Broken Record
Gratis podcast

Broken Record

Podcast af Joshua Wessling

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Brisbane based comedian and musician Josh Wessling is joined by a both a comedian and a musician each episode to talk about a great band with a not so great album. 

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5 episoder
episode The White Album, Part 2 (w/ Ain't It Rich) artwork
The White Album, Part 2 (w/ Ain't It Rich)
Josh Wessling is once again joined by Mickey Flykick and Aria Salan, hosts of Ain't It Rich, to finish discussing the The White Album, the 1968 self-titled album by The Beatles. We discuss tensions between the band, Yoko Ono, and, for some reason, Charles Manson Ain't It Rich: Echo Chamber FB Event:
30. jul. 2019 - 1 h 8 min
episode The White Album, Part 1 (w/ Ain't It Rich) artwork
The White Album, Part 1 (w/ Ain't It Rich)
In this episode of Broken Record, Josh Wessling is joined by the hosts of Ain't It Rich, Mickey Flykick and Aria Salan to discuss The Beatles 1968 self-titled album, better known as The White Album. We discuss the bands early residencies in Hamburg, the rise of Beatlemania and why the band stopped playing live. Ain't It Rich: Echo Chamber FB Event:
30. jul. 2019 - 1 h 3 min
episode What The (w/ Ryan Sim and Jack Marsho) artwork
What The (w/ Ryan Sim and Jack Marsho)
On this episode of Broken Record, Josh Wessling discusses the history of Black Flag with guests Jack Marsho and Ryan Sim. We talk about the early days of Black Flag, the difficulty of the DIY market in hardcore punk and why this album should frankly have never existed. Ryan's podcast: Jack's podcast:
09. jul. 2019 - 1 h 8 min
episode St. Anger (w/ Nat Patterson and Mickey Flykick) artwork
St. Anger (w/ Nat Patterson and Mickey Flykick)
On the very first episode of Broken Record, Josh Wessling is joined by Nat Patterson and Mickey Flykick to discuss one of the most notoriously disappointing albums in music history, Metallica's St. Anger. We learn about the bands origins in the Bay Area, the revolving door of bass players in the band and why the hell the snare sounded like THAT. Nat's Podcast: Mickey's Podcast: Broken Record Instagram: @brokenrecordpodcastbri
10. jun. 2019 - 1 h 8 min
episode Motley Crue (w/ Jayde O'Brien, Dylan Gibbs and my dog, Max) artwork
Motley Crue (w/ Jayde O'Brien, Dylan Gibbs and my dog, Max)
On this episode of Broken Record, Josh Wessling is joined by Jayde O'Brien and Dylan Gibbs to discuss Motley Crue's 1994 self-titled album. In between my dog terrorising the set, we learn about tales of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll, the apparent immortality of Nikki Sixx and why this album should probably have been released under a different band name. Broken Record Instagram: @brokenrecordpodcastbris
10. jun. 2019 - 1 h 7 min

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