Madness and Movies Podcast
Gratis podcast

Madness and Movies Podcast

Podcast af madnessandmovies

In case you were wondering: all your favorite characters are crazy. 

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28 episoder
episode #27 - Stepford Wives (1975): The health benefits of Robot Replacement Therapy (RRT) artwork
#27 - Stepford Wives (1975): The health benefits of Robot Replacement Therapy (RRT)

Stepford Wife (n): a married woman who submits to her husband's will and is preoccupied by domestic concerns and her own personal appearance. That's fairly insidious, and I think we have all come to recognize it as such. There is an over-strong emphasis on stability, "normality," and the value of compliance. But put it side by side with the World Health Organization's definition of mental health: Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual... can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Do you see the problem yet?

23. okt. 2019 - 47 min
episode #27 - The Golden Compass: A Lesson on Delinquency artwork
#27 - The Golden Compass: A Lesson on Delinquency

What happens when we try to separate a person from their identity, from the very traits that make them unique? Golden Compass explores this question when it is revealed that the government, inspired by religious fundamentalism, is violently separating children from their daemons - i.e. animal companions that, in this universe, embody their souls. With our guest, Mad activist Kaz DeWolfe, we discuss the parallels between this procedure and therapies/treatments designed to make people more neurotypical and conforming.

12. okt. 2019 - 1 h 4 min
episode #26 - Spiderman Into the Spiderverse artwork
#26 - Spiderman Into the Spiderverse

Are superhero movies dead? You know, the kind where a handsome white man saves the city and gets the girl? Ok, maybe those movies aren't dead, but not for lack of trying. Spiderverse makes a point of killing the handsome, perfect Peter Parker in the first five minutes of the movie. This universe - OUR universe - has to be saved by a mixed-race kid from the wrong side of town, a depressed Jewish Peter, and a jazz-drumming young woman. So we're talking with James Aponte, filmmaker and screenwriter, about the death of normality, fragmented identity, collectivism, diversity, and the value of representation. It's one hell of a discussion!

02. jul. 2019 - 1 h 36 min
episode #25 - Game of Thrones Finale Primer artwork
#25 - Game of Thrones Finale Primer

Start with a simple question: what would have happened if Robb Stark had dragons? Game of Thrones is finally coming to a close. We don't know what's coming next any more than you do, but we wanted to talk about how madness (and our perceptions of it) will play a role in the conclusions the show comes to. How Dany's turn to the dark side is foreshadowed not by the plot, but by sexism (see above question). How Tyrion's brand of disability pride has united a kingdom. And how Bronn is the hero we all need. You won't want to miss this one, unless you don't watch Game of Thrones for some reason, I guess Support our Patreon! []

17. maj 2019 - 1 h 1 min
episode #24 - Troll 2: A Mad Pride Fairy Tale artwork
#24 - Troll 2: A Mad Pride Fairy Tale

If you have ever wondered what it must be like to hear voices, to see things nobody else can see, then this is the movie for you. Because this time, the guy with the voices was right. Shownotes: Support our Patreon! [] Cracks in human perception (the drunk guy in the black box) [] So what is healthism, anyways? []

07. maj 2019 - 50 min
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