Sasquatch Chronicles
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Sasquatch Chronicles

Podcast af Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters

People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. 

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episode SC EP:1087 The Creature Waived At Me artwork
SC EP:1087 The Creature Waived At Me
Sean writes "Originally I wrote this a few years back when I first started listening to your show after my brother introduced it to me. Though I decided what I encountered at the time wasn’t big foot cause it didn’t really match my understanding of Bigfoot was, so I chalked it up to a weird encounter. More recently I’ve come across episodes talking about Sasquatch throwing rocks and mimicking people speaking that made me reconsider. My strange encounter was brief but memorable, I was working on a campsite in a valley back behind my moms house, this is a suburb next to a protected forest but like the very tip of it. I spent a week down there building a proper fire pit, occasionally I’d see the odd hiker come by and I’d wave hello or they would be on there way. Well this time I saw someone walk out the path I’d usually see the hikers come out and I noticed they were fairly tall, and wearing a fur coat and then a puff jacket around their waist. My first thought was “well someone doesn’t get out to the woods much” since they were wearing a black fur dress coat. They stopped in the middle of the path waved at me and said “hello” Expect they sounded tone def when they said “hello”. I stood up and waved and said hello, when I first stood up they slightly ducked as if I startled them which I thought was strange. They said hello again and continued to wave which at this point I was thinking they weren’t all there. They smiled and it honestly creeped me out. They had an extremely wide smile. I watched them curiously as I kneeled back down to make it looked like I was working and grabbed my hammer. They then ducked behind a tree and kept popping there head out as if they were playing peakaboo with me. At this point I thought they were a druggy because of the behaviour. They walked behind some fallen trees and brush and it looked like they climbed up into a tree and continued this peekaboo game. I no longer saw them then later a rock hit the other side of the valley, my first thought was some kids threw it down from above I looked and saw nothing. Then I saw another one and saw where it came from it was from this brush about 70-80 yards away. Where I saw the person walk off. This second rock was about 10 feet short of me which freaked me out then I saw this person those the rock and this time it landed right next to me. I bolted and run up the valley through someone’s backyard straight home. When I went back a week later with my partner at the time we checked out that area I saw the person and there was nothing to stand on I pointed out where there head would have been and it had be close to 8-9ft. Using me as a reference I’m 6ft flat and I put my arms up and it still didn’t reach where I saw their head. I’m thinking maybe I did see a teenager Sasquatch and it was screwing with me. I’m not really looking to be on an episode I’ll leave that up to you but I’d like to hear what you think." Then we will wrap up with Myles from New Mexico. He had a encounter in New Mexico while camping with friends. A lot of strange things happened during this trip but the following night terrified the group and they left immediately when the sun came up.
07. sep. 2024 - 1 h 12 min
episode SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch artwork
SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch
Tonight we will be speaking to John. Over 41 years ago John had an encounter in Indiana while he was in the Boy Scouts. In 2018 John was driving when he noticed a large Orangutan like creature 40 feet from him. As John and I spoke he had a lot of strange things happen to him and has agreed to discuss events in his life.
31. aug. 2024 - 1 h 0 min
episode SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead artwork
SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead
I will be speaking to David and Scott tonight. Scott writes "I just recently listened to episode 916 ( butter street monster) due to me living down the road from that area since I was 13 years old. Now I’m 36 and I live in Germantown right off butter street, I take that road everyday to and from work. I transferred schools to Carlisle Ohio, in the 7th grade and lived off of Martz Paulin at the time of my sighting on morning star road. I bring up my story because butter street and morning star are extremely close together and are surrounded by the same wooded areas and metro parks. Around 2008 I was driving down this road called Morning Star road in the middle of the night and witnessed what I can only imagine is Bigfoot related, or a guy in a very expensive Halloween costume. Background history of Morningstar road. Local town stories of people being killed at a camp site on the road in the 70’s, never really found any evidence about that part but there are some spooky spots on the road and some areas even now I would avoid at dark. Other stories from the road are an old house burnt down in the woods where the wife was running out in the middle of the road and was hit, or fell down the stairs and broke her neck(which ever side of the story is true I have no idea) ,which me and my friends were able to locate and find burnt remains of the forgotten house. Then the notorious Bigfoot sightings through out the years of this entire area. My stepmom was raised her whole life in Carlisle and recalls stories growing up of Bigfoot sightings along Morningstar road and twin creek(which bumps right up along the side of the road). I recall my old English teacher who told me a story of her returning home from the store one night and seeming a creature which she claimed was easily 7-8 feet tall walking across the street from one wooded part to the other. Anyways fast forward to my experience. It was dark out and winter time. There was snow on the ground which the moon light up and made it easier to see the wood line on the road. There’s a few S type turns on Morningstar road that you have to really slow down on to maneuver safely on the road. Trees over lap these areas and make it really dark out at night with only your headlights guiding the way as any back country road is. While slowly going through one of the turns, there it was. Standing in between a tree or trees connected that formed a Y shape. It stood way taller than a normal size person and was covered in brown hair from head to toe from the angle we were seeing this at. At this point we were going less than 5 miles per hour due to the roads being slick and the S turn. So the detail of what I seen was burnt into my memory. What ever it was squirted its eyes and covered its eyes with its hand to prevent from the lights blinding it I assume. First thing I noticed right away was when the light shine on its eyes, they were a yellowish color, almost as it had jaundice or something of the sort. The creature flash its teeth a little bit as it raises its freakishly big hand over its eyes blocking the light. The teeth didn’t seem to be in the best shape more browning yellow but bigger than normal human teeth. It turn its upper body and you can see the muscle definition in its back, tricep and lats before it turned the rest of its body and began walked down hill away from the vehicle. My friend began to freak out and scream while I began to yell just drive! My friend made it around the S type turn and floored it home. Which is only a min down the road. That image is forever remembered with clear detail. I tell this story all the time and everyone of my friends laugh at me lol, but it doesn’t bug me. Me being a avid hunter , I think about this thing every time I step in the woods in the morning to hunt deer. It didn’t show any signs of aggression but still a sighting that spooked me. I always try to debunk everything that happens out of the ordinary , but this one has stumped me. Like I stated earlier, it could of been some one in a costume, but it would of had of been a very expensive costume which I doubt that had 16 years ago. Would love to be on your podcast to tell my story. Huge fan! Thank you for taking the time to read this email."   I will also be speaking to David who was driving in the foothills of the Allegheny National Forest and a large creature stepped out in front of him. He describes the creature as massive. He said "I came to a screeching stop as this creature stepped out in front of me. He put his hands on my hood and looked at me. I have never been so terrified, our eyes locked. The creature then stood up and looked behind me and that's when something hit the back of the car. I never saw what it was but my airbags went off. The creature then walked off into the forest. Everything happened so fast. Being a formal Marine this felt like ambush." After hearing his encounter I don't think it was an ambush. I asked him if it was a rock that hit the back of the car and witness said it was something much bigger then a rock. It bent the frame of the rear of the jeep. Looking at the pictures you can tell the door no longer lines up with the frame.
25. aug. 2024 - 48 min
episode SC EP:1082 Guest Host Brent Thomas - Paranormal Portal artwork
SC EP:1082 Guest Host Brent Thomas - Paranormal Portal
As I mentioned to the members I had dental surgery on Wednesday and I am still recovering. My mouth is swollen and it hurts to speak. I will return next week and shows will return to normal. This weeks show will be hosted by Brent Thomas from the Paranormal Portal. Check out the Paranormal Portal Podcast on your podcast player you can also find him on YouTube: []
17. aug. 2024 - 57 min
episode SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch artwork
SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch
Dakota grew up on a large property in Georgia. Over the years strange things have happened on this property but it wasn't until Dakota and his friend from college saw one of the creatures that Dakota realized the strange things he experienced growing up on this property might have been these creatures. Ill let Dakota go into it tonight. Dakota writes "I grew up on a property in Georgia and I’m convinced a family lives there. I’m not sure if it could be a portal or not I’m still learning about that but I have had all types of encounters with them. I have seen several, multiple different colors and sizes from different distances. To go in chronological order from a young age I would hear rocks knocking together behind my dads shop (25’ wide 75’ long 20’ high)and my parents couldn’t explain it they said it was my imagination. I used to ride atv’s and dirt bikes all over this property and in the area they live in I would always find trees down across the road, sometimes in an X sometimes just going one direction being young id cut the trees down and keep going. I always felt watched outside no matter when it was and as I got older and would hunt alone I had my first for sure Sasquatch encounter. My dad dropped me off at my stand (I’m 10-12 at the time) and he went back home. After he left about dusk I hear what I think I someone trespassing behind me, 50 feet maybe. Id like to add that about 300 yard behind me is where they live now that I know that. I texted my dad asking if it was him saying he was to close I could hear him and who was he talking to. He said it’s not him and said I was hearing the wind, at this point something is walking around me in a circle until dark when my dad came to get me and when I saw his flashlight coming through the woods it was over. That day I never saw a squirrel or heard anything near me. A few years later my dad and I built a deer stand in a tree that was split into 3 so we built it into the actual tree because my dad thought it was a promising spot. Well he only hunted back there a few more times and when he stopped he told me never to go back there again and wouldn’t tell me why. This stand was at the end of the road with the X trees on it. Then I went to high school and didn’t get in the woods much because I was a 3 sport athlete. Then college. I brought a buddy home in fall of ‘17 to hunt during fall break and we are on opposite sides of the property he on one side of a valley and me and my now wife on the other, we hear this roar that he said shook his chest( he was in a blind about 50 yards from that tree stand my dad and I built)Then summer ‘21 I came home for summer and my best friend came with me to work construction with me. He believed in something being out there just not Bigfoot he wouldn’t name what it was. I told him I knew they roamed a valley on the property so we set out mid afternoon just kind of showing him the property kind of looking for signs of Bigfoot. I’m showing him my stands, my dads, we start walking this valley and cut up the property line fire break and as a joke my buddy wanted to ‘whoop’ and I knew it was a bad idea. He did it anyways and in front of us about 75 feet we hear two whoops back to us. He thought I was pranking him and I was in pure disbelief. We are standing there looking at each other shocked and over his shoulder up the hill 100 feet maybe I see a 5’ jet black upright thing step out from behind a tree and at that point I was scared because the whoops came from the opposite direction. I show him what I saw and we are at this point having to calm ourselves down because we are between what we think is momma and juvenile. We walk forward towards the whoops about 25’ and all the sudden we hear what we both described as “a silverback gorilla beating on a piece of sheet metal” from down in the valley on the other persons property and we are gun freaks so we get back to back and draw our weapons because we are threatened and scared truthfully. Then we hear laughing but I now know as the chatter but it was at super speed and the same chatter I heard as a kid hunting and I’ve heard connected to so many Bigfoot sightings. We were surrounded by at least 5 of them so we haul tail up that hill back to the house and as soon as we look up to go up the hill there was that deer stand my dad built, I knew why I couldn’t be back there. We were followed out back to the house by at least 3 we never saw them but for sure could hear grunting, huffing, growling, etc. that was our huge encounter. The rest of the summer we would have encounters of them in the woods watching us at least 10 times some standing out more than other, once we heard a loud knock from the valley and then saw an arm swing and one walk away from a think area and about 15 minutes later we saw one back in that spot. quI shined a flashlight in there a we could see it’s leg we think thigh and it was absolutely massive this was a big male, the leg made Patty look small. This was a man. Another time, we were redoing a camper I had to live in when we went back to college and we would spend all night out there working on it inside and out at my grandparents house which is on the same property but the opposite side of the valley. We had rocks thrown at the camper we heard bi-pedal walking several times and I even saw a few more watching us. Nothing scary but these ones were brown or red. That’s mostly all of them. I’d just like to talk to someone about this Tony, Wes, anyone really who can help me out because I’m scared to go back to my parents house. I’ve since got married and moved to town and I have seen one cloaked outside my house. I’ve had a few more weird unexplained encounters at my new house. Thank you all for what you do and I look forward to hearing from you!"
10. aug. 2024 - 55 min
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