Friends On A Rampage
Podcast by Friends On A Rampage
Tätä podcastia voi kuunnella ilmaiseksi kaikilla podcast-soittimilla ja Podimo-sovelluksella ilman tilausta.
Kaikki jaksot
30 jaksotWe are comparing Naruto and Dragon Ball, their plots, stories and overall enjoyability.
In this episode we seriously while mostly laughing talk about pandering and how people can be much too over the top when it comes to doing so.
On this episode we take on the Manosphere and or the Red Pill community, we discuss pros, cons and everything in between.
This time we take on the first season of The Boondocks. We go through each episode, give opinions and lessons that were found in each episode.
This episode we talk about stereotypes among different groups of people.
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Tuhansia äänikirjoja ja yksinoikeuspodcasteja
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Kuuntelemalla Podimon sisältöä et tuhlaa aikaa mainosten kuuntelemiseen.