Scary Story Podcast
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Scary Story Podcast

Podcast by Scary Stories

Scary Story Podcast features scary stories about darkness, unexplained phenomena, ghosts, and the paranormal. A collection of short original horror tales written by Edwin Covarrubias. 

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Kaikki jaksot

203 jaksot
episode No People Here: Why I Don't Visit Abandoned Towns Anymore artwork
No People Here: Why I Don't Visit Abandoned Towns Anymore
In this scary story, the narrator explores a creepy abandoned desert town that he spotted from far away. But there's much more to the run-down buildings and an old gas station. Spooky reminders from the past, like the cracked streets and an empty playground, show him what once was. He meets an angry old man who lives nearby who warns him to leave before sunset, hinting at hidden dangers. But the dangers he speaks of.. do they have something to do with the two strange kids on the playground? As night comes, he begins to realize why he's in the wrong place. Up next, check out one of my favorite stories on the show, Maps: You can get these ad-free through free for 14 days, then 4.99 per month. Cancel anytime. Find out more about Scary Story Podcast on Join our community:
31. heinäk. 2024 - 20 min
episode Creepy Short Stories: Meet Benjamin and The Roach Room Nightmare artwork
Creepy Short Stories: Meet Benjamin and The Roach Room Nightmare
Creepy stories "Meet Benjamin" and "Under My Skin" are two short scary tales with a twist to the traditional ghost story and the unnerving side of hearing something crawl and scratch around at night. They were originally published in 2021 and remastered here for you to listen to at night.  To listen without ads, check out  Up next, check out HorrorStory (at to get even more, true scary stories every week. You can also get in touch with Edwin on social media as @edwincov
23. heinäk. 2024 - 16 min
episode The Beep artwork
The Beep
A short scary story about a person who discovers scary podcasts but gets much more than he bargained for. This is how horror stories turn real. Up next, check out Horror Story at Try out episodes with no ads through that will let you listen right here, you can try it out for free and cancel whenever. Get in touch with Edwin through social media as @edwincov and learn more about our shows as []
03. heinäk. 2024 - 21 min
episode Go To Sleep Natalie artwork
Go To Sleep Natalie
A scary story about a young girl who makes a chilling discovery after a regular shopping trip with her mom and the doll she picks out. In the second story, a runner spots someone out on the trail... someone who doesn't belong there. For more, find us on and get ad-free episodes on Stories were originally published in Season 2, Episode 17 of Scary Story Podcast
25. kesäk. 2024 - 20 min
episode Moving On: A Tragic Ghost Story artwork
Moving On: A Tragic Ghost Story
A ghost story about a man that is forced to deal with one last test in dealing with part of his family when he has a sudden realization that there's more that is gone. Find out more on You can get in touch with Edwin via email at or on Instagram and TikTok @edwincov
18. kesäk. 2024 - 18 min
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