Live The Change Podcast
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Live The Change Podcast

Podcast af Lucy Hutchings Hunt's Live The Change Podcast

Help make the world a better place and Join Lucy Hutchings Hunt (Digital Course Creation Mentor, Kajabi Expert & Founder of Grow Your Expert Brand) for her podcast: Live The Change. Lucy is a champion of women, ninja digital marketer & mental health awareness campaigner who believes that anyone can turn their lives around in order to create spiritual and financial abundance as long as their 'WHY' is purpose-led and meaningful enough to galvanise them into action. Lucy hosts powerful interviews with people who are catalysts for positive change in the world; global voices in heart-led business, social entrepreneurship, social innovation and pioneering mission-centric business building. Lucy knows that powerful stories have the ability to change other peoples lives for the better. The impact the right story's message can have on someone at just the right time in their life is immeasurable. It could help save lives, salvage relationships, repair families, change someone’s health for the better, grow a company or more. Live The Change helps to share stories and messages of passion, purpose, positivity and hope. 

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39 episoder
episode Live The Change with Sophie Benge, Midlife Feminine Energy & Embodiment Coach artwork
Live The Change with Sophie Benge, Midlife Feminine Energy & Embodiment Coach

Live The Change with Sophie Benge: Sophie Benge is an empowering force to be reckoned with. She is a seasoned veteran in the spa and holistic healing space. Her thirst for adventure led her to Hong Kong, where she was introduced to the spa industry. Here is where Sophie’s love for indigenous wellness was nurtured. Soon after, she began the role of Editor for Elle Decoration Magazine in Asia and is now a consultant in the international wellness spa industry. With over 25 years of experience under her belt, Sophie has pivoted her expertise to catering mid-life and menopausal women to help them reconnect with their bodies and femininity. Now as an energy guide, Sophie’s mission is to lift women up and motivate them to take charge of their feminine essence gracefully. Some questions I ask: How does menopause relate to women’s feminine nature? How do we connect back to our bodies post childbearing? What are key concepts to know for women to be able to embody their feminine essence? In this episode, you will learn: When we embody our feminine essence we connect with our body, allowing for a transformative moment How to connect with your sexual energy by; slowing down, remaining present, and becoming aware of your senses The four parts of the clitoris and its intention towards womanhood Sophie’s 3 gems: Balance Do lovely things for your body throughout the day Get out in nature

03. maj 2022 - 41 min
episode Janet Henson: Divorce and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach artwork
Janet Henson: Divorce and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach

Live The Change with Janet Henson, Divorce and Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach Being in a relationship with a narcissist is no easy feat; learning your partner is a narcissist is even worse, but leaving the relationship can be unfathomably difficult. Janet Henson’s profession is just that; she is a divorce and narcissistic recovery coach. She helps people equip themselves in making the hardest transitions of their lives by empowering, affirming, and providing support every step of the way. Having had her own ordeal with a narcissist, Janet uses her experience as a roadmap on how to recognize red flags and navigate their personalities. She specializes in narcissistic abuse, ex-pat divorces, and late-in-life divorces, and her mission is to lift people out of the hole that was dug by a charmer who became a harmer. Some questions I ask: In what ways has narcissism become widely known as a personality disorder? How can people identify it? What would you say to someone who has a narcissistic person in their life? What is your experience being in a relationship with someone who is a narcissist? What would you say to people who are confronted by others for distancing yourself from the narcissist in your life? In this episode, you will learn: How to learn attributes of a narcissist; charming, clever, false compassion (the charmer and the harmer) Narcissist can develop their personality from their upbringing; ie helicopter parents with high expectations, parent who are narcissistic themselves and adopted behavior Narcissists tend to target people who are empathetic Janet’s 3 gems of wisdom: Listen to your gut instinct Enjoy and appreciate life Make sure to always keep healthy

23. apr. 2022 - 46 min
episode Laura Shuckburgh: Menopause Coach and Founder of Marvellous Midlife artwork
Laura Shuckburgh: Menopause Coach and Founder of Marvellous Midlife

Live The Change with Laura Shuckburg: Laura Shuckburg is an agent of change and a champion for thriving. She is a life coach and menopausal consultant for women in their midlife. At the age of 47, Laura began experiencing unexplainable symptoms of anxiety and brain fog that felt like borderline dementia though to her surprise, it was Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). In a decision to live life to the fullest, rather than resentment, Laura left her marriage in 2020 and set off to France with her dog, a van, and a new zest for life. With Marvellous Midlife and Menopause Hive, Laura’s goal is to inspire women to pave their own path to happiness and fulfillment as they journey through the most pivotal moment of their life. Some questions I ask: How has PMDD define your life? What brought you to France? Why now? How did you decide to live and run your business in a van? In this episode, you will learn: Understanding how Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder affects your life and state of being The butterfly effect; why choices should always be examined carefully and come from a heartfelt place  Why outright hatred or judgment towards a person is often a reflection of ourselves that we refuse to acknowledge Laura’s 3 gems: Listen to your body Take up meditation  Try to be happy with what is present

24. jan. 2022 - 48 min
episode Marsha Powell, Founder of BelEve - The girl-focused charity working with 8 to 18 year olds artwork
Marsha Powell, Founder of BelEve - The girl-focused charity working with 8 to 18 year olds

Marsha Powell is Founder of BelEve UK, the London based Girls' Charity, that equips girls and young women with the support network, skills and confidence to make informed choices about their future. Committed to the development and social mobility of young women, this HR professional uses all her transferable skills, knowledge and experience from her 15-years career in the city and her Masters in Personel Development to develop and sustain a platform that contributes to the female empowerment and gender equality narrative in the UK. BelEve gives girls and young women support, guidance, education, confidence, self-esteem, opportunities, positive solutions and role models. With 8 years of experience working with girls and young women, Marsha has developed and successfully facilitated the learning of over 5000 girls aged 8-19, contributing to their social mobility, improved educational outcomes and wellness. BelEve’s outcomes are delivered through employability, leadership workshops and career development support. A strong believer that every girl needs a mentor, she has recently relaunched a mentoring & skills development programme matching 50 professional women with 50 young women. The programme is set to support girls in the next steps in their educational or career journey, to ensure they have the right skills and support to achieve their potential and goals.

21. apr. 2021 - 39 min
episode Honor Davis-Marks: How to Have Fun With instagram artwork
Honor Davis-Marks: How to Have Fun With instagram

Honor’s superpower is reinvention. When lockdown threatened her livelihood in the tourism sector in South West France, building an online coaching business with Instagram brought unexpected benefits – a community of like-minded women running their own small businesses. Far removed from her former life as a recruitment consultant in the City of London, she recently launched “How to Have Fun with Instagram”, signing up seven clients in the first 24 hours. Honor is a strong advocate for helping women in their fifties find new confidence in themselves and in running their businesses. Some questions I ask: Is it easier to run a business through the power of the internet? What would you say to someone who isn’t a natural extrovert? Does your mentoring help add a layer of self-expression to the midlife women who you champion? In this episode, you will learn: How Instagram helps small businesses be seen and heard Build it and they will come: how positive affirmations will help you believe it and become it People can have a new lease of life every decade and women in their fifties have such a lot to offer If people make mistakes, we love them all the more for being authentic Social media opens up new options and new choices which we made not have heard about Honor’s 3 gems: You don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow so live for today Don’t care about what others think of you – it is none of your business Just do it, just live it

14. apr. 2021 - 49 min
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