Leave Your Mark with Vince Cortese
Gratis podcast

Leave Your Mark with Vince Cortese

Podcast af Vince Cortese

Topics are Personal Discovery, Spirituality, Cancer, E-commerce, Sports, Entrepreneurs, Mental health and Healing. Developing deeper levels of thinking and self-awareness. Much Love and appreciation for all of you who choose to listen have a Blessed Day! 

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Alle episoder

106 episoder
episode Cancer Patient / Windsurfer - Michael Cramer artwork
Cancer Patient / Windsurfer - Michael Cramer

22-year-old Michael Kramer, who shares his remarkable journey of resilience after being diagnosed with a rare form of T-cell lymphoma. Diagnosed on July 14, 2020, Michael's battle against cancer defied the odds, as he exceeded an eight-month survival expectation. He underwent intense treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant. Despite the physical toll, including side effects from steroids and the loss of his previous identity, Michael remained strong, with the unwavering support of his family. Michael's mother, Ashley, also joins the conversation, reflecting on the family's strength, shaped by the earlier loss of her husband to cancer. Together, they turned their personal struggles into a mission to inspire others. Through their podcast, "Michael and Mom Talk Cancer," they raise awareness and offer hope to cancer patients and caregivers. This episode highlights the power of resilience, love, and purpose in the face of unimaginable challenges. Michael's story is a testament to human strength, and his efforts to leave a mark by helping others is truly inspirational. Don't miss this powerful and moving conversation. RESOURCES MENTIONED: ►  Visit our website: https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWtVX0hPMjJaNzc3SVdaaFBtZmFXSzc4Q1h4QXxBQ3Jtc0ttSkZtaFYyc2tQMkJPWVkyYWxLdVFQemZRdC1LaVpZWEcxRHZYTmNSU3BpMXhJdTVpME1YcUhSZGJiU1ZqYU14c3NnaFFxZ3JkN1ZfcVpScERFUF84T2Q1OXFGZDFlWU8ySTh5b1FnSkEydFJnOE5zOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leaveyourmarkvc.com%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]      InVINCEble Coaching course: ►  https://leave-your-mark-podcast-vc.ck [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFTNnp4ejVBUWxaWEwyTG1RWXlZb0F5akJyd3xBQ3Jtc0trLVF1aXZJM1lDUmQ3RW9vNDg4TnlzakxzUERqYnhRODJKbHBSSW9fNEVPaG1jYURaZzNPdTB6c0xZdzNTN3hucm0zX2JmLUE0S2RqOWNXSjRFSEYyR1lXUGdTN0RFZHZ4LXllX083X1VpUFhLZDU1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fleave-your-mark-podcast-vc.ck%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]...            Discover the keys to monetizing your podcast and gain practical tips on transforming your    passion into a thriving venture.    FREE Mini-Course How to start podcast on YouTube: ►     • Secrets to Launching Your Podcast in ... ►  Visit our website: https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFBQd2lUd0ZnV1JTUVNibGtuV1dSYlpqWHhYUXxBQ3Jtc0tsV09VeEpJbUliR0pWdzdRTEM1WGszejNCRHAtWkl0cG1kSjh0ZXVsWlI2UjZXSTh1dHRTMGZnUi1KNjBSVnM2RXkyeG1UQ3lWeFo5Tk1leG5Wdkc5d0ZYMm96dFJGbmhWRGVrMnhreGJySExFTDlKbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leaveyourmarkvc.com%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]       ►  Donations Here send your gift to our host Vince:         https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyou.. [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hLcncxWWY2ZTljRl9kWDJlYzd0bnpCQk9Td3xBQ3Jtc0tuQ0JYeVRhOE43TGZaMFVQLTJlRFNDWUIxNTZVZHJEQjE2bDFONkNWX2Y4cHkxQnNGU3BJZ05nSFhuaEpORjBSXzhyREdST0NCWENDcU9xeDdsTDg1b2xKdWY1X3F4dmU5dzFIOEpURmU4RUkyQXI4QQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buymeacoffee.com%2Fleaveyou..&v=EtofzLAwQHU]. ► LYM Social pages:        www.Linktr.ee/Vinniec Subscribe to LYM on YouTube!    / @leaveyoumarkvincecortese2020 [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKJpDzet5x_-hCdSliDNgA] Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise Support the show [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark]

04. sep. 2024 - 20 min
episode Entrepreneur / BULU CEO - Paul Jarrett artwork
Entrepreneur / BULU CEO - Paul Jarrett

Paul Jarrett, CEO of Bulu and a dynamic entrepreneur with a fascinating journey from humble beginnings to international success. Born and raised in a trailer park in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul grew up in a hardworking family that taught him invaluable lessons about resilience, problem-solving, and the importance of a strong work ethic. His father, a police officer, and his mother, a nurse-turned-entr RESOURCES MENTIONED: ►  Visit our website: https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWtVX0hPMjJaNzc3SVdaaFBtZmFXSzc4Q1h4QXxBQ3Jtc0ttSkZtaFYyc2tQMkJPWVkyYWxLdVFQemZRdC1LaVpZWEcxRHZYTmNSU3BpMXhJdTVpME1YcUhSZGJiU1ZqYU14c3NnaFFxZ3JkN1ZfcVpScERFUF84T2Q1OXFGZDFlWU8ySTh5b1FnSkEydFJnOE5zOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leaveyourmarkvc.com%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]      InVINCEble Coaching course: ►  https://leave-your-mark-podcast-vc.ck [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjFTNnp4ejVBUWxaWEwyTG1RWXlZb0F5akJyd3xBQ3Jtc0trLVF1aXZJM1lDUmQ3RW9vNDg4TnlzakxzUERqYnhRODJKbHBSSW9fNEVPaG1jYURaZzNPdTB6c0xZdzNTN3hucm0zX2JmLUE0S2RqOWNXSjRFSEYyR1lXUGdTN0RFZHZ4LXllX083X1VpUFhLZDU1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fleave-your-mark-podcast-vc.ck%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]...            Discover the keys to monetizing your podcast and gain practical tips on transforming your    passion into a thriving venture.    FREE Mini-Course How to start podcast on YouTube: ►     • Secrets to Launching Your Podcast in ...  ►  Visit our website: https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFBQd2lUd0ZnV1JTUVNibGtuV1dSYlpqWHhYUXxBQ3Jtc0tsV09VeEpJbUliR0pWdzdRTEM1WGszejNCRHAtWkl0cG1kSjh0ZXVsWlI2UjZXSTh1dHRTMGZnUi1KNjBSVnM2RXkyeG1UQ3lWeFo5Tk1leG5Wdkc5d0ZYMm96dFJGbmhWRGVrMnhreGJySExFTDlKbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leaveyourmarkvc.com%2F&v=EtofzLAwQHU]       ►  Donations Here send your gift to our host Vince:         https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyou.. [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa0hLcncxWWY2ZTljRl9kWDJlYzd0bnpCQk9Td3xBQ3Jtc0tuQ0JYeVRhOE43TGZaMFVQLTJlRFNDWUIxNTZVZHJEQjE2bDFONkNWX2Y4cHkxQnNGU3BJZ05nSFhuaEpORjBSXzhyREdST0NCWENDcU9xeDdsTDg1b2xKdWY1X3F4dmU5dzFIOEpURmU4RUkyQXI4QQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buymeacoffee.com%2Fleaveyou..&v=EtofzLAwQHU]. ► LYM Social pages:        www.Linktr.ee/Vinniec Subscribe to LYM on YouTube!    / @leaveyoumarkvincecortese2020  [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxKJpDzet5x_-hCdSliDNgA] Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa09qeHZ5aWpSX1NrMHl2VWRnTXdCbkNqVzQwd3xBQ3Jtc0tsTTUyMGRPMy1FaUs5czd6dmYwa0lTX3pZYjlkNmEyRTc5djFySEhyY0xvVFdvMFY5SHczZ1dBQlVZZ1NsVUVtNjhidlVLck1WOTRRYXl3NXdKajJZV281UTgxQmR3TXN2cEZTLXBXOFY4WXFPdTlxaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Famzn.to%2F3TB6VBP&v=EtofzLAwQHU] _______________ Reach out to us on our website! https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3FEek1NRklUSFJ4X1ZWVThZWV9iMVRVUXpxQXxBQ3Jtc0tsSjNyeFdDRnhjYlB4dk9aUXI0a0VWdHRRRnZUR3A4MTlzNmhPdXVjUUx0TGthZVl0OUdiekhQZzN4R1RHNEIzNTZoSVdhN1hMV04wNHZYcE92dXFrODB6bVRENGxGMTkyZnZ5UnJJTk5jMGhuTkUxQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.leaveyourmarkvc.com%2Fcontact&v=EtofzLAwQHU]epreneur, instilled in him the drive to succeed despite challenges. Support the show [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark]

29. aug. 2024 - 29 min
episode Autism Diet / Gluten Free snacks - Auggie & Jennifer Wiese artwork
Autism Diet / Gluten Free snacks - Auggie & Jennifer Wiese

Auggie discusses his early experiences with autism and the dietary changes he had to make, which led Jennifer to start creating gluten-free foods for him and eventually the entire family. This venture evolved into a successful business that not only provides delicious gluten-free snacks but also champions the employment of individuals with autism. Touched by this episode?  Donate to LYM Podcast: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark] Reach out to us on our website! https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact [https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact] All LYM online pages: www.Linktr.ee/Vinniec [https://www.linktr.ee/Vinniec] Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP [https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP] Join LYM Newsletter: http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM [http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM] Watch on YouTube [https://youtu.be/54MOkbNfGyU] Support the show [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark]

14. aug. 2024 - 20 min
episode Breast Cancer Doctor & Patient - Dr Liz O'Riodan artwork
Breast Cancer Doctor & Patient - Dr Liz O'Riodan

Imagine being a seasoned breast surgeon, only to be struck by cancer yourself—this was Dr. Liz Riodan's shocking reality in 2015, when her world turned upside down at just 40 years old. Despite her expertise, the transition from confident doctor to terrified patient was jarring as she watched chemotherapy drugs enter her veins. After 18 months of treatment, she returned to her practice, only to face a heartbreaking recurrence that forced her into early retirement at 43. With deep insight from her personal and professional battles, Dr. O'Riodan now shares eight crucial lessons she wishes she had known at the start of her cancer journey. Touched by this episode?  Donate to LYM Podcast: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark] Reach out to us on our website! https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact [https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact] All LYM online pages: www.Linktr.ee/Vinniec [https://www.linktr.ee/Vinniec] Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP [https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP] Join LYM Newsletter: http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM [http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM] Watch on YouTube [https://youtu.be/54MOkbNfGyU] Support the show [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark]

14. aug. 2024 - 19 min
episode Spina Bifida / Paralympics World Champion - Dan McCoy artwork
Spina Bifida / Paralympics World Champion - Dan McCoy

Dan McCoy's journey embodies resilience and triumph. Despite being born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, he soared to victory with Team USA's Paralympic Sled Hockey Team in 2014, securing a cherished Gold Medal.    This triumph ignited his passion for fitness and nutrition, driving him to empower others, irrespective of their challenges, to embrace healthier lifestyles. As a certified personal trainer,     Dan dedicates himself to guiding individuals towards their fitness goals with compassion and understanding. Touched by this episode?  Donate to LYM Podcast: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark] Reach out to us on our website! https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact [https://www.leaveyourmarkvc.com/contact] All LYM online pages: www.Linktr.ee/Vinniec [https://www.linktr.ee/Vinniec] Vince Cortese, Author: My Story about Courage and Faith Bad Days are Really Good Days in Disguise https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP [https://amzn.to/3TB6VBP] Join LYM Newsletter: http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM [http://bit.ly/JoinMEonLYM] Watch on YouTube [https://youtu.be/54MOkbNfGyU] Sponsors of this episode: Affiliate Link in this episode: Support the show [https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leaveyourmark]

03. maj 2024 - 32 min
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