Research In Review
Gratis podcast

Research In Review

Podcast af Research In Review

This is 'Research in Review', a podcast where we discuss Research Papers, with the Scientists who wrote them. We aim to give listeners a peak in to exciting research which is making waves in their respective fields. It's our goal for listeners to get a good context of the paper to be able to go on read it themselves. As a university student, I find reading scientific literature sometimes daunting at first. However, being able to understand the important ideas and techniques gives me the confidence to read it myself. This podcast is perfect for anyone with some background in Science. 

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Alle episoder

14 episoder
episode Sneaky Parasites with Dr. Glover artwork
Sneaky Parasites with Dr. Glover

African Trypanosomiasis caused by the parasite Trypanosoma brucei affects thousands in endemic regions. T. brucei can linger in the bloodstream for lengthy periods of time due to its ability to change its glycoprotein coat regularly to hide from the immune system. This episode's guest studies the molecular mechanisms of how this sneaky parasite is able to hide in the immune system. Paper available here: DNA double-strand break position leads to distinct gene expression changes and regulates VSG switching pathway choice - PMC ( []

30. sep. 2022 - 25 min
episode Chromatin Modifications with Dr. Hamon artwork
Chromatin Modifications with Dr. Hamon

In this episode how pathogenic bacteria are able to induce the hosts immune response through the modification of chromatin. We learn about the importance of chromatin in the cells as an epigenetic force and how this can create a unique immune response to invaders.

15. aug. 2022 - 30 min
episode Peroxisomes with Dr. Covill-Cooke artwork
Peroxisomes with Dr. Covill-Cooke

You may have not heard of them yet, but Peroxisomes are a type of organelle in our cells which help up oxidise ultra long chain fatty acids. In this episode we discuss how a GTPase MIRO helps regulate the movement and division of these organelles. We also discuss the perils of being scooped in publishing. Paper Available here: Peroxisomal fission is modulated by the mitochondrial Rho‐GTPases, Miro1 and Miro2 | EMBO reports ( []

01. jul. 2022 - 34 min
episode Autophagy with Dr. Agrotis artwork
Autophagy with Dr. Agrotis

In this episode we discuss the process of 'cell self eating' known as 'autophagy'. We talk to Dr. Alex Agrotis about his research in to a ubiquitin like pathway.

27. maj 2022 - 22 min
episode HIV uncoating with Dr. Bishop artwork
HIV uncoating with Dr. Bishop

In this Episode we talk to Dr. Kate Bishop, Group Leader of the Retroviral Replication Lab at the Francis Crick Institute. We chat about her paper looking out how the uncoating of HIV is dependant on a process called 'First Strand Transfer'. We discuss this process, along with the interdisciplinary approach of both this paper and the field of Virology as a whole. Paper Available:

29. apr. 2022 - 37 min
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