Ilmainen podcast
ADKX-tra Credit
Podcast by Adirondack Experience
A history podcast for students made by the Adirondack Experience, the Museum on Blue Mountain Lake, located in the heart of the Adirondack Park of New York State. ADKX-tra Credit is both an introduction to Adirondack history and a resource for tidbits of history, folklore, and facts. Use it with classroom instruction or enjoy as entertainment. New episodes are added every two weeks.
Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.
Kaikki jaksot
25 jaksotFire in the Forest
The Adirondacks survived two major forest fires in the early 1900s. The ’Big Burn’ of 1903 destroyed around 464,000 acres of forest and homes. Then in 1908 another fire burned approximately 600,000 acres. As devastating as these events were they helped lead to the creation of the NYS Forest Service.
31. maalisk. 2022 - 15 min
1932 Winter Olympic Games
1932 Olympic Winter Games
25. helmik. 2022 - 11 min
Happy 100th Birthday, Snowmobiles
The first snowmobile was invented in 1922.
22. tammik. 2022 - 11 min
Dying to get in
Exploring your local cemetary is a great way to find out more about the history of the place you live.
28. lokak. 2021 - 7 min
Hello from Blue Mt. Lake: Season 2
Season 2 starts off with an interview from 1973 with our founder; Harold K. Hochschild.
16. syysk. 2021 - 7 min
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