The Beer Healer Interviews
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The Beer Healer Interviews

Podcast af Chris Lukianenko

The BeerHealer is a story teller who wants to share the great stories of the craft beer world with you. Each episode is a half hour interview with someone involved in the world of brewing who has an interesting story to tell! 

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200 episoder
episode Ep. 180 - It's Time! I Think This Podcast Has Run It's Course. artwork
Ep. 180 - It's Time! I Think This Podcast Has Run It's Course.

After much deliberation, my beloved podcast has run its course. I wanted to thank you all for listening and explain my reasons for taking what may end up being, in the words of Aerosmith, a permanent vacation. So here is one final episode. Thanks for your support; this has been a lot of fun. Cheers to great beers!

11. okt. 2023 - 9 min
episode Ep. 179 - I Came Up With A Dozen Titles For This Episode, But I Couldn’t Pick One...Jesse Shared So Many Cool Stories In This One. With Young Henrys Head Brewer Jesse Searls. artwork
Ep. 179 - I Came Up With A Dozen Titles For This Episode, But I Couldn’t Pick One...Jesse Shared So Many Cool Stories In This One. With Young Henrys Head Brewer Jesse Searls.

New Year's Eve parties with ACDC’s Malcolm Young, secret concerts in the brewery with Dandy Warhols and private brewery tours with Hanson. These are just some of the stories that Jessie throws in during our awesome chat. Seriously, we both loved this one so much that we have already agreed we want to do a follow-up at some stage. Stop reading this and press play! Check out Young Henry's Beer Here []

13. sep. 2023 - 1 h 12 min
episode Ep. 178 - When a History Graduate Throws out Revolutions, Civilisations and Cultures for Pots, Pints and Schooners! artwork
Ep. 178 - When a History Graduate Throws out Revolutions, Civilisations and Cultures for Pots, Pints and Schooners!

I've sat down and had a few beers with this episode's guest on a few occasions, both in my hometown and his. And each time I have, I remember our conversations with a smile on my face, but I also don't really remember our conversations as well as I should. Perhaps it's my memory, or maybe it's the beers? I don't know. Anyway, all I know is that this dude has a job that many beer lovers, me included, would kill for. His name is Will Ziebell, and he gets to schmooze his way around industry events, breweries and bars, drinking beer, talking about it with other cool like-minded people, and then writing about it for all of us other beer lovers to enjoy. I take that back, this bastard does all of that just to rub our noses in the fact that he has an awesome beer job, and we don't. Ok, well, I don't, and he does. Maybe it's just me who is insanely jealous of this bloke? Obviously, I am the bigger person because I have invited him on to MY award-winning podcast to share his life stories as a History Graduate turned award-winning beer writer!  Lead writer for Australia'sit's most-read craft beer publication, The Crafty Pint, Will Ziebell. Read Will'sback catalogue of articles here []

03. aug. 2023 - 58 min
episode Ep. 177 - The Best Beer Is The One In Your Hand, Even If It Is Mixed With Pepsi! With Mick Wust, Author Of The Beer Drinkers Toolkit. artwork
Ep. 177 - The Best Beer Is The One In Your Hand, Even If It Is Mixed With Pepsi! With Mick Wust, Author Of The Beer Drinkers Toolkit.

You may know him as Social Media influencer, Schoonerversity, or maybe have read an article or two of his over at Australia's favourite online craft beer hub, the old Crafty Pint, where he has been writing articles for the last 5 or so years. He is a freelance copywriter, a gun for hire in the craft beer industry, and he is soon to release his very first book…The Beer Drinkers Toolkit. Mick Wust is his name and he has sent me an advanced copy of his ripping new book, so I thought I would get him on the poddy so that I can throw a few questions at him that came to me as I was thumbing the pages of his book. If you want to pre-order his book, go here []

24. jul. 2023 - 56 min
episode Ep. 176 - Snakebites, Stella Glasses, & Smooshed Pies. A Typical Aussie Adventure In The UK. With Shifty LIzard’s Head Beer Maker Man, Lee Stone. artwork
Ep. 176 - Snakebites, Stella Glasses, & Smooshed Pies. A Typical Aussie Adventure In The UK. With Shifty LIzard’s Head Beer Maker Man, Lee Stone.

I remember when I first heard about the name of this episode's brewery, I gravitated towards it. Why, you may ask? Well, that's how my cousin used to describe me as a kid, Shifty…a Shifty Bloody Little Ukrainian, he would call me. He was a bit older than me, and he wasn't using it in a derogatory fashion; he was also a shifty bloody Ukrainian, just an older one! To us, shifty meant more about not accepting the status quo, always looking for opportunities, having the gift of the gab, and using that to your benefit. He was right; I’ve talked my way into many situations that benefit me and probably out of many situations that weren’t so great. I’m always looking for opportunities to get an easy win or make the most of a situation. So how does the term Shifty translate in the beer world? Are the Team at Shifty Lizard street-smart hustlers looking to make the most of what life throws at them, or was it just a cool-sounding name? I’ve got no idea, so let's find out about that and a whole bunch more cool stuff with Shifty LIzard’s Head Beer Maker Man, Lee Stone. [] Buy Shifty Lizard Beer Here []

10. jul. 2023 - 1 h 6 min
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