Miss Charlotte's Finishing School for Wayward Readers
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Miss Charlotte's Finishing School for Wayward Readers

Podcast af Yokohama Theatre Group

In Miss Charlotte's Finishing School for Wayward Readers, four readers choose a piece of Victorian-era literature and respond to it together, a few chapters at a time. Their guide on this journey is the titular Miss Charlotte Sampson, an expert on Victorian Lit. As they discuss the book in a thorough but irreverent manner, the readers compete for points to see who will be the Teacher's Pet and who will be the Class Dunce again. 

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12 episoder
episode S1 E12 – The End of the Beginning – Candid Review & Final Grades artwork
S1 E12 – The End of the Beginning – Candid Review & Final Grades

Please take note that we swear in this podcast. We’ve finished the novel, but like the ghost of a lover haunting the moors of Yorkshire, the torture and pain of the experience lingers on! In this week’s episode, the class lets loose and gives Wuthering Heights a piece of their minds in their final candid review. Juri demonstrates the value of doing one’s homework, Emi demonstrates the pitfalls of improvising one’s homework on the spot, Andrew demonstrates the futility of doing one’s homework in a way Miss Charlotte likes slightly less, and Daniel demonstrates his love for Judy Blume’s literary oeuvre in lieu of doing his homework. Also featured: the final point tally, and the big reveal of the much-anticipated prize for the top student in the class. Citations Fish, Stanley. Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1980. ERRATA: Miss Charlotte has confirmed with Thomas Joudry, whose article appeared in Episode 11, that his last name is indeed pronounced “Joe-dree.”

15. feb. 2021 - 1 h 0 min
episode S1 E11 – It Is A Poor Conclusion, Is It Not? – Chapters 33 and 34 artwork
S1 E11 – It Is A Poor Conclusion, Is It Not? – Chapters 33 and 34

Please take note that we swear in this podcast. In this week’s episode, we discuss Chapters 33 and 34 of Wuthering Heights, bringing Emily Brontë’s bleak saga to a close. Andrew paints an idyllic picture of the far-flung future in his reader response, using the most obnoxious sound effect possible. We also have a fun conversation about the cycle of abuse, because Wuthering Heights is depressing to the very end. Miss Charlotte tells us what 19th-century readers REALLY thought of Wuthering Heights, and we discuss Linton Heathcliff’s dirty little secret. Also featured: shrub discourse, Daniel’s obsession with porridge, and the phrase “brain lips.” THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE! This episode, for no reason, was the hardest to produce so far. Three different editors, malfunctioning software, weird noise issues on the audio tracks, Andrew being buried in producing a show [https://ytg.jp/peony-lantern]… you name it. Episode 12 has already had a first pass of editing, and we plan to release it and episode 13 over the next two weeks. (In that time, we also plan to start recording Semester 2, with an all-new book and group of readers, so stay tuned.) Citations Joudrey, Thomas J. “‘Well, We Must Be for Ourselves in the Long Run’: Selfishness and Sociality in Wuthering Heights.” Nineteenth-Century Literature, vol. 70, no. 2, 2015, pp. 165–193.

05. feb. 2021 - 1 h 17 min
episode S1 E10 – Shoot Off Your Mouth, Not Your Arm – Chapters 30 to 32 artwork
S1 E10 – Shoot Off Your Mouth, Not Your Arm – Chapters 30 to 32

Ugh. If your podcast app auto-downloaded this episode when it dropped, you may want to delete it and re-download. There was a glitch with the first version of the file that was pretty annoying and cut out words here and there. Please take note that we swear in this podcast. In this week’s episode, we discuss Chapters 30 – 32 of Wuthering Heights. Emi calls in from a hostel in Toyama, after cycling around 400 kilometers in two days to get there, so you may notice a perceptible drop in her audio quality. In this episode, we talk about beauty contests in Gimmerton, Joseph’s accent, and Lockwood devestatin’ the moors! Woo-hoo! Babes and brewskies! (Not quite.) More seriously, we do a deep dive into parallels betweenBeauty and the Beast and these chapters ofWuthering Heights. Also stay tuned for the outtakes at the end this week: they include strange noises that Emi was making in Toyama. Another note: Juri had to drop out of the recording before the cathartic pop quiz. That’s why she’s missing by the end of the episode. Our wayward readers are: Andrew Woolner, Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Daniel Wishes,Puppeteer [https://en.mochinosha.com/ja-shows]andPodcaster [https://www.weirdmovieclub.com/] Emi Do, World-changer and marathon runner Juri Ito, Assistant Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Akihiro Akane wrote our theme song. You can find out more about him and his work athttps://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/ [https://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/]andhttps://ardenaki.com/ [https://ardenaki.com/]. Andrew wrote the words. Special guest Northern accent David Sagar. The podcast is edited this week by Andrew Woolner. Miss Charlotte’s Finishing School for Wayward Readersis an audio production of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/], or YTG, a non-profit theatre company based in Japan. If you want to support the theatrical work we do, you can head over toytg.jp [https://ytg.jp/]and click the support button. P.S. Do you want to join us as a Wayward Reader for our second season? If you think you have what it takes, head over to ourcontact page [https://waywardreaders.com/contact-us/] and get in touch! LINKS Translations for some of Joseph’s dialogue: https://www.wuthering-heights.co.uk/wh/josephs-speech.php [https://www.wuthering-heights.co.uk/wh/josephs-speech.php] CITATIONS Williams, Anne. “Natural Supernaturalism in ‘Wuthering Heights.’” Studies in Philology, vol. 82, no. 1, 1985, pp. 104–127.

20. nov. 2020 - 1 h 17 min
episode S1 E9 – Decomposition – Chapters 27 to 29 artwork
S1 E9 – Decomposition – Chapters 27 to 29

Please take note that we swear in this podcast. In this week’s episode, we discuss Chapters 27 – 29 of Wuthering Heights. Emi does her very best to do an infomercial, and we don’t know how it went because we’re all focused on her weird accent work; the readers argue over how long it takes a body to decompose under various circumstances; and Miss Charlotte reveals to us thatWuthering Heights is only the SECOND MOST depressing Victorian novel (listen to discover the first most depressing novel). Our wayward readers are: Andrew Woolner, Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Daniel Wishes,Puppeteer [https://en.mochinosha.com/ja-shows]andPodcaster [https://www.weirdmovieclub.com/] Emi Do, World-changer and marathon runner Juri Ito, Assistant Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Akihiro Akane wrote our theme song. You can find out more about him and his work athttps://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/ [https://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/]andhttps://ardenaki.com/ [https://ardenaki.com/]. Andrew wrote the words. The podcast is edited this week by Andrew Woolner. Miss Charlotte’s Finishing School for Wayward Readersis an audio production of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/], or YTG, a non-profit theatre company based in Japan. If you want to support the theatrical work we do, you can head over toytg.jp [https://ytg.jp/]and click the support button. P.S. Do you want to join us as a Wayward Reader for our second season? If you think you have what it takes, head over to ourcontact page [https://waywardreaders.com/contact-us/] and get in touch!

06. nov. 2020 - 1 h 7 min
episode S1 E8 – Steppin’ Out – Chapters 24 – 26 artwork
S1 E8 – Steppin’ Out – Chapters 24 – 26

Okay, we’re officially going bi-weekly on releases until we have some way of cutting down editing time (or adding a dedicated editor). Thanks for being understanding. Please take note that we swear in this podcast. In this week’s episode, we discuss Chapters 24 – 26 of Wuthering Heights. We learn about Emily’s time in Brussels; Daniel presents us with some celebrity impressions– although his definition of “celebrity” is different than ours; and Andrew presents the Wuthering Heightsversion of the “Jar Jar Binks was a Sith lord” theory, which leads us to ponder the lightsaber skills of Lockwood. The image for this episode is from the plaque erected on the boarding school that Emily and Charlotte briefly attended in Brussels. Below is a street map that shows the location of the school. [https://waywardreaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/plattegrond-1-1-300x201.jpg] [https://waywardreaders.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Bronte-plaque-in-Brussels-300x225.jpg] Our wayward readers are: Andrew Woolner, Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Daniel Wishes,Puppeteer [https://en.mochinosha.com/ja-shows]andPodcaster [https://www.weirdmovieclub.com/] Emi Do, World-changer and marathon runner Juri Ito, Assistant Artistic Director of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/]. Akihiro Akane wrote our theme song. You can find out more about him and his work athttps://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/ [https://www.instagram.com/ardenaki/]andhttps://ardenaki.com/ [https://ardenaki.com/]. Andrew wrote the words. The podcast is edited by Joan Chen. Miss Charlotte’s Finishing School for Wayward Readersis an audio production of theYokohama Theatre Group [https://ytg.jp/], or YTG, a non-profit theatre company based in Japan. If you want to support the theatrical work we do, you can head over toytg.jp [https://ytg.jp/]and click the support button. P.S. Do you want to join us as a Wayward Reader for our second season? If you think you have what it takes, head over to ourcontact page [https://waywardreaders.com/contact-us/]and get in touch!

22. okt. 2020 - 1 h 7 min
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