Frequencies Matter
Podcast by Princess
Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.
Kaikki jaksot
5 jaksotI’m talking about marijuana becoming legal soon and plant based and how it affect your body mind and spirit.
We are making a shift with Jupiter being direct til January 1st 2020. It’s important you answer your calling when you’re being called.
Life on earth is to learn your lessons. You have to ask your spirit guides and angels to help you.
Our bodies will get tired but our souls stays young forever.
You’re are such an immaculate, intelligent being. You’re more than just a “human.” Let me awaken you. Let’s go on this journey together to awaken the world. One by one 🤙🏾🤘🏾
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