Stuck With You

Stuck With You

Äänikirja by Anna Premoli

Aloita maksutta
A smart, romantic comedy about how finding The One doesn't always have to be love at first sight...Lavinia Ferrari is in her fifth year at Bocconi University where she studies Economics when she is introduced to a new project that will guarantee her extra credits. She's intrigued... but it means the class must team up with students from the Computer Engineering course. Lavinia has absolutely no interest in the project, and to top things off, she's paired with Seb Marconi who is less than enthusiastic. When the work begins, her friends seem to be making great progress with their partners, but Lavinia isn't having the same luck... Seb is making it quite clear that he's not interested in the project, or Lavinia, fuelling her frustration. She has no choice – they're stuck in this, and besides, she won't receive her extra credits unless they work together. Lavinia must come up with a way to convince the guy who drives her crazy to put the work in... but how? ´Stuck With You´ is ideal for fans of Sally Thorne and Christina Lauren. - 
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