It's Electric! The Electric Car Show with Afeez Kay
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It's Electric! The Electric Car Show with Afeez Kay

Podcast af Afeez Kay

Hate electric cars? Think they’re glorified golf carts that only a tree-huggin’ vegan would be seen dead in? Well, here’s the news: everyone started there, but you’ve gotta be blind not to see that electric cars right now are taking over the world. They’re super-car fast, micro-car frugal, and best of all, they’re dolphin-friendly. If you love saving the planet, you’ll love It’s Electric, the web’s most highly-charged electric car podcast. 

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79 episoder
episode IE079 A Very Detailed EUC Discussion with Chris Yim artwork
IE079 A Very Detailed EUC Discussion with Chris Yim
Afeez has a fanboy moment on today’s episode of It's Electric! Chris Yin joins him today to have a heavy discussion about rideables, more specifically EUC’s! The guys get into a huge talk about everything from policy and education, to which EUC’s are their absolute favorites! They also share their opinions on where EUC education is lacking, and which companies have run into snags and obstacles on their quest to create the best possible electric unicycles for the rider! * How learning to ride an EUC differs from other means of transportation. * How different wheels stack up against one another, and Chris’ too 3 wheels of all time. * Making the most of various wheels and what goes into enjoying certain makes and models. * The complete lack of education surrounding etiquette where rideables are concerned. * Which wheels have had issues and obstacles to overcome during their development? “Every wheel has a different physics, every wheel has a different comfort to it” “As soon as a new wheel comes out I get kind of a craving” “I just want to experience as much as possible” “People kind of have a knee-jerk reaction against training” “I always start with a wheel, any wheel, with a lack of trust” “There’s no perfect EUC company” “You need to be able to fix your wheel because you’re not going to have a shop” Check out House Of Job! [] More Rideables [] Want more Afeez? Instagram [] YouTube [] Twitter [] Interested in testing out an electric vehicle? []
27. jun. 2019 - 1 h 2 min
episode EI078 Building An Electric Skateboard with Shaz! artwork
EI078 Building An Electric Skateboard with Shaz!
Shaz created his own electric skateboard! He’s joining Afeez on It’s Electric! today to discuss the parts and process of building his own rideable, and his motivations for doing so. From mobility and freedom to the lack of sweat they generate, personal electric transportation has perks! The guys also talk about the state of the world’s carbon dioxide levels, and what we could be doing on an individual level to help slow things down. Tune in for your weekly charge of EV entertainment and information! * What do you need to know to build an electric skateboard. * Preferences in ride type, and why Chaz chose the components he did. * Being a cyclist in London, and how a rideable experience differs. * The global rate of carbon dioxide production, and what we could be doing about it. “There’s a whole wide range of motors that exist” “It’s not the best feeling jumping into a meeting after cycling” “We should be moving away from fossil fuels as a fuel source for our homes” More Rideables [] Want more Afeez? Instagram [] YouTube [] Twitter [] Interested in testing out an electric vehicle? []
20. jun. 2019 - 35 min
episode IE077 Legalization, Registration, Insurance, Oh My! artwork
IE077 Legalization, Registration, Insurance, Oh My!
Michael, Nero and Andrew join Afeez on today’s episode of It’s Electric! Today’s topic? Should electric rideables be legalized, insured and registered? The guys have different points of view, and being up a ton of valid points both for and against registration, safety, and certifications! They also discuss their own circumstances, and uses for their rideables, and which way they think policy makers should go their decision making process. Should there be age limits? Should there be inspections? Should you be required to obtain a license? Listen in as they create their own policies right here on air, and find out which one of these fine gentlemen have been stopped by the police for riding their electric scooter! * EV Man’s perspective on whether or not they should be legal, insured and registered. * Nero’s point of view on the subject of legalization and registration. * Michael talks about multilevel certification and his views on legalization * Afeez shares his own perspective on each topic and what he feels ridiculous about the entire thing “Anything with a motor by its definition is a motor vehicle according to the government” “We can’t rely on common sense or parenting” “There’s a difference between an electric unicycle and a scooter” More Rideables [] Want more Afeez? Instagram [] YouTube [] Twitter [] Interested in testing out an electric vehicle? []
13. jun. 2019 - 57 min
episode What is the Balance Between Policy, Safety, and Personal Electric Transportation? artwork
What is the Balance Between Policy, Safety, and Personal Electric Transportation?
It’s Electric! has been in heavy discussions lately about Personal Electric Transportation and the policies that govern them. In this week’s episode, Afeez is joined by Terenig Topjian to talk about how the laws being considered makes sense, how they don’t, and how they could be improved upon. He also stresses the importance of basing policy on actually data, and why using existing bike laws as a precedent may not be such a bad idea. * What rideable policy concerns and voter ID laws have in common * Do we even have a safety problem? * Are bike laws applicable for rideables? * Should we be measuring power or speed for regulatory purposes? * Show us the data! “Are we applying car logic to this problem?” “When you pass a law, it’s usually because there is a problem and you want to address it” “Why are we comparing these things to cars? We should be comparing them to bicycles” “Speed is what dictates safety and danger” “Mobility should be a human right” More Rideables [] Want more Afeez? Instagram [] YouTube [] Twitter [] Interested in testing out an electric vehicle? []
06. jun. 2019 - 36 min
episode IE075 Getting Got by Gotway with Michael Quintana artwork
IE075 Getting Got by Gotway with Michael Quintana
Welcome to It’s Electric! with Afeez Kay. This week, we’re welcoming the extremely creative Michael Quintana onto the show to talk about electric unicycles. They weren’t always the beautiful works of art they are today. Once upon a time they were clunky and felt more like a gimmick than a viable means of transportation. But in modern times, these personal electric vehicles are serious business. They save people money, help with the congestion issues in major city centres, and even put the riders in a better mood for the rest of the day (and who doesn’t want to be in a better mood?). As they grow in popularity, the policy creators and lawmakers are finding themselves uneducated and behind the times, and as a result, they’re holding back progress that could be made in making our world a cleaner and better place. Today Afeez and Michael geek out about their favourite models, the benefits of riding, and what needs to change to make the experience a better one. * How Michael found Electric Vehicles, more importantly the Electric unicycle. * The most important feature of the Z10. * Why training on the grass is a (somewhat) good idea. * Why don’t Electric unicycles make sense to lawmakers and policy creators? * The huge benefits of using a rideable EV, and the comparisons between life with them and life with cars. * Why banning personal electric vehicles is the wrong move completely. “It’s not that you don’t want the exercise, but you don’t want to get to work hot and sweaty” “This can actually expand the gap and actually be the whole mile” “It’s, hand down, the best looking wheel on the planet right now” “Weather changes the game. Even road surface changes the game.” “People automatically assume it’s dangerous” “You’re not going to ban feet because someone walked into traffic, are you?” More Rideables [] Want more Afeez? Instagram [] YouTube [] Twitter [] Interested in testing out an electric vehicle? []
30. maj 2019 - 41 min
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