People Rise Up Radio
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People Rise Up Radio

Podcast af People Rise Up Radio

Resistance news & culture for activists and civilians alike. 

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episode 016 – People Rise Up Radio – EXCLUSIVE Kit O’Connell on Stand With Texas Women Actions artwork
016 – People Rise Up Radio – EXCLUSIVE Kit O’Connell on Stand With Texas Women Actions

Originally aired on Occupy the Media Collective 09/02/2013 INTRODUCTION Update on last week's People's Uprising piece, Anne Feeney joins the Solidarity Sing-Along in Madison, Wisconsin. SONG – Have You Been To Jail For Justice? by Anne Feeney NEWS CIA Inspector General's report on CIA's cooperation with NYPD in violation of American law, NSA paid major US tech companies to spy on customers, Egyptian military releases Murbarak, establishment left co-opts anniversary of “March On Washington” remembrance, Shi restaurant turns away victims of vicious hate-crime, media cheer-leads invasion of Syria, documents reveal US officials knew about Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapon use in Iraq-Iran War, Nadil Hasan sentenced to death for Ft. Hood shooting CounterSpin - Round-up of the week's news ( SONG – War What Is It Good For? By Edwin Starr CLIP - George Carlin on why Americans love war THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY - Italian-born anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti executed, 19th Amendment guarantees white women the right to vote, March On Washington, Fannie Sellins assassinated, LA County Sheriffs attack anti-war demonstration by Chicanos in East LA THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING - Burning Man workers call for strike in response to police invasion, prisoner hunger strike update, Occupy Oakland stage prisoner solidarity march, Brazilian police torture protesters, Overpass Light Brigade reminds Washington, DC about jobs and freedom, Solidarity Sing-Along arrests NEXT WEEK IN THE PEOPLE”S UPRISING SONG – Let's Have A War by Fear EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH KIT O'CONNELL (PART 1) - Moral Mondays Chicago protest at ALEC national convention SONG – What Are We Fighting For? By Country Joe McDonald COMMENTARY – No War On Syria SONG – Eve Of Destruction by Barry McGuire EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH KIT O'CONNELL (PART 2) - Report back on the direct-action at Texas capitol in Austin, Texas in response to Wendy Davis's stand for women's reproductive rights and how the professional left not only snitchjkacketed the grass-roots activists, but also took all the credit and donations related to the action SONG – War Pigs by Black Sabbath

27. dec. 2015 - 2 h 5 min
episode 015 – People Rise Up Radio – Police Raid Activists’ Home artwork
015 – People Rise Up Radio – Police Raid Activists’ Home

Originally aired 08/19/13 on Occupy the Media Collective ( NEWS - NSA will investigate itself, police want armored personnel carrier, North Carolina passes voter discrimination law, Egyptian military and police kill protesters at Rabba CounterSpin – Drone strikes in Yemen, NSA surveillance, 2016 elections ( SONG – Dirty Boulevard by Lou Reed PEOPLE'S HISTORY - Anti-immigrant movement carry out Bloody Monday massacre in Louisville, Kentucky, Tennessee striking miners take over mines and release prisoners, Joan Little, Steve Biko arrested, tortured, and murdered in South Africa THIS WEEK IN THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING – Dream Defenders give up, Moral Mondays protests expand protests, Overpass Light Brigade joins the Solidarity Sing-Along in Wisconsin, hundreds of thousands come out in Brazil in support of public workers NEXT WEEK IN THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING SONG – Jail Break by AC/DC INTERVIEW – Police raid home of independent media producers and activists in Canada ( SPOKEN WORD - Cosmopolitan Greetings by Allen Ginsberg (used by permission) SPOKEN WORD - The Emperor Has No Woes written and performed by Frank Serpcio SONG – Stand! by Sly and the Family Stone AUDIO ZINE – Fuck pig apologists AUDIO ZINE – Why We Take Streets SONG – Marching On On by The Alarm

18. dec. 2015 - 1 h 18 min
episode 014 – People Rise Up Radio – Stop Stop And Frisk! artwork
014 – People Rise Up Radio – Stop Stop And Frisk!

Originally aired 08/13/13 on Occupy the Media Collective ( A tight and timeless episode of People Rise Up Radio that totally ROCKED the house! Smart discussion of stop & frisk with great musical selections. LISTEN NOW!!!   CounterSpin – mainstream media hypes terrorism to bolster NSA surveillance, US protects dictatorial criminals, media pushes military budgetary woes, ted koppell take on terrorism fear mongering at odds with previous comments, Soledad O'Brien calls-out media on shitty political coverage. SONG - Dump The Bosses Off Your Back (Utah Phillips & Ani Difranco) DISCUSSION – Media portrays Stop & Frisk ruling as “unconstitutional” despite the fact that judge ruled such policies ARE in-fact constitutional. Plaintiffs failed by asking only for meager REFORMS to the policy and not its abolition entirely. SONG - No Justice (Smith & Mighty) PARODY - Beware! Armed gangs in your neighborhood SONG- Revolutionary Beat (Flipsyde) KNOW YOUR RIGHTS – Stop & Frisk Special Edition

17. dec. 2015 - 55 min
episode 013 – People Rise Up Radio – Poems Of The Revolution artwork
013 – People Rise Up Radio – Poems Of The Revolution

Originally aired 08/06/13 on Occupy the Media Collective ( TRIGGER WARNING for those suffering from triskaidekaphobia may wish to avoid our 13th episode. NEWS Internal EPA report contradicts official reports on fracking dangers, Chelsea Manning* found guilty, Edward Snowden documents describe NSA internet collection program Xkeyscore (XKS), Russia grants Snowden temporary asylum, Harper government gives TransCanada green light for Energy East pipeline. *Chelsea was still known as Bradley at the time of broadcast. CounterSpin – Recap of the weekly news (WikiLeaks – Collateral Murder) ( THE PEOPLE'S HISTORY Americans With Disabilities Act, Reverend Richard Hale leads College Shoppe protest, fort providing safety to 300 African American, Creek, and Choctaw families firebombed by US gunboats sparking the Seminole Wars, W.E.B Dubois and NAACP hold silent march in New York City, Mother Jones “March of the Mill Children” arrives at Theodore Roosevelt's Oyster Bay home , El Salvador's Nation Guard fire on students in San Salvador killing and injuring dozens, Hilo Massacre, Frank Little lynched in Montana LAST WEEK IN THE PEOPLE'S UPRISING Dream 9 California border protest,anti-government protesters tear gassed in Lima, Peru, activists shut down tar sands site in Utah, day 46 of anti-government protests in Bulgaria, fast food workers walk out across the US, anti-fracking activists blockade site in UK, 250 activists defend home in Minnesota, people march throughout Turkey to protest shooting of 14 year-old Berkin Elvan by Turkish police (Berkan would later die after spending 269 days in a coma), Animal Connection of Texas protest Ringling Brothers in Dallas, anti-police brutality riots continue in Brazil as Brazil's Black Bloc garners even more support from the people, Dream Defenders continue occupation in Florida in memory of Trayvon Martin and demand an end to “Stand Your Ground” law. SPOKEN WORD – Riot - written and performed by J-Rey SPOKEN WORD – People Hear My Call – written and performed by Esho SPOKEN WORD – A Poem To the Black Man Who Called Me An Arab – written by Alok Vaid-Menon ( ( SPOKEN WORD – Ex-Trashilo written and performed by R. Rice

13. dec. 2015 - 55 min
episode 012 – People Rise Up Radio – Introduction To Media Bias artwork
012 – People Rise Up Radio – Introduction To Media Bias

Original Air Date – 07/29/2013 on Occupy the Media Collective ( News Turkish courts allow destruction of #GeziPark to go forward, Cornell West calls Obama “a global George Zimmerman” due to drone policy, Brazilian military attack protesters as Pope Francis arrives, Houston follows Baltimore and San Diego County in filing suit against Bank of America, Barclays, and Citigroup for their roles in the LIBOR scandal, Hercules gas well blows out in Gulf of Mexico, London, Ontario police raid the apartment of independent journalists with The Indignants citing graffiti warrant confiscating electronic equipment and arresting three, armed guards intimidate journalist covering closing arguments of Chelsea Manning trial. ( ( @theindignants CounterSpin – Weekly round-up of the week's news. ( Music – Corporate Welfare song by Anne Feeney People's History Newsboy strike, Helen Thomas dies, Alex Berkman attempts to assassinate steel magnet Henry Clay Frick. This Week In the People's Uprising Protest in Egypt continue as military cracks down, Moral Mondays grow, arrests at Solidarity Sing Along in Wisconsin, PETA holds daily protests against Ringling Brothers Circus, defund the NSA action in New Orleans, Tampa Dream Defenders arrive in Tallahassee, Coalition For Justice For Trayvon Martin begins five day “Walk For Dignity”, Prisoner Hunger Striker Billy Michael Sells aka Guerro dies, ALERT! FBI informant Brandon Darby spotted at Trayvon Martin protests in Florida EXCERPT: The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News If you think U.S. news has a liberal bias, this assumption-shattering film from Noam Chomsky, Edward Herman, and Justin Lewis will have you thinking again. DISCUSSION: Introduction To Media Bias LEE CAMP: MOMENT OF CLARITY 15 Crucial Facts NEVER Heard On The Mainstream Media EXCERPT: Anarchist kid from Charlie Chaplin's 1957 "A King In New York" MUSIC: Kill Your Television by Ned's Atomic Dustbin EXCERPT: South Park - How would you like to suck my %$#@ Mr. Garrison? MUSIC: Mad World by Tears For Fears performed by Gary Jules

11. dec. 2015 - 1 h 24 min
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