#thewellnesstalks Podcast

#thewellnesstalks Podcast

Podcast by Jonathan Arenburg, Counsellor, published author, and mental health blogger

Host, Jonathan Arenburg, owner of theroadtomentalwellness.com and published author, talks about all thing's wellness related. From diet to exercise, t...

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episode The Stop Depression Summit – A Summit Worth Attending. artwork
The Stop Depression Summit – A Summit Worth Attending.

When I started The Road To Mental Wellness [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2019/02/11/the-road-to-mental-wellness/] in February of 2019, the goal was a simple one. Help myself through the darkest moments of my mental health battle and try to help others along the way. I am very proud to say that I have accomplished both of those missions. I not only surpassed my own expectations, but I have reached even more people with my book, also entitled The Road To Mental Wellness [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/ebookch1-5/]. Sadly however, I am not well enough to tackle all this mental health stuff for more than a few hours a day. Yet, despite this fact, I am putting what energy I do have into it, whilst at the same time knowing my limits. And that’s what matters. All I need is time to heal, a passion and a purpose to keep me going. And Wala, I have a life worth living.  Rather read the rest of the blog post?  Go Here [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2023/01/19/the-stop-depression-summit-a-summit-worth-attending/] In February Jonathan will be a speaker at this Stop Depression summit. A summit that will provide those in attendance with the most up to date information on the subject of depression. I am honored to be taking part in such a wonderfully resource rich summit with some of the foremost experts in the field. Register for the Stop Depression Summit Free [https://jonathan.krtra.com/t/icrs9BKmStYf] Once again, we would like to thank you for joining us on this episode. if you are looking for more of what we do, please go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] and check out are over 250 blog posts all on the subject matter of mental health. Want to read the first chapter two chapters of my new book, The Road To Mental Wellness – FREE! Go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Buy my book, The Road To Mental Wellness: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8 [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8] Facebook page: https://facebook.com/TRTMW [https://facebook.com/TRTMW] Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn [https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness [https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness] OR: Go to Our Link.tree https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76 [https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76] to follow us on all social media platforms MOST POPULAR BLOG POST: 8 SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/09/03/8-signs-your-relationship-is-hurting-your-mental-health/] The Road To Mental Wellness: Homepage, theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1ni0s2/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Write for The Road To Mental Wellness [roadtomentalwellness@gmail.com] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-wellness-talks/message

22. tammik. 2023 - 4 min
episode Why I hate Tic Toc artwork
Why I hate Tic Toc

Why I hate Tic Tok- [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/12/01/why-i-hate-tic-tok/] Are we destroying our selves and the very fabric of society? Here’s some food for thought. Man, what a world we live in. I mean these computers and their modern-day capacities, I can bank from my phone, turn off my lights at home from work, and use GPS to get around? It’s mind blowing when you think about it. None of these amazing technologies were around when I was a kid For me, the early to mid-eighties were the golden years of my childhood. And in those days, so too was the height of my imagination. Man, I’d love to have that vibrant and rich imagination today. As a content creator, this would be of a tremendous benefit to my work. Alas, adulthood has a way of eroding the power of daydreaming for example. So, like millions of modern adults, I do my best with what this mid-life brain has at its disposal. Regardless of the dulling down effect brought on by the decades of mental illness, bills, and everyday life, 1980 something was my heyday. At least in a stress-free and creative sense. I and many kids of that age grew up on the idea that the future was going to be amazing. More than that though, human life was going to be filled with hope and ease. (Kinda like a typical childhood). We grew up on Transformers, the Jetsons, G.I. Joe, and Star Trek. They all provided us with a moral lesson and a hope for peace. Alternatively, we also had movies like The Terminator, Judge Dread, and Robocop. These films showed a very bleak and hopeless future thanks to tech. Personally, all of them held my attention and scared the life out of me, all at the same time. Once again, we would like to thank you for joining us on this episode. if you are looking for more of what we do, please go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] and check out are over 200 blog posts all on the subject matter of mental health. Want to read the first chapter two chapters of my new book, The Road To Mental Wellness – FREE! Go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Buy my book, The Road To Mental Wellness: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8 [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8] Facebook page: https://facebook.com/TRTMW [https://facebook.com/TRTMW] Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn [https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness [https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness] OR: Go to Our Link.tree https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76 [https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76] to follow us on all social media platforms MOST POPULAR BLOG POST: 8 SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/09/03/8-signs-your-relationship-is-hurting-your-mental-health/] The Road To Mental Wellness: Homepage, theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1ni0s2/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Write for The Road To Mental Wellness [roadtomentalwellness@gmail.com] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-wellness-talks/message

02. jouluk. 2022 - 9 min
episode Audio book release - Get the first 5 chapters of my book, The Road To Mental Wellness FREE artwork
Audio book release - Get the first 5 chapters of my book, The Road To Mental Wellness FREE

As an offer of assistance to all those who could use help with their mental health, I am now offering the first 5 chapters of my book, The Road To Mental Wellness [https://amzn.to/3hOsVsi] - in audiobook form absolutely FREE!  Now, at an all-time low price and a good chunk of the book for free, you can seek to be inspired to battle the darkest moments of your life. Go here for purchase price and book details. The Road To Mental Wellness - the book [https://amzn.to/3hOsVsi] Read our latest go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Buy my book, The Road To Mental Wellness: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8 [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8] Facebook page: https://facebook.com/TRTMW [https://facebook.com/TRTMW] Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn [https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness [https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness] OR: Go to Our Link.tree https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76 [https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76] to follow us on all social media platforms MOST POPULAR BLOG POST: 8 SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/09/03/8-signs-your-relationship-is-hurting-your-mental-health/] The Road To Mental Wellness: Homepage, theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1ni0s2/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-wellness-talks/message

16. marrask. 2022 - 1 h 40 min
episode Healing with your bros artwork
Healing with your bros

Healing with your bros – This often-overlooked thing can be just as helpful for men as talking it out can be for others. So, get together and hang with your bros! “Men, we need to talk more. We can’t stay silent about our innermost demons.” As a counselor and mental-health writer, man, and advocate, I couldn’t agree more. Taking time to battle what’s taking you apart from the inside is indeed helpful. My advice? Seek actual therapy to tackle what ails you. Trust me, my man friends, therapy is a safe one-on-one place. It’s perfect for those who don’t like to bare their souls to others. Disclaimer This article is not an assault on anyone, women or otherwise. Rather, its purpose is to help a segment of our human population that, like any other, deserves it. If you see something that offends you, that’s not the intention. While what we read, hear, and watch can be open to interpretation, please realize that the above is in fact, about bettering the lives of a deserving portion of our population. Just like yours. Once again, we would like to thank you for joining us on this episode. if you are looking for more of what we do, please go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] and check out are over 200 blog posts all on the subject matter of mental health. Want to read the first chapter two chapters of my new book, The Road To Mental Wellness – FREE! Go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Buy my book, The Road To Mental Wellness: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8 [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8] Facebook page: https://facebook.com/TRTMW [https://facebook.com/TRTMW] Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn [https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness [https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness] OR: Go to Our Link.tree https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76 [https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76] to follow us on all social media platforms MOST POPULAR BLOG POST: 8 SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/09/03/8-signs-your-relationship-is-hurting-your-mental-health/] The Road To Mental Wellness: Homepage, theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1ni0s2/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Write for The Road To Mental Wellness [roadtomentalwellness@gmail.com] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-wellness-talks/message

11. marrask. 2022 - 4 min
episode We Are What We Are artwork
We Are What We Are

Humans – We are oblivious to what makes us tick, but in reality, we are what we are. Read on to find out what that is I am, we are only human. But what does to mean to be human? Well, it’s a complicated question with even more complicated answers. Ones I haven’t all the answers to but I, nonetheless, have a few ideas. While it must be said, I am nowhere near an expert on what makes humans tick, I do however, have some knowledge. As someone who’s a trained counsellor and has worked with highly behavioural; and aggressive individuals for almost two decades, I’ve learned a thing or two. Once again, we would like to thank you for joining us on this episode. if you are looking for more of what we do, please go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] and check out are over 200 blog posts all on the subject matter of mental health. Want to read the first chapter two chapters of my new book, The Road To Mental Wellness – FREE! Go to theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1o0npb/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Buy my book, The Road To Mental Wellness: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8 [https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1777879906?ie=UTF8] Facebook page: https://facebook.com/TRTMW [https://facebook.com/TRTMW] Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn [https://twitter.com/ArenburgJohn] YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNrfIyEca5gxEVvIMrk_gSw?reload=9&app=desktop] TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness [https://www.tiktok.com/@theroadtomentalwellness] OR: Go to Our Link.tree https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76 [https://linktr.ee/Jonathan76] to follow us on all social media platforms MOST POPULAR BLOG POST: 8 SIGNS YOUR RELATIONSHIP IS HURTING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH. [https://theroadtomentalwellness.com/2022/09/03/8-signs-your-relationship-is-hurting-your-mental-health/] The Road To Mental Wellness: Homepage, theroadtomentalwellness.com [https://anchor.fm/dashboard/episode/e1ni0s2/metadata/theroadtomentalwellness.com] Write for The Road To Mental Wellness [roadtomentalwellness@gmail.com] --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-wellness-talks/message

23. syysk. 2022 - 6 min
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