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Podcast af Mermaid Palace, Radiotopia

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FICTION There’s the family you grew up with:  your mom, your dad, your siblings.  And then, there’s the family you carry around in your head for the rest of your life.  This show is about that second family, the one that lives within you. From Mermaid Palace and Radiotopia, Sharon Mashihi brings you Appearances, a one woman audio show that straddles the line between fiction and truth.  Appearances brings to life an Iranian American family and community through the real and fantastical mental machinations of Melanie Barzadeh. Melanie is in her mid 30’s and desires nothing more than to become a mother. The difficulty of finding the right partner seems to be directly connected to the struggles witnessed in her home throughout her entire childhood. As Sharon Mashihi voice-acts all the characters in one family, the depth of the love, pain, and struggle is felt with a visceral, profound compassion at every turn. 

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13 episoder
episode Radiotopia Presents: S***hole Country artwork
Radiotopia Presents: S***hole Country
Hi. It’s nice to be back in your ears. We want to tell you about a new series we think Appearances listeners will especially like. It’s called S***hole Country [] and it’s an audio memoir about the many, many complexities of being second generation American. And, it’s a story told with a lot of love. To hear more, subscribe to Radiotopia Presents [] in your podcast app of choice.
10. nov. 2021 - 9 min
episode Episode 09: The World artwork
Episode 09: The World
The finale.
27. okt. 2020 - 31 min
episode Episode 08: Melanie Tells Her Mom artwork
Episode 08: Melanie Tells Her Mom
This is the episode where Melanie has to tell her mother. She is terrified.
23. okt. 2020 - 33 min
episode Episode 07: AKA Episode 6 1/2 [Indecisive Artist] artwork
Episode 07: AKA Episode 6 1/2 [Indecisive Artist]
It worked. Now Melanie has a secret. Only one person knows it. That one person... is Sharon Mashihi.
20. okt. 2020 - 23 min
episode Episode 06: Ace of Hearts artwork
Episode 06: Ace of Hearts
Melanie begins the process of acquiring sperm and getting pregnant.
16. okt. 2020 - 20 min

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