Quiet on Purpose
Gratis podcast

Quiet on Purpose

Podcast af Heather Lieurance

Whatever it takes to help us all learn to sit quietly in the presence of God and our own soul. We’re going to spend some time each week considering a (very) small section of scripture, how our soul responds to that, and what we want to do about it. Sometimes, we’ll introduce a spiritual practice instead. Either way, our goal is to gently lean into the practice of being Quiet on Purpose. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support 

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89 episoder
episode Episode 88 - A Leader We Can Trust artwork
Episode 88 - A Leader We Can Trust

Don't worry - I didn't suddenly decide to get political! Not even a little bit. Instead, I have something far more refreshing for you. There's only one who is always trustworthy, and he also promises to lead us into life and eternal pleasures! Sign me up. This is our last episode in the Psalm 16 series, and also my last episode until after my sabbatical. Listen in! Read [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+16%3A11&version=ESV] Psalm 16:11 Questions from today's episode: Do you trust Him to lead your path? Are you truly seeking to follow His lead? Is there a question you want to ask of Him, considering where you find yourself today? Listen for His response to your heart. Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support]

21. aug. 2024 - 14 min
episode Episode 87 - A Hope that is Secure artwork
Episode 87 - A Hope that is Secure

There are some moments in life that are absolutely delightful and I have no problem having a glad heart. But then circumstances change and the delightful moments pass. I need something more secure to keep hope alive. Today’s episode helps me remember what that hope is! Listen in! 
Read Psalm 16:9-10 here [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+16%3A9-10&version=ESV] 
 Questions from today’s episode: Is my heart characterized by gladness and rejoicing, confident that God will never forsake me? Or am I living each day out of a mindset of “scarcity,” confident instead that I don’t have enough of whatever it is I believe will make me truly happy? What would it look like to abandon myself fully into God’s hands, knowing that He will never abandon me? Am I ready to make that shift? 
A Hope [https://the_hope_of_resurrection/] that is Secure 
Music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support]

07. aug. 2024 - 14 min
episode Episode 86 - Unshaken artwork
Episode 86 - Unshaken

Do you ever go to bed at night stumped by a problem that you just can’t figure out, and then you wake up in the morning and the answer seems so clear? Or, have you ever been so shaken by some of life's circumstances that you can't see your way forward? In today's episode we consider these two different, but related scenarios and what the psalmist, King David, has to say about them. Listen in! Read [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+16%3A7-8&version=ESV] Psalm 16:7-8 Questions from today's episode: First, thank God for giving you counsel, perhaps even at times when you have not recognized it was from Him. Then, invite God to show you personally what you can do to set a visual reminder “always before you” - something that will help you to grasp the reality that He is with you at all times. Something that will remind you to turn to Him when “shaky times” come, so that you are not shaken. Podcast music written and recorded by Caleb Lieurance --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support]

24. jul. 2024 - 12 min
episode Episode 85 - Boundary Lines artwork
Episode 85 - Boundary Lines

I remember looking in the mirror for the first time somewhere in my twenties and noticing lines on my face. Apparently I furrow my brow often enough that a line had formed between my eyebrows at that early age! I did not think it was a line that had fallen in a pleasant place! There are lines, however, boundary lines, you might call them, that God sets in our lives, which, because He is so good, so kind, and knows us better than we know ourselves, we can trust that they are always good! In this episode, we'll consider those beautiful lines, and how we might cooperate more intentionally with God's good purposes in our lives. I hope you'll listen in! Psalm 16:6 [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+16%3A6&version=ESV] Questions from today's episode: In what ways have the “lines” fallen for me in pleasant places? How is God making my inheritance beautiful? Am I faithfully orienting my life around him, trusting him to be faithful to care for me? What invitation is he extending to me today? How will I respond? --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support]

10. jul. 2024 - 15 min
episode Episode 84 - Chosen Cup artwork
Episode 84 - Chosen Cup

The words "chosen" and “my cup” in Psalm 16:5 make me chuckle a little. I'm sure it's not just my family that believes that everyone needs their own cup! When our kids were little, to avoid fighting over cups, each child got to pick their favorite color and that was their “chosen AND assigned cup”! To this day, my husband and I like to keep a water cup on the counter throughout the day, and we pretty much always use cups from our plastic cup collection of different colors so we can distinguish which one is our own! My guess is, your family has a "chosen cup" story too. I hope you'll listen in to this episode to find out what it has to do with cups! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+16%3A5&version=ESV --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support [https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/quietonpurpose/support]

26. jun. 2024 - 14 min
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