The Procurement Show
Podcast by The Procurement Show
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Kaikki jaksot
46 jaksotJonathan has been out and about in Amsterdam (but he very sensibly didn’t take Paul with him…) The reason for his travels was DPW – the most notable conference and digital tech showcase for those in the procurement world. You can hear from lots of people that Jonathan met, but most prominently he talks to Michelle Baker, CPO of Virgin Money, who discusses a wide range of procurement topics, with a focus on technology and AI. We also find out if Jonathan still possesses any of his old vinyl… Brought to you by Positive Purchasing [], and produced by Fresh Air Studios [] - the podcast production company [].
There’s a lot of old and crusty tech out there that can often be of little use these days. But why is it that when some new procurement tech is implemented, it can often be not up to scratch or can even fail altogether…? In order to investigate this, we have CEO of Kinetic Talents and an Advisor to Apty, Matt Palackdharry. Unsurprisingly the question of AI pops up. Perhaps more surprisingly, Paul wants to bring back Clippy! Brought to you by Positive Purchasing [], and produced by Fresh Air Studios Podcast Productions []
In procurement, cyber security is extremely important, because you’re not only dealing with your information, but also the information of your clients and suppliers. So, how do we tackle threats? And how do we make sure our information is secure in the hands of others? To take us through the dilemmas and the solutions, Jonathan and Paul are joined by the Chief AI Officer at Resilinc, Sumit Vakil. And listen out for what you should and shouldn’t measure in Ask Jonathan. Brought to you by Positive Purchasing [], and produced by Fresh Air Studios [].
A bold statement, but is it true? Why do RFP’s fail? Is all the technology and the ever-evolving AI making RFP irrelevant? To guide us through all of this and more, Jonathan and Paul are joined by a man who makes RFP’s easier and more sensible, Chris Heard, CEO of Olive Technologies. We now just need to figure out who Duncan is and what his role is in all of this. Brought to you by Positive Purchasing []. Podcast Production [] by Fresh Air Studios [] in Plymouth.
There is a lot of new tech about and there will no doubt be more on the horizon, but why does so much procurement tech implementation fail? There is a need to “orchestrate our tech”. But what does that mean? To help them find out, Jonathan and Paul are joined by a self-proclaimed “Procurement Geek” – namely, the Co-Founder at ORO Labs, Lalitha Rajagopalan. Elsewhere in this episode, Paul invents a new word. Brought to you by Positive Purchasing [] Produced by Fresh Air Studios [] in Plymouth
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