Through A Scientist's Eyes
Gratis podcast

Through A Scientist's Eyes

Podcast af Chris Wynder

How does "science" get done? What does that word mean? For the average person how do we trust vaccines, drugs and public health? As a scientist I spend a lot of time obsessing about how do explain to friends what "the science" means. 

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Alle episoder

8 episoder
episode How to make a brain artwork
How to make a brain

How do explore the question of how to make a brain? How did genomic sequencing and genetic manipulation change the nature and speed of the research. This episode goes through my journey as a brain scientist as the human genome project was just in its infancy.

06. mar. 2021 - 43 min
episode How would you build a better human for space travel artwork
How would you build a better human for space travel

There is an intimate relationship between gene expression, developmental biology and the environment. In this episode we will discuss how this plays out to shape humans using a thought experiment: getting the human species ready to survive on other planets. It is the science behind an on-going SciFi short story that I have been writing for a few years now: Acchret's Children [ ]

15. feb. 2021 - 17 min
episode The DNA computer- how cells manage genes artwork
The DNA computer- how cells manage genes

How do you translate signals into action? How do you remember your actions? For the cell, similar to a computer, it is a series of additive changes- in this case to the packaging of DNA that make it either easier or more difficult for the DNA to be accessed by RNA polymerase, the ultimate control of gene expression.

07. feb. 2021 - 31 min
episode How did scientists discover how mRNA is regulated- Plinko and multi-tasking artwork
How did scientists discover how mRNA is regulated- Plinko and multi-tasking

When we discuss Genes, cells and disease- what does a scientist mean? This episode I will try and explain through what the experiments "did" to allow scientists to come up with a model- such as what you can see on the "Through Scientists Eyes" on Instagram or the blog (the link for the Podcast).

25. jan. 2021 - 30 min
episode How Gene expression connects COVID19 vaccines to decades of science artwork
How Gene expression connects COVID19 vaccines to decades of science

How did normal cell biology let scientists come up with mRNA vaccines "so fast"...about 80 years of research went into these overnight vaccines. These brand new vaccines are built an enormous amount of data on vaccines here are a few of the ones I read: [] [] [] [] Video explanation of immunity and vaccines [] and More detailed medical term one [] NCBI- Pubmed findable science articles on the history of mRNA for vaccinces CDC information on the current mRNA viruses for COVID19

17. jan. 2021 - 25 min
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