Crack The Twitter Code
Gratis podcast

Crack The Twitter Code

Podcast af Keith Keller & Annemarie Cross

Podcast by Keith Keller & Annemarie Cross 

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10 episoder
episode Twitter Is the Buzz Builder (Part 1) artwork
Twitter Is the Buzz Builder (Part 1)

FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! Part 1 is all about this idea: Are you in need of new ways to promote yourself and your products? Well Twitter may just be your missing link in your current marketing mix. First up, there are so many social media and blogging platforms out there. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+… who can keep count? Whether you choose to use Twitter or not is completely up to you but please don’t just discount this fantastic platform because ‘you don’t get it.’ What I’ve learnt through the people I’ve mentored though, is that once they start to understand the ins and outs and how Twitter can really benefit them, they see it as a real asset to their business. Ever had a light bulb moment where things just make sense? I’ve witnessed thousands of them when it comes to my clients and Twitter. So, you might be asking: why should I bother with Twitter? “Twitter Is The Buzz Builder” It’s not Facebook, Google+ or any other platform: people check Twitter for news. In many instances, you’ll see news breaking on Twitter before the news… we’re talking from anywhere between a 10 second to 30 time frame.Of course, this means you need to tailor your messages accordingly. I’ve heard many people adopt a ‘one-stop shop’ strategy to all of their social media platforms. In my experience, this doesn’t work. Twitter is not Facebook… people aren’t interested in seeing you eat an ice cream on the beach or your endless cat videos. As soon as you switch your mindset to Twitter – this means composing short, direct hooks that’ll entice people to click onto a link to your website, the sooner you’ll experience real success with Twitter. Keep in mind, Twitter is intended for short, sharp and direct bites of news/information. Once people are on your website or blog, that’s when you can send people to with your 2,000 word essay or content piece. In newspaper terms, Twitter acts as your headline. The podcast goes into more detail about this; ENJOY!!

07. aug. 2014 - 10 min
episode Laying The Foundations (Part 2) artwork
Laying The Foundations (Part 2)

FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! This next podcast is all about laying the foundation. Your Website (The is “Home Base”) Your Blog (A Place To Tell Your Story) Your Free “Teaser” (Builds Trust & Momentum) There’s no point being on Twitter if you don’t have a good foundation, let me explain why… Your website is what I call your home base. You own it… It may take years to build and refine but like a house, once it’s built, you can live there forever. If you’ve got all of your content on a particular or on various social media platforms, consider this: what happens if the site shuts down for some reason? More realistically, what happens if the admins or owners of that particular site decide your content isn’t fit for public consumption? Remember, they don’t really need a reason to make this move. Make the time and spend the money to get yourself a website that Google recognises and you own. There’s another key element here too… what I call Google juice. There’s no point in having a website if Google can’t see it. After all, most people just Google their way through life… it’s the top search engine and not having a presence on it is likely to hurt your business dearly. So, once you’ve got your website, what next? Get yourself a blog (running with the house analogy, this is your ‘spare room’). A blog is where you can communicate with your audience and share stories via short stories, articles, podcasts, videos… whatever you like. It keeps you top of mind with your audience and it’s fantastic for SEO (we’re back to Google now… the more quality content you post that’s relevant to your area of expertise, the higher your site will rank on Google). There are three main blogging platforms to explore: WordPress (My Favourite) Tumblr (Also Awesome) Blogger (Easy To Use) While your blog sees you posting fresh content on a regular basis, the rest of your website will feature ‘hero’ text. It’s likely to remain the same for a good while and when it needs to be changed, you’ll need to call in your web guru (unless you’re far more tech-savvy than I am). As for your teaser or freebie… this is an item that acts as a preview or snippet and encourages people to trust you enough to commit to a product. For example, a podcast may entice people to attend an event, an eBook may secure someone’s position in a course… you get the drift. The online world is all about building trust. In return for this freebie, people input their contact details which rewards you with an automatic email database to use moving forward. Now, before I go, I wanted to share a teaser example that’ll blow your mind and perfectly illustrate that when used correctly, freebies work. You’re probably one of the people hooked on Candy Crush – it’s downloaded via Facebook and quite a fun little game. It’s completely free… what’s not free is assistance to make it to the next level. It’s only a $1 to get help… who can’t spare a dollar? Imagine people playing this game at Starbucks, while waiting at airports, while they’re supposed to be working (shhh, we won’t tell!)… that $1 purchase earns the Candy Crush crew over $300 million a year. Just staggering!!!

07. aug. 2014 - 11 min
episode Hit The Ground Running (Part 3) artwork
Hit The Ground Running (Part 3)

FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! THE CONTENT Part 3 - GETTING STARTED ON TWITTER (A 5 Point Plan) Top 5 tips for marketing yourself using Twitter 1. Be a resource not a salesperson. Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing. 2. Write a strong bio that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you. 3. Add a photo. There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets 4. Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you. 4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. Only 1 out of every 5 tweets should be a sales related message. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it. 5. SHARE - SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter101). Share great articles and interact with your followers…this is the essence of how Twitter works.

07. aug. 2014 - 11 min
episode Getting The Word Out (Part 4) artwork
Getting The Word Out (Part 4)

FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! THE CONTENT Part 4 - GOING DEEPER (Where the rubber hits the road) 1. How do I get more followers? “The best way to have friends is to be one” 2. Measuring Your Tweet Reach

07. aug. 2014 - 11 min
episode Scheduling Your Tweets (Part 5) artwork
Scheduling Your Tweets (Part 5)

FREE eBOOK ALSO AVAILABLE!! THE CONTENT Part 5 - Scheduling Your Tweets POWER TIMES & SITES TO TRY (8am – 1pm – 4pm – 8pm) TWERIOD (What are your best times to tweet?)

07. aug. 2014 - 12 min
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