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Podcast de Kast Media

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Vigilante is an investigative podcast about people who take justice into their own hands—for better or for worse. In both multi-part seasons and standalone episodes, the show spotlights everyday people driven to drastic measures. What motivates a vigilante? What are the structural forces that make them feel it's necessary to operate outside of the law? And what are the human consequences of those actions? Vigilante is a Kast Original podcast hosted by Allie Conti. 

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9 episodios
episode Scambaiters: A Brilliant Game artwork
Scambaiters: A Brilliant Game
"In a weird, fucked up way, you’re doing good." Listen to Vigilante ad-free, with bonus content, at []. Listen to Vigilante ad-free on Amazon music, at []. See [] for privacy information.
24 oct 2022 - 42 min
episode Chaim Levin: The Plaintiff artwork
Chaim Levin: The Plaintiff
"They were thriving on the secrecy. The secrecy was their currency." If you have recommendations for people we should profile in futures seasons of Vigilante, please leave them in a review in Apple Podcasts [], or you can email them to [] Listen to Vigilante ad-free, with bonus content, at []. Listen to Vigilante ad-free on Amazon music, at []. See [] for privacy information.
26 sep 2022 - 39 min
episode Tim Miller: Epilogue artwork
Tim Miller: Epilogue
Host Allie Conti joins Hannah Smith (The Opportunist) in conversation about the making of Vigilante, season one. If you have recommendations for people we should profile in futures seasons of Vigilante, please leave them in a review in Apple Podcasts [], or you can email them to [] Listen to Vigilante ad-free, with bonus content, at []. Listen to Vigilante ad-free on Amazon music, at []. See [] for privacy information.
20 jun 2022 - 40 min
episode 5 of 5: Squaring the Circle artwork
5 of 5: Squaring the Circle
What really happened to Laura Miller? Listen to Vigilante ad-free, with bonus content, at []. Listen to Vigilante ad-free on Amazon music, at []. See [] for privacy information.
13 jun 2022 - 46 min
episode 4 of 5: To Walk Alone artwork
4 of 5: To Walk Alone
“Got to do whatever works, dear.” Listen to Vigilante ad-free, with bonus content, at []. Listen to Vigilante ad-free on Amazon music, at []. See [] for privacy information.
06 jun 2022 - 45 min

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Muy buenos Podcasts , entretenido y con historias educativas y divertidas depende de lo que cada uno busque. Yo lo suelo usar en el trabajo ya que estoy muchas horas y necesito cancelar el ruido de al rededor , Auriculares y a disfrutar ..!!
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