Tool Talk
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Tool Talk

Podcast af Exegetical Tools

Welcome to Tool Talk from Exegetical Tools, where we discuss sound practices and solid resources for students of the Scriptures. Host Travis Montgomery sits down (or rings up) pastors, scholars, and students to ask them about tools they're using to study the Bible, exegetical and theological issues they're currently engaging, and Scriptures that are ministering to their hearts.For more great resources, check out or follow ET on social media (@exegeticaltools). 

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46 episoder
episode Language Tools, Learning Trends, and the New THGNT-ESV Parallel Bible artwork
Language Tools, Learning Trends, and the New THGNT-ESV Parallel Bible

After Crossway partnered with Tyndale House to produce a new Greek New Testament [], it was only a matter of time before a THGNT-ESV parallel Bible []was produced. How can students of the Scriptures benefit from these tools?  How can seminaries and Bible colleges train students to use tools like these? What is the goal of language learning for exegetes? Check out this episode on [] and follow on social media @exegeticaltools. []

16. nov. 2020 - 41 min
episode Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament | Scott Bashoor artwork
Visual Outline Charts of the New Testament | Scott Bashoor

Can the importance of context be visualized? A unique and innovative resource, Visual Charts of the New Testament [] (SCS Press [], 2020) introduces, surveys, and outlines every book of the NT in single-page charts, breaking them into discourse units and smaller sub-sections. In this episode of Tool Talk, Travis interviews author Scott Bashoor, faculty associate and instructor at The Master's Seminary and University and co-pastor at Community Bible Church in Anaheim, CA. Thinking in terms of discourse and outlining Scripture visually can help Bible teachers, Bible preachers, and Bible readers display how the parts relate to the whole and better understand the Word.

25. jun. 2020 - 32 min
episode Interpreting Scripture Like It's Inspired | Matthew Barrett artwork
Interpreting Scripture Like It's Inspired | Matthew Barrett

The Gospels don't have a 'lower' Christology than Paul, so why has this claim gained ground? To answer this question, Matthew Barrett considers the nature of Scripture, the definition of biblical theology, and the role of systematics in exegesis. Barrett has taken on these challenges in Canon, Covenant, and Christology: Rethinking Jesus and the Scriptures of Israel [], the latest entry in the excellent New Studies in Biblical Theology [] series (NSBT), published by IVP Academic and edited by D. A. Carson. Barrett, associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Seminary [] and Executive Editor of Credo Magazine [], argues that a lack of emphasis on the Divine Author of the Scriptures leads one to devalue typology and miss the high Christology of the Gospels. Additional Resources: * "Doing Biblical Theology with Geerhardus Vos" [] (Tool Talk) * New Dictionary of Biblical Theology [], edited by Brian Rosner, T. Desmond Alexander, Graeme Goldsworthy, and D. A. Carson * A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters [] by Andreas J. Köstenberger View this episode on for more great resources!

22. mar. 2020 - 50 min
episode The Task of a Biblical Scholar | Andreas Köstenberger artwork
The Task of a Biblical Scholar | Andreas Köstenberger

What does a biblical scholar do? Andreas Köstenberger's answer is simple, but he has applied it in his own career in a variety of ways. Dr. Köstenberger serves as Research Professor of NT and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary [], Director of the Center for Biblical Studies [], Founder of Biblical Foundations [], Editor of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society []. Köstenberger is a prolific author in areas including biblical studies, hermeneutics, biblical theology, the biblical view of family, and more. In this episode of Tool Talk, Travis asks Dr. Köstenberger about a range of topics, including his career, his current sense of calling, the nature of biblical theology, scholars he admires, his forthcoming works, what he's been learning, and Kansas City BBQ. Resources from Andreas Köstenberger: * The Jesus of the Gospels: An Introduction [] (Kregel, forthcoming) * Handbook on Hebrews Through Revelation [] (Baker, forthcoming) * Going Deeper with New Testament Greek [](with Benjamin Merkle and Robert Plummer, B&H Academic) * A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters [] (Zondervan Academic) * Many More []

07. jan. 2020 - 52 min
episode How Does the New Testament Use the Old Testament? artwork
How Does the New Testament Use the Old Testament?

Christians have one Bible with two testaments, and the New Testament authors frequently refer back to the Old Testament Scriptures. But they don't only point to prophecies that have been fulfilled or directly quote OT passages. In this episode, joined by co-host Taylor DiRoberto, Travis gives an overview of the NT use of the OT and considers some trickier examples. Going to ETS 2019 in San Diego? Reach out to Travis [] to chat about Tool Talk, Exegetical Tools [], Fontes Press [], Midwestern Seminary [], or whatever! Travis's ETS 2019 presentation: "An Ironic Redemption: The Use of Psalm 2 LXX in Luke 23:1-25," Friday, Nov 22, 3:30-4:10 PM, Grand Hyatt - Pyramid Peak. Featured Resources: * Accelerate [] (Five-Year BA and MDiv) at Spurgeon College * The Timothy Track [] (Residential MDiv Internship and Scholarship) at Midwestern Seminary * Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament [] by G. K. Beale and D. A. Carson * Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testamen []t by G. K. Beale * A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New [] by G. K. Beale * Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul [] by Richard B. Hays * Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels [] by Richard B. Hays * New Testament Theology: Magnifying God in Christ [] by Thomas Schreiner * Matthew, Disciple and Scribe: The First Gospel and Its Portrait [] of Jesus by Patrick Schreiner * Biblical Theology of the New Testament [] by Peter Stuhlmacher * The Ways of Our God: An Approach to Biblical Theology [] by Charles Scobie

19. nov. 2019 - 49 min
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