Gospel Spice | Awaken Delight in God through faith in Jesus Christ
Podcast by Stéphanie Rousselle
Hungry for deeper intimacy with God? Thirsty to (re)discover His love for you and your love for Him? Ready to embrace your full identity in Christ? Go...
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381 jaksotWe live in an era dominated by subjective morality and individualized spirituality. How do we provide biblical, God-honoring responses? Stephanie sits down with Christian apologist and popular YouTuber Melissa Dougherty, who utilizes theological insights alongside her deeply personal experiences to dismantle the seductive façade of the New Thought movement. She describes this philosophy as “a stealthy message of encouragement to live your truth, seek happiness, find your identity through sexual freedom, and think your desires into existence. Often with the name of Jesus attached as an endorsement.” GIWEAWAY COMING UP! [https://www.gospelspice.com/signup] In our February newsletter, we will give away THREE copies of "Happy Lies" in partnership with Melissa and her publisher, Zondervan. We will also give 3 copies of our next January book interview (airing January 28, episode 376). So make sure to be signed up to our newsletter for a chance to win. Sign up here: https://www.gospelspice.com/signup [https://www.gospelspice.com/signup] In her groundbreaking debut, Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed World, Melissa Dougherty, an ex-New Thought follower herself, deconstructs the myths propagated by secular self-empowerment and affirmation movements. She explains how New Thought concepts like toxic affirmation and the “Law of Attraction” intersect with the prosperity gospel. She highlights how New Thought influences are subtly embedded in progressive Christianity and the gender identity crisis, and even how this movement is foundational to the weakened theology used in “Seeker-friendly” churches. Dougherty urges her audience to reflect deeply on these beliefs, encouraging them to discern contemporary culture’s pervasive lies and to seek a more authentic understanding of the gospel. With clarity and a touch of compassionate snark, Melissa examines New Thought’s appealing yet distorted spirituality. She warns of its pervasive impact on modern theology, emphasizing how the movement’s focus on self-authority and personal experience often overshadows the biblical narrative. New Thought ideology subtly infiltrates contemporary Christian thought, presenting a false gospel that masquerades as a more open-minded, tolerant, and loving interpretation of Jesus and the Bible. Melissa recounts her epiphany during a hiatus from seminary, where her extensive readings unveiled a distinction between "New Thought" and "New Age." Despite their overlaps, these movements stand alone in intent and belief structures. Her desire to educate and spark dialogue about New Thought arose from the absence of evangelical discourse on the topic, with only a handful of scholars like Craig Hazen touching on it. Determined to spotlight this under-discussed issue, she writes a book laden with historical contexts, practical definitions, and a respectful yet critical analysis of New Thought within a Christian framework. Melissa describes New Thought as a metaphysical reinterpretation of Christianity, where the Scriptures are sometimes twisted into allegorical tales akin to self-help doctrines. Melissa coined the term "metamistagorical," combining metaphysical, mystical, and allegorical elements, to describe New Thought. She reflects on how figures like Oprah Winfrey and Joel Osteen intermingle Christian identification with mystical attributes to create a semblance of spiritual alignment. Melissa stresses that while New Thought is frequently confused with New Age philosophies, it poses a unique threat to believers: “New Thought ideas will deceive Christians before New Age ideas ever will. […] You’ve probably adopted some of its teachings, and you don’t even realize it.” Unlike New Age’s openly mystical practices, New Thought often acts as a metaphysical Christianity, making its influence sneakier and more deceptive. Dougherty concludes with a heartfelt prayer for her readers: “I hope you can’t unsee [New Thought]. I hope it stirs something within you, something refusing to be ignored. Now, go tell others. Tell them the Joyful Truth so they don’t fall for Happy Lies. ” In Happy Lies, highly regarded Christian apologist and ex-New Ager Melissa Dougherty . . . * Tackles the frustrations surrounding the rise of pop spirituality and “self-actualization,” even within Christianity * Exposes the deceptions of New Thought—a movement centered on positive thinking, mental healing, self-worship, and spiritual empowerment * Counters subjective, “me”-focused platitudes with objective truths that dispel spiritual confusion and bring peace to anxious minds * Provides practical methods to uproot the subtle, mystical, and insidious spiritual beliefs that dilute the core message of Christianity * Clarifies how to recognize the misleading spiritual practices infiltrating modern Christianity and reject them to embrace the beauty of an authentic Christian life MORE ABOUT “HAPPY LIES” In this groundbreaking book, popular apologist Melissa Dougherty helps us understand how our society got to be so toxically subjective, why endless positivity is inherently destructive, and how we can live with faithful truth and genuine love in these self-obsessed times. Have you ever wondered how we ended up in a world where personal feelings could become the authority for reality? Or why so many of us are on a relentless pursuit for happiness yet somehow feel more exhausted and sadder than ever? You're not alone. Melissa deftly traces the roots of today's social chaos back to a little-known (but very influential) 1800s philosophy known as New Thought. A former follower of its teachings, Melissa provides clarity and compassion mixed with a dash of loving snark as she exposes New Thought's deceptions and its many concerning tendrils within the church and our "self-help" culture. You'll be shocked, grieved, and encouraged as you learn: * How you can experience true freedom, hope, and peace instead of the world's counterfeits * How an anti-God ideology so easily hijacked Christian-sounding ideas * Why thinking positively is entirely different from the unbiblical and burdensome "positive thought" movement * Why fake "authenticity" short-circuits real redemption * How understanding the New Thought mindset can help us share our faith more effectively Uncover a dangerous ideology that nearly everyone has met, yet few of us can name, in order to better understand our culture and joyfully live faithful to the gospel that is so much better than our world's Happy Lies. MEET MELISSA DOUGHERTY Melissa Dougherty is a Christian apologist best known for her YouTube channel with over 285,000 subscribers and counting. Her videos, which primarily cover New Age and New Thought, have been viewed over 18 million times. Melissa is highly regarded and connected in the apologetics community. She has had numerous influential guests on her YouTube channel and is a frequent guest on the YouTube videos and podcasts of popular thinkers as well. Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in religious studies from Southern Evangelical Seminary, where she’s also pursuing her master’s degree in religious studies. Melissa is married with two daughters and lives in New Mexico. You will find her on her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDougherty [https://www.youtube.com/@MelissaDougherty] We invite you to check out the first episode of each of our series, and decide which one you will want to start with. Go to gospelspice.com [http://%20gospelspice.com%20]for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast [http://gospelspice.com/podcast] to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog [http://gospelspice.com/blog] Identity in the battle | Ephesians https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/ [https://www.podcastics.com/episode/74762/link/] Centering on Christ | The Tabernacle experience https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/ [https://www.podcastics.com/episode/94182/link/] Shades of Red | Against human oppression https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/ [https://www.podcastics.com/episode/115017/link/] God's glory, our delight https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/ [https://www.podcastics.com/episode/126051/link/] GGOD cover w STR name.jpg [https://assets.podcastics.com/monthly_2022_04/210779342_GGODcoverwSTRname.jpg.7de80c965706488a010fd7b4ed28c8cc.jpg]https://assets.podcastics.com/monthly_2022_04/210779342_GGODcoverwSTRname.jpg.7de80c965706488a010fd7b4ed28c8cc.jpg Support us on Gospel Spice [https://www.gospelspice.com/donate], PayPal [https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=U9CFSXW2XCWCL] and Venmo [https://account.venmo.com/u/gospelspice]!
Wisdom. Most of us would say we possess some measure of it. And yet, we would probably all sign up for more, if it didn’t prove so, well… elusive? Unattainable? Reserved for the “truly spiritual”? What if our desire for wisdom led us to look for the right answers in the wrong places? What if wisdom was accessible to anyone who asks? Most importantly, how do we get this wisdom that is not of the world? Gospel Spice Ministries invite you to ponder the wisdom of the book of Proverbs through a Christocentric perspective over the next few weeks. We promise spiritual flavor explosions steeped in the biblical concepts of hope, faith, and joy in the Lord. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom [http://gospelspice.com/wisdom%20] How should we prioritize wisdom and holiness? Why should our lives aim to reflect our Lord’s? Our intention is to create and nurture a lifelong quest to cultivate holy wisdom in practical ways by acquiring new perspectives on daily living and “being transformed by the renewing of our minds.” Biblical wisdom is irresistibly attractive because it centers on Jesus Christ. Each week, we will meet a fictitious character embodying a specific trait we hope to learn from. Comfort and forgetfulness, foolishness and lack of perspective, lust and envy, pride and arrogance, selfishness and self-centeredness, fear and anxiety, greed and vanity, deceit and manipulation. We have a rocky road ahead—where a glorious Savior awaits. And so today, meet Samantha. Samantha goes to church every Sunday and tithes faithfully. She remembers the time when she accepted Christ with fondness and nostalgia—life was so simple then! She wonders sometimes: “Was is really the same me? When did my life become so busy?” She is married, raising two teenagers, and working full time. At work and at home, she is risk-averse and values intelligence. Having a backup plan seems common sense, and she prizes her own wisdom in making sure all the angles are always covered. Samantha has an active social life, between her husbands’ business partners and her own friends and clubs, including her gym. She loves social media—such a great avenue to share her amazing life with the world, and to hear from her many friends! Samantha places a high premium on people’s opinion of her. Actually, she might go as far as calling herself a people pleaser. She gives to a selection of charities when she gets their ask letters in the mail. She also spends quite a lot on herself, but she feels she deserves it. At church, she is always inspired by those who seem to have deep intimacy with God. She notices them everywhere—on the worship team, or sitting next to her during the message, or praying with one another between services. She wonders how they do it, but she would never actually ask them: what would they think? She knows she would probably benefit from spending more time with God than just at church on Sundays; but that will have to wait. All her friends seem to be running the same race; she figures it is the way life is. After all, she’s already giving God a portion of her time and money. Recently, something quite undefinable has shifted. She feels it most when the busyness subsides for a moment. She finds herself increasingly critical of her husband and kids, and short of patience when they don’t satisfy her expectations—which seems to be a more common occurrence. She finds herself looking forward to that glass of wine every night, just to unwind. She has slowly developed anxiety and seeks relief on her fridge’s shelves. She has gained 18 pounds and lost countless hours to sleeplessness. And she is not feeling better. Her phone informs her weekly that her screen time increases in double digits. Apparently, she is seeking solace with her social media friends. It’s hard to believe, because Facebook does not bring her the soothing forgetfulness it once did. She regularly leaves her social media scroll feeling restless and anxious at how she does not measure up anymore. What must her friends think? Hum. What do you think, dear reader? The world would tell us that Samantha is wise. She is hedging her bets. She is doing it all—the family, the career, the social life, the church attendance, the regular physical exercise. She has one foot firmly planted in the world, and the other tentatively resting on her Christian faith. What would the Book of Proverbs say to Samantha? Proverbs differentiate the wise from the simple, the fool and the wicked. It teaches us that the first step of wisdom is to unlearn the ways of the world—the very ones that are still so pervasive and influential in Samantha’s life. Wisdom begins by unlearning the world’s values to acquire humility. Proverbs highlights the path of the wise, rooted in humility and grounded in Christ. Humility is to see everyone the way God does. Proverbs is the Old Testament roadmap to Christlikeness, not primarily because it tells us how to live, but because it shows us the God who maps our road. Wisdom is available to all who seek it. It is rooted in a Biblical, Christocentric approach to God. Wisdom is a God-breathed process that will take us ever deeper into intimacy and wonder. The Book of Proverbs challenges us to pursue God as our highest goal. This is the wisest thing we could choose to do with our life. We invite you to discover the rest of Samantha’s story, and the wisdom of God Himself in the pages of the Book of Proverbs on the Gospel Spice Podcast this week. Stephanie challenges us to ponder these nuggets of wisdom in Christ: * Wisdom is genius. * Humility is heroic. * Faith is daring. * Love is extravagant. * And, surrender to God is true boldness. Make sure to check out the optional-but-oh-so-helpful mini e-book to go along with the series at gospelspice.com/wisdom [http://gospelspice.com/wisdom%20] DISCOVER THE GOSPEL SPICE MINISTRIES [http://gospelspice.com] http://gospelspice.com The Gospel Spice Podcast is part of a larger range of tools given to you by Gospel Spice Ministries. In a nutshell, we exist to inspire Christ-followers to delight in God. In more details: we provide resources to empower Christian leaders across generational, social, ethnic and geographical boundaries towards more intimacy with Jesus Christ and discipleship effectiveness through a Biblical Christocentric foundation. The Gospel-Spice Ministries provide a safe environment for spiritual and community growth empowering people to know Christ more intimately, serve one another more powerfully, and reach the world for Jesus. PLAY IT FORWARD by SHARING the link [https://www.podcastics.com/podcast/38/link/]with friends and family. PRAY IT FORWARD [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] by praying for us and those you share it with! PAY IT FORWARD!! Would you consider supporting this show [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] today to help others enjoy it for free? It comes to you completely free, but is labor-intensive to produce, and we want to keep putting it in the ears of people! Gospel Spice Ministries [http://gospelspice.com]is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Your donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. All donations above our minimal operating costs go to Christian organizations fighting human trafficking. Go to gospelspice.com [http://gospelspice.com%20]for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast [http://gospelspice.com/podcast] to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog [http://gospelspice.com/blog] (*ListenNotes ranking, 2023) Support us on Gospel Spice [https://www.gospelspice.com/donate], PayPal [https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=U9CFSXW2XCWCL] and Venmo [https://account.venmo.com/u/gospelspice]!
As we conclude our “Come to the Table” series today, we also poise ourselves to enter a new year. So, Stephanie invites you to consider the feast of Epiphany. The Greek word "epiphany" originates from the idea of a sudden realization or manifestation. Epiphanies are an invitation to delight in the manifestation of God's glory through Christ. Scripture draws our attention to the ultimate epiphany - the transfiguration event, consistent with the concept of light and darkness in the gospel of John. But Christ's glory is not confined to moments of transfiguration. His glory is ever-present, permeating through light and darkness both. John 1:1-14 recognizes Christ's manifestation not only in moments of splendor, but also during challenging times, even amidst the crucifixion. The passage vividly describes the incarnation of the Word and the manifestation of God's glory through Christ, emblematic of the purpose that Epiphany serves in illuminating the magnificence of Christ. This prompts us to seek and cherish the epiphanies that illuminate Christ's glory in our everyday lives. The concept of waiting between epiphanies is one of the foundations of our journey of faith. Waiting teaches us to trust God more deeply, which will cultivate spiritual growth and fortitude. Patience and perseverance are nurtured, even as we anticipate epiphanies that reveal the glory of Christ. Together we will explore the celebration of Epiphany in the Eastern and Western churches, considering the manifold ways in which Jesus reveals His glory to the world. This celebration commemorates pivotal events such as the arrival of the Magi, the baptism of Jesus, and the miraculous wedding at Cana, offering profound insights into the multifaceted manifestation of Jesus's glory. There is much value in embracing the wisdom and traditions of our Christian ancestors! We end our “Come to the Table” series on this episode. We pray the series has served you well! Please consider emailing us to let us know. It would mean so much to us! Also please continue emailing us your prayer requests. We always delight in praying alongside you. Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! It’s at https://www.gospelspice.com/store [https://www.gospelspice.com/store] THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO PARTNER WITH GOSPEL SPICE TODAY! [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] First, PAY Gospel Spice Forward: Give a tax-deductible gift so others can experience our ministry for free, just like you! You can pay it forward with any debit, credit card, or via PayPal. [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] See below for more details about your impact. Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us! NEW! Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies [http://gospelspice.com]. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example, - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours. - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours. MORE ABOUT PARTNERING WITH US FINANCIALLY: [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support. We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum. Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you! Go to gospelspice.com [http://gospelspice.com%20]for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast [http://gospelspice.com/podcast] to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog [http://gospelspice.com/blog] What matters to us here at Gospel Spice is to create a place where people who seek deeper intimacy with Jesus, will find Him. We want a warm, welcoming atmosphere to journey ever deeper into the heart of God. We believe it is the ultimate calling of the Christian life, and I like to summarize it with my motto, God’s glory, our delight. That is why we invite you to “taste and see” that the Lord is good. And we have been doing this every day since 2019. We need YOU to keep Gospel Spice alive and growing. Financially speaking, we rely on people who understand this vision and who understand that we cannot function without a minimum budget. We run an extremely tight budget. For example, I work full time but don’t draw a salary. And yet, we have expenses – for example, the equipment and technology we use, and also the wonderfully gifted staff who make it possible to deliver high quality content all around the globe, and then the necessary occasional promotional budget to make it possible to be discovered by those who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need your help. So we would love for you to consider if this ministry is blessing you to pay gospel spice forward. You can partner with us monthly with 10, 25, 50, 100, a month, or you can make one donation, once. And because we are a register nonprofit organization in the United States under the status of a 501c3 charity, it means that the amount that you pay to gospel spice is fully tax deductible. Completely tax deductible. So you're even saving money as you invest in gospel spice ministries. It is an eternal investment, and we are very grateful to you for it. Now it's very important to us that we give back as much as possible from what you give us. And so we commit to giving the majority of what we receive, once all of our administrative costs are paid, to organizations that fight human trafficking on the front line. There are many worthwhile causes in the world, so why this one? Because I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – maybe because I have never been its victim myself, so I feel a responsibility to help those less fortunate than me. Also, because Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and that is something that revolts the heart of God. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil. So, we do some due diligence. We pick organizations who have proven themselves trustworthy of our support. And then we give money to these Christians organizations that fight human trafficking. So would you consider paying us forward at gospelspice.com/payitforward [http://gospelspice.com/payitforward]? Your hard-earned money is always well used at Gospel Spice. Ultimately, you are giving back to the Kingdom, a portion of what Jesus has given you. We are well aware of the privilege to steward your partnership. And my prayer is always that you will find your own life spiced with the gospel as you partner with us to flavor the lives of those around us, near and far, with the spice of the gospel. Support us on Gospel Spice [https://www.gospelspice.com/donate], PayPal [https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=U9CFSXW2XCWCL] and Venmo [https://account.venmo.com/u/gospelspice]!
Stephanie reads her favorite passages about Jesus, both in the Old and in the New Testaments. Her goal is to magnify Him in your heart and life, to make this your most Christ-centered Christmas yet. We at Gospel Spice hold to a very high-christology, which is a fancy way of saying that we worship Jesus as our King, Lord, Savior, and Friend. Jesus is the most beautiful gift we can give one another, so here is your King. Suggestion: consider playing this episode as a family on Christmas day or any time this week! These Scripture passages will generate wonderful conversations about the meaning of the Incarnation, and will lead you to worship and adoration. We are praying for you, and are so grateful for the privilege to serve you this year! Also, check out our Gospel Spice Christmas playlist [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0S4BcfaOfjg2CGH7VBa8mm] exclusively on Spotify for free here, or by searching "Gospel Spice Christmas playlsit" in your Spotify app. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0S4BcfaOfjg2CGH7VBa8mm [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0S4BcfaOfjg2CGH7VBa8mm] THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS TO PARTNER WITH GOSPEL SPICE TODAY! [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] First, PAY Gospel Spice Forward: Give a tax-deductible gift so others can experience our ministry for free, just like you! You can pay it forward with any debit, credit card, or via PayPal. [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] See below for more details about your impact. Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us! NEW! Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies [http://gospelspice.com]. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example, - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours. - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours. MORE ABOUT PARTNERING WITH US FINANCIALLY: [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support. We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum. Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you! Go to gospelspice.com [http://gospelspice.com%20]for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast [http://gospelspice.com/podcast] to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog [http://gospelspice.com/blog] What matters to us here at Gospel Spice is to create a place where people who seek deeper intimacy with Jesus, will find Him. We want a warm, welcoming atmosphere to journey ever deeper into the heart of God. We believe it is the ultimate calling of the Christian life, and I like to summarize it with my motto, God’s glory, our delight. That is why we invite you to “taste and see” that the Lord is good. And we have been doing this every day since 2019. We need YOU to keep Gospel Spice alive and growing. Financially speaking, we rely on people who understand this vision and who understand that we cannot function without a minimum budget. We run an extremely tight budget. For example, I work full time but don’t draw a salary. And yet, we have expenses – for example, the equipment and technology we use, and also the wonderfully gifted staff who make it possible to deliver high quality content all around the globe, and then the necessary occasional promotional budget to make it possible to be discovered by those who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need your help. So we would love for you to consider if this ministry is blessing you to pay gospel spice forward. You can partner with us monthly with 10, 25, 50, 100, a month, or you can make one donation, once. And because we are a register nonprofit organization in the United States under the status of a 501c3 charity, it means that the amount that you pay to gospel spice is fully tax deductible. Completely tax deductible. So you're even saving money as you invest in gospel spice ministries. It is an eternal investment, and we are very grateful to you for it. Now it's very important to us that we give back as much as possible from what you give us. And so we commit to giving the majority of what we receive, once all of our administrative costs are paid, to organizations that fight human trafficking on the front line. There are many worthwhile causes in the world, so why this one? Because I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – maybe because I have never been its victim myself, so I feel a responsibility to help those less fortunate than me. Also, because Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. Human trafficking is modern day slavery, and that is something that revolts the heart of God. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil. So, we do some due diligence. We pick organizations who have proven themselves trustworthy of our support. And then we give money to these Christians organizations that fight human trafficking. So would you consider paying us forward at gospelspice.com/payitforward [http://gospelspice.com/payitforward]? Your hard-earned money is always well used at Gospel Spice. Ultimately, you are giving back to the Kingdom, a portion of what Jesus has given you. We are well aware of the privilege to steward your partnership. And my prayer is always that you will find your own life spiced with the gospel as you partner with us to flavor the lives of those around us, near and far, with the spice of the gospel. Support us on Gospel Spice [https://www.gospelspice.com/donate], PayPal [https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=U9CFSXW2XCWCL] and Venmo [https://account.venmo.com/u/gospelspice]!
As winter approaches, the twinkle of festive lights heralds the season of joy and reflection. In 2024, this season offers an extraordinary convergence, where Hanukkah, the Jewish festival of lights, and Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ, align perfectly on the calendar. Hanukkah, meaning "dedication," commemorates the rededication of the Jewish Temple in 165 BC. The festival's origin lies in the Maccabean Revolt against Hellenistic domination under Antiochus Epiphanes. This revolt led to the miraculous victory and subsequent cleansing of the Temple, commemorated by the lighting of the menorah. Lighting the menorah is a central tradition, where each candle signifies hope, divine presence, and the miraculous sustenance of the Jewish people. The lights are not functional, but symbolic—a reflection of God's enduring presence and an inspiration to live in His light. Christmas marks the incarnation of Jesus, the true Light of the world: God took human form to bring salvation to humankind. It begins with the Advent season—an anticipation of Christ's birth and eventual second coming—and proceeds into the Christmas Day festivity and beyond. From December 25th to January 6th, the "12 Days of Christmas" celebrate significant Christian figures, such as Saint Stephen, John the Evangelist, and the Holy Innocents. These observances call Christians to reflect on faith's steadfast examples and draw inspiration for modern life. So, we invite you to ponder the intersection of light in both traditions. The menorah's glow during Hanukkah parallels the advent candles flickering in Christian homes, together casting away darkness and embodying hope, joy, and divine presence. This confluence also finds roots in the Gospel of John, where Jesus is described celebrating Hanukkah—affirming His identity and mission as the Light of the world. The festival's themes of dedication and light resonate with Jesus' role, drawing believers to reflect on personal dedication as a living temple of the Holy Spirit, meant to illuminate God's glory. In both Hanukkah and Christmas, the invitation to "dedication" runs deeply. Hanukkah celebrates the Temple's rededication; likewise, Christmas calls for personal dedication to faith in Christ for salvation and sanctification. This convergence is an opportunity to rededicate by living out values that reflect the love and light of God. Together, as we light the menorahs and adorn Christmas trees, let us celebrate the connections between Hanukkah and Christmas, cherishing the light that shines through both of these sacred traditions. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to check out our essential workbook to accompany this study. Stephanie personally created the content to invite you deeper into study. Don’t miss out! 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Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies [http://gospelspice.com]. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example, - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours. - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours. MORE ABOUT PARTNERING WITH US FINANCIALLY: [https://www.gospelspice.com/payitforward] Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status. Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support. We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum. Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170. We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you! Go to gospelspice.com [http://gospelspice.com%20]for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast [http://gospelspice.com/podcast] to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog [http://gospelspice.com/blog] Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil. Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways: 1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too! 2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app; and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today! Bonjour! Gospel Spice exists to inspire our generation to delight in God. We do this through the podcast, online Bible studies, leadership trainings, and more. We want to serve Christ-followers who seek to live a life spiced with the gospel. We want to love God, because He first loved us. We want to experience the fullness of life with Him—and not be content with stale, boring, leftover faith. Jesus tells us that the most important thing is to love the Lord our God, so we take Him seriously. He adds that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Now, there are many ways to do that, but I have always personally felt deep compassion for victims of human trafficking – it is modern day slavery, and it revolts the heart of God. And so, they are our particular neighbors here at Gospel Spice. We want to play our part in raising awareness and then financially supporting those who fight this great evil. Now we would love to invite you to join the team in one of three ways: 1, pray Gospel Spice forward – pray for our guests, our listeners and participants, and for us too! 2, play Gospel Spice forward by telling your friends about us, and by please leaving positive reviews and comments on your podcast listening app; and 3rd, PAY GospelSpice forward. Less than 1% of our listeners are supporting us financially. We need your help! Please pay Gospel Spice forward today. It can be a one-time donation, or a monthly one, for the amount of your choice. Your donation is fully tax-deductible in the US. Plus, once we cover our costs, a significant portion of your donation will be given back to Christian organizations that fight human trafficking, and that we vet thoroughly. So, you can know that every dime you give is used for the Kingdom of God. Every little bit helps. So, be part of the spice of the gospel by becoming a financial partner today! Support us on Gospel Spice [https://www.gospelspice.com/donate], PayPal [https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=U9CFSXW2XCWCL] and Venmo [https://account.venmo.com/u/gospelspice]!
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