11:59 Media podcasts. Start accessing hundreds of additional hours! Visit 11:59 PLUS [https://1159media.com] or https://www.patreon.com/1159media [https://www.patreon.com/1159media]
On this episode The Operator delves into the tragic case of Chad Doerman and the atrocities he committed against his own family. We end it with a homeless lizard who found a home in a homeless guy’s pocket. Hugs. ❤️ Ad-free episodes, and hours of extra 911 Calls content each week, exclusive merch, and early access to all of the 11:59 Media podcasts. Start accessing hundreds of additional hours! Visit 11:59 PLUS [https://1159media.com] or https://www.patreon.com/1159media [https://www.patreon.com/1159media]
On this episode of the 911 Calls podcast delves into the tragic case of Dolores Dash, who was murdered by her great-nephew Isaiah Veazey. The conversation explores the backgrounds of both individuals, the dynamics of their relationship, and the events leading up to the crime.
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