Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras
Gratis podcast

Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras

Podcast af Horse Hippie

Horse Hippie offers it's social media followers an inspirational quote each day. These are called our Morning Mantras. They are a great, positive way to start your day.Now, these Morning Mantras are being shared via our podcast. Listen each day to start it the best way! 

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1629 episoder
episode Giving Too Much artwork
Giving Too Much

Morning Mantra: "You can't make someone love you by giving them more of what they already don't appreciate." If someone asks you to do more and you have a big reaction inside, it might be a sign that you are already doing too much. No one else will tell you to set boundaries with yourself, especially if they are benefiting from your giving.  It's time to listen to your gut as you know what is true, what is working, and what is not. If giving makes you feel empty, you are giving too much to the wrong person. #BeAwareOfGivingTooMuch #BeHappy #BeHorsey#BeHippie #HorseHippie#MorningMantra#inspirationalQuotes#MorningMotivation#Equestrian #HorseLover#QuotesToInspire#HorseHippieBrand#HorseHippieBoutique

22. okt. 2024 - 44 s
episode Your Best artwork
Your Best

Morning Mantra: “Doing your best looks different every day.” Today your best may look like a highly organized person getting her to-do list done. Yesterday your best might have been getting out of bed, laying on the couch reading, to distract your mind from worry. Tomorrow your best might be walking 3 miles, doing some yoga, eating healthy and being mindful. Or it might be just putting one foot in front of the other and remembering to breathe. Some days you’ll feel like your best deserves an A+ and on other days your best might only be a C, but what really matters is that you got up, showed up, and did your best. Stop beating yourself up by comparing your best to other people, you never know what their yesterday looked like. #BeOkayWithYourBest#BeHappy #BeHippie#MorningMantra#WordsToInspire#InspirationalQuotes#SmallBusinessOwner#WomenOwned#HorseHippie#HorsehippieBoutique

I går - 59 s
episode Distance from Emotions artwork
Distance from Emotions

Morning Mantra: "Try to witness the emotion instead of becoming it." Let's get real, you probably won't be able to do this when you are emotionally flooded, so give yourself a break.  However, there will be moments when you can stand back and observe the flow of your thoughts and emotions.  To see yourself as a person experiencing an emotion, and that you are not the emotion itself. When this happens you will be less likely to get caught up in the stories your mind spins, and you'll be more able to process and release emotions as you move through them.  Especially when you are experiencing negative emotions like anger, pain, resentment and such. The first step in learning this is to change the way you speak to yourself. Instead of saying "I'm so angry!" go with "my mind is experiencing anger." and so on. When you use this kind of language, you are creating a sense of distance between who you really are (love and light) and the negative emotion.  Creating this distance can cool the fires of, and reactions to, negative emotions. Allow yourself to see yourself as the person experiencing the emotion and you will be less likely to label yourself as an angry person, a stressed person, or a bad person and more likely to continue to love your essence while you experience a negative emotion. #BeAwareOfYourEmotions #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #HorseHippieBoutique #InspirationalQuotes #Inspire #QuotesToMakeYouFeelGood #QuotesFromTheHeart #MorningMantrasv

20. okt. 2024 - 1 min
episode Be a Good Human artwork
Be a Good Human

Morning Mantra: “Some miracles are just good people with kind hearts.” With all the devastation from the hurricanes and wild fires recently I am reminded that a  person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help. As tragic as the situation is, it is heart-warming to see accounts of those that are helping.  From the helpers creating donation drives, to those delivering the goods, to those sorting them and distributing them.  To mule trainers and rescues- both human and animal,  and to those tasked with recovery,.  To the businesses offering free meals, places to stay.  To people offering up their campers as housing, and to farmers from other states driving truckloads of hay and feed for the livestock.   Let's not forget the professional helpers such as linemen, the first responders, the nurses and doctors, therapists, and the government employees from the National Guard , the SBA and FEMA.  As well as the organizations such as the Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse, World Kitchen, BStrong, and so many more.  They may be trained on how these disasters work, but no human soul is prepared for what they are encountering day in and day out. Don't feel like you are not a helper if all you can offer right now is a prayer. Every positive thought creates more positive energy which lifts the collective vibration.  So pray, meditate and lift them all up. Be the reason someone believes in miracles. Be the reason someone keeps going. Be the kindness. Be the love. #BeAGoodHuman #BeHappy #BeHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned #HorseHippie #HorsehippieBoutique

18. okt. 2024 - 1 min
episode Listen to Your Heart artwork
Listen to Your Heart

Morning Mantra: "Your heart knows the way, run in that direction.” Whenever you are confused about a decision, remember this quote by Rumi. Then, stop overthinking, get out of your head and start listening to your heart. When your heart and mind get in sync with each other, you truly will make the best decisions. Run towards what you love, towards what speaks to you. Run as if your life depends on it, because, it does. Follow your passion and you will find your purpose. #BeWillingToListenToYourHeart #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #HorseHippieBoutique #InspirationalQuotes #Inspire #QuotesToMakeYouFeelGood #QuotesFromTheHeart #MorningMantras

17. okt. 2024 - 49 s
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