GymCastic: The Gymnastics Podcast
Podcast af gymcastic@gmail.com
GymCastic Podcast is a weekly gymnastics talk show. The hosts interview people who love gymnastics almost as much as we do, discuss the latest news, e...
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Your fantasy gymnastics update as you enter week 11 of the 2025 NCAA season: who’s a steal, who’s on a bye, who's competing twice, who's a bargain and much more. Help a Fellow Gym Nerd - https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-eyal-itzhaki-walk-again [https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-eyal-itzhaki-walk-again] Season Pass on sale now: https://gymcastic.com/2025-gymcastic-live-shows-season-pass/ [https://gymcastic.com/2025-gymcastic-live-shows-season-pass/] Week 11 Lineups lock at noon on Friday, March 14 at 02:30pm PT 00:00 Intro 01:09 Roster Bargains 01:26 Roster Bargains - Vault 03:30 Roster Bargains - Bars 06:01 Roster Bargains - Beam 08:08 Roster Bargains - Floor 10:38 League Leaders 11:45 League Stats 12:31 Byes & Injuries Link to the College & Cocktails Schedule: https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4336/ [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4336/]

Update from the FIG about Fujitsu judging at Jakarta Worlds, Melnikova is back, NCAA updates, and a commissioned episode where we draft Olympic teams as if everyone in the entire quad was at their peak by Trials. LIVE SHOW SEASON PASS ON SALE NOW [https://gymcastic.com/2025-gymcastic-live-shows-season-pass/] Support independent journalists by joining here [https://gymcastic.com/club/]. GYMTERNET NEWS * Will Fujitsu robot judging be used at Jakarta Worlds? We have an answer * See episodes on Judges Evaluation Program here [https://gymcastic.com/judging-the-judges-how-judges-are-chosen-for-the-olympic-games/] * LSU set a program-record 198.5 for senior night * Several Russian gymnasts, including Olympic Champion Angelina Melnikova, were approved for AIN status * Chusovitina won the vault World Cup with improved form at age 49 COMMISSIONED EPISODE: Repicking the U.S. Olympic Teams This week Alex AKA the "I love you Tasha guy" [https://youtu.be/JlW01VDM5Us?si=tnxjfRx1zYiIuDkI&t=100] gave us the task to put on our National Team Coordinator hats and retroactively pick U.S. Olympic teams from Sydney to Paris using gymnasts who were at their quad-peak. Click here [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p4hEsSws_e3SSKJGN_TG4fZJRva1XdDg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=101403309772383915705&rtpof=true&sd=true] to see Alex's detailed spreadsheet outlining our contenders. The Rules: * For each quad, pick the number of gymnasts based on the rules at that time (e.g. the Sydney format is 6-5-4, Athens is 6-3-3, London is 5-3-3, Tokyo is 4-3-3 + 2 individuals) * If you are too heartbroken to leave an athlete at home, you can name 2 travelling alternates. You can even name two non-travelling alternates if you must * With all of the best gymnasts from the quad competing at their quad-level peak with no injuries, burnout, and retirements, who do you pick? * Go through quad by quad and determine your Olympic team (plus alternates, if necessary) and select team final lineups. Remember, the ultimate goal is to WIN UP NEXT * Spencer is doing a watch-along live blog here [https://gymcastic.com/category/gym-nerd-library/live-blog/] before the podcast. * College & Cocktails: Saturday, March 15th after UCLA vs. Utah * Fantasy [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy/] Lineups Lock: Friday, March 14th at 2:30pm PT * Add exclusive Club Content like College & Cocktails to your favorite podcast player (instructions here [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/89/]). * Never miss a live episode! Import the entire College & Cocktails schedule into your Google and iCal calendar here [https://gymcastic.com/sign-in/?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgymcastic.com%2Fcommunity%2Fpostid%2F4336%2F] Join Our Fantasy League [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy/] BONUS CONTENT * * * Join Club Gym Nerd [http://gymcastic.com/club] (or give it as a gift!) for access to weekly Behind the Scenes [https://gymcastic.com/club-content/] episodes. * Club Gym Nerd members [http://gymcastic.com/club] can watch the podcast being recorded and get access to all of our exclusive extended interviews, Behind The Scenes and College & Cocktails. * Not sure about joining the club? College & Cocktails [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-lsu-at-utah/]: The Friday Night NCAA Gymnastics Post-Meet Show is available to sample (even if you aren't a Club Gym Nerd member yet). Watch or listen here [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-lsu-at-utah/]. * 2025 College & (M)Cocktails menu [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4299/] (including mocktails of course) MERCH * GymCastic Store [https://gymcastic.com/store/]: clothing and gifts to let your gym nerd flag fly and even “tapestries” (banners [https://www.teepublic.com/tapestry/48925286-simone-freakin-biles-tapestry?ref_id=1646], the perfect to display in an arena) to support your favorite gymnast! * Baseball hats available now in the GymCastic store [https://gymcastic.com/store/] NEWSLETTERS * Sign up for all three GymCastic newsletters [https://gymcastic.com/gymcastic-newsletters/] FANTASY GAME: * * GymCastic 2025 College Fantasy Game [https://gymcastic.com/gymcastic-2025-college-fantasy-league/] now open. Never too late to join! RECENT * College & Cocktails: Michigan at Oklahoma [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-michigan-at-oklahoma-2/] * Spencer’s Live Blog – Friday, March 07, 2025 [https://gymcastic.com/spencers-live-blog-friday-march-07-2025/] * The 5th Rotation: March 04, 2025 [https://gymcastic.com/the-5th-rotation-march-04-2025/] * A.I. Judging at Worlds in Jakarta? [https://gymcastic.com/a-i-judging-at-worlds-in-jakarta/] * Fantasy News: 2025 NCAA Season, Week 9 [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy-news-2025-ncaa-season-week-9/] * College & Cocktails: Alabama at Arkansas [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-alabama-at-arkansas/] * Spencer’s Live Blog – Friday, February 28, 2025 [https://gymcastic.com/spencers-live-blog-friday-february-28-2025/] * Fantasy News: 2025 NCAA Season, Week 8 [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy-news-2025-ncaa-season-week-8/] RESOURCES * Spencer's essential website The Balance Beam Situation [https://balancebeamsituation.com/] * Gymnastics History [https://www.gymnastics-history.com] and Code of Points Archive from Uncle Tim RESISTANCE Submitted by our listeners. * ACTION * Indivisible [https://indivisible.org/] * Practical ideas about what you can actually do in this moment, check it out: indivisi.org/muskorus [https://indivisi.org/muskorus] * 5Calls App [https://5calls.org/] will call your Congresspeople by issue with a script to guide you * * Make 2 to your Congressional rep (local and DC office). 2 each to your US Senators (local and state offices) * State your name and zip code or district * Be concise with your question or demand (i.e. What specific steps is Senator X taking to stop XYZ) * Wait for answer * Ask for action items - tell them what you want them to do (i.e. draft articles of impeachment immediately, I want to see you holding a press conference in front of...etc.) * ResistBot [https://resist.bot] * Turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes * ACLU Mobile Justice App [https://www.aclusocal.org/en/mobilejustice] * Allows you to record encounters with public officials while streaming to your closest contacts and your local ACLU; REPORT any abuse by authorities to the ACLU and its networks. * LAWSUITS * Donate to organizations suing the administration for illegal actions * ACLU [https://www.aclu.org/], Southern Poverty Law Center [https://www.splcenter.org/], Northwest Immigration Law Project [https://www.nwirp.org/] * STAY INFORMED * Suggested podcasts: Amicus [https://slate.com/podcasts/amicus], Daily Beans [https://www.dailybeanspod.com/], Pod Save America [https://crooked.com/podcast-series/pod-save-america/], Strict Scrutiny [https://crooked.com/podcast-series/strict-scrutiny/] * Immigrant Rights * Know Your Rights Red Cards [https://www.redcardorders.com/], We Have Rights Video [https://www.wehaverights.us/], Your Rights on trains and buses video [https://www.aclu-wa.org/docs/your-rights-immigration-agents-trains-and-buse]

HEADLINES * Russian Olympian Nikita Nagornyy has been sanctioned [https://www.byteseu.com/775462/] by the European Union * Aimee Boorman will become Stuttgart's elite coach * Boorman's move to Stuttgart comes after allegations of abuse [https://www.faz.net/aktuell/sport/sportpolitik/aufarbeitung-im-kunstturnen-nichts-wird-unter-den-teppich-gekehrt-110320414.html] from former gymnasts [https://www.zeit.de/2025/09/missbrauch-turnen-leistungssport-verletzung-trainer-schikane] * Shannon Welker of Mizzu gave us the details on the piercing controversy GYMTERNET NEWS * Move over basic two-pass floor routines, Brie Clark [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2HBsB19/] (Clemson) just became the first person to compete a Biles in NCAA! * Watanabe's [https://www.thesportsexaminer.com/international-olympic-committee-japans-watanabe-stresses-innovative-5-continent-olympics-ai-in-gymnastics-judging/] opinions on transgender athletes, artificial intelligence, and judging * How Kyen Mayhew [https://bsky.app/profile/calwgym.bsky.social/post/3ljdwsesyx22z] just leveled-up the hair game for everyone * In an exclusive, Air Force [https://www.instagram.com/p/DGoM3_1uzGQ/] Gymnastics told us why, they were forced to take down an Instagram post * To make us all feel better, watch this video [https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGIJQSFx1wj/?igsh=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ%3D%3D] of a full-twisting split leg double layout * USA Gymnastics announced international assignments * Jessica Gadirova made her beam comeback at English Championships without a dismount * Injury updates: * Viktoria Listunova tore her achilles * Jennifer Gadirova suffered another ACL injury * Ansel Meadows-Rader [https://www.instagram.com/reel/DE_LMfdy8op/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D] competed with blades and won floor! NCAA * Say it louder for the people in the back! Greg Marsden [https://www.instagram.com/p/DGlkxa3Jdgi/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ%3D%3D] on viewership growth in NCAA women's gymnastics * Elimination season is approaching! What are the biggest surprises of the 2025 season? * CORRUPT OR CORRECT? * Audrey Davis vs Cienna Alipio's beam * Selena Harris is the first gymnast to earn a vault 10 this season * The judges-with-guts award goes to: the Maryland beam judges Feedback * Nola Matthew's new floor routine as a critique of artificial intelligence and data privacy concerns * Regionals questions: how are host team regionals placements decided? * How does Brooklyn Moors' side pass fulfill compositional requirements? * BEAM SABOTAGE AT SPRINGFIELD? UP NEXT * Spencer is doing a watch-along live blog here [https://gymcastic.com/spencers-live-blog-friday-february-14-2025/] before the podcast. * College & Cocktails: Friday at 7pm Pacific after Michigan vs. Oklahoma * Fantasy [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy/] Lineups Lock: Wednesday at 8:30 am Pacific * Add exclusive Club Content like College & Cocktails to your favorite podcast player (instructions here [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/89/]). * Never miss a live episode! Import the entire College & Cocktails schedule into your Google and iCal calendar here [https://gymcastic.com/sign-in/?redirect_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgymcastic.com%2Fcommunity%2Fpostid%2F4336%2F] Join Our Fantasy League [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy/] BONUS CONTENT * * * Join Club Gym Nerd [http://gymcastic.com/club] (or give it as a gift!) for access to weekly Behind the Scenes [https://gymcastic.com/club-content/] episodes. * Club Gym Nerd members [http://gymcastic.com/club] can watch the podcast being recorded and get access to all of our exclusive extended interviews, Behind The Scenes and College & Cocktails. * Not sure about joining the club? College & Cocktails [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-lsu-at-utah/]: The Friday Night NCAA Gymnastics Post-Meet Show is available to sample (even if you aren't a Club Gym Nerd member yet). Watch or listen here [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-lsu-at-utah/]. * 2025 College & (M)Cocktails menu [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4299/] (including mocktails of course) MERCH * GymCastic Store [https://gymcastic.com/store/]: clothing and gifts to let your gym nerd flag fly and even “tapestries” (banners [https://www.teepublic.com/tapestry/48925286-simone-freakin-biles-tapestry?ref_id=1646], the perfect to display in an arena) to support your favorite gymnast! * Baseball hats available now in the GymCastic store [https://gymcastic.com/store/] NEWSLETTERS * Sign up for all three GymCastic newsletters [https://gymcastic.com/gymcastic-newsletters/] FANTASY GAME: * * GymCastic 2025 College Fantasy Game [https://gymcastic.com/gymcastic-2025-college-fantasy-league/] now open. Never too late to join! RECENT * Fantasy News: 2025 NCAA Season, Week 9 [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy-news-2025-ncaa-season-week-9/] * College & Cocktails: Alabama at Arkansas [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-alabama-at-arkansas/] * Spencer’s Live Blog – Friday, February 28, 2025 [https://gymcastic.com/spencers-live-blog-friday-february-28-2025/] * Fantasy News: 2025 NCAA Season, Week 8 [https://gymcastic.com/fantasy-news-2025-ncaa-season-week-8/] * The 5th Rotation: February 25, 2025 [https://gymcastic.com/the-5th-rotation-february-25-2025/] * Winter Cottbus Pajama Revolution [https://gymcastic.com/winter-cottbus-pajama-revolution/] * Preview: 2025 Winter Cup [https://gymcastic.com/preview-2025-winter-cup/] * College & Cocktails: Florida at Oklahoma [https://gymcastic.com/college-cocktails-florida-at-oklahoma-2/] RESOURCES * Spencer's essential website The Balance Beam Situation [https://balancebeamsituation.com/] * Gymnastics History [https://www.gymnastics-history.com] and Code of Points Archive from Uncle Tim RESISTANCE Submitted by our listeners. * ACTION * Indivisible [https://indivisible.org/] * Practical ideas about what you can actually do in this moment, check it out: indivisi.org/muskorus [https://indivisi.org/muskorus] * 5Calls App [https://5calls.org/] will call your Congresspeople by issue with a script to guide you * * Make 2 to your Congressional rep (local and DC office). 2 each to your US Senators (local and state offices) * State your name and zip code or district * Be concise with your question or demand (i.e. What specific steps is Senator X taking to stop XYZ) * Wait for answer * Ask for action items - tell them what you want them to do (i.e. draft articles of impeachment immediately, I want to see you holding a press conference in front of...etc.) * ResistBot [https://resist.bot] * Turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes * ACLU Mobile Justice App [https://www.aclusocal.org/en/mobilejustice] * Allows you to record encounters with public officials while streaming to your closest contacts and your local ACLU; REPORT any abuse by authorities to the ACLU and its networks. * LAWSUITS * Donate to organizations suing the administration for illegal actions * ACLU [https://www.aclu.org/], Southern Poverty Law Center [https://www.splcenter.org/], Northwest Immigration Law Project [https://www.nwirp.org/] * STAY INFORMED * Suggested podcasts: Amicus [https://slate.com/podcasts/amicus], Daily Beans [https://www.dailybeanspod.com/], Pod Save America [https://crooked.com/podcast-series/pod-save-america/], Strict Scrutiny [https://crooked.com/podcast-series/strict-scrutiny/] * Immigrant Rights * Know Your Rights Red Cards [https://www.redcardorders.com/], We Have Rights Video [https://www.wehaverights.us/], Your Rights on trains and buses video [https://www.aclu-wa.org/docs/your-rights-immigration-agents-trains-and-buse]

IMPORTANT - Week 10 Lineups lock at noon on Wednesday, March 05 at 08:30am PT Your fantasy gymnastics update as you enter week 10 of the 2025 NCAA season: who’s a steal, who’s on a bye, who's competing twice, who's a bargain and much more. IMPORTANT - Salaries have been updated and lineups have been reset. If you did not change your lineup last week, you will need to draft a new team with the new salaries. 00:00 Intro 01:20 Roster Bargains 01:36 Roster Bargains - Vault 04:35 Roster Bargains - Bars 07:14 Roster Bargains - Beam 10:06 Roster Bargains - Floor 12:56 League Leaders 14:18 League Stats 15:19 Byes & Injuries Link to the College & Cocktails Schedule: https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4336/ [https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4336/]

Your fantasy gymnastics update as you enter week 9 of the 2025 NCAA season: who’s a steal, who’s on a bye, who's competing twice, who's a bargain and much more. I MPORTANT - Salaries have been updated and lineups have been reset. You need to draft a new team with the new salaries. Lineups WILL NOT carry over from last week. Week 09 Lineups lock at noon on Friday, February 28 at 2:15pm PT 00:00 Intro 01:50 Roster Bargains 02:10 Roster Bargains - Vault 05:34 Roster Bargains - Bars 09:24 Roster Bargains - Beam 12:21 Roster Bargains - Floor 16:25 League Leaders 17:11 League Stats 18:11 Byes & Injuries Link to the College & Cocktails Schedule: https://gymcastic.com/community/postid/4336/
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