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46 episoder
episode Ep.43 Emboldened Together artwork
Ep.43 Emboldened Together

When persecution comes, we do not give up and we do not give in. We gather together and stand firm in christ. No matter what suffering we may face, we will face it together and pray for the Holy Spirit to give us boldness. When they came together to pray, they didn’t pray for the suffering or persecution to end, rather that God would give them the strength and the boldness to continue preaching the Gospel in spite of it! True revival needs a back bone and a bunch of bold believers who will not go along with the culture, but will actively live in opposition to the ways of this world. We will not compromise with a culture that belittles and disrespects our God and our faith. We will stand firm in truth and will continue to preach the good news to everyone who needs to hear it! When we pray this way, the Holy Spirit will come down in our midst and renew out hearts and minds with a fresh outpouring of His presence.

22. feb. 2022 - 22 min
episode Ep.42 Persecuted Together artwork
Ep.42 Persecuted Together

We are better together! Every great and beautiful thing that happens, only happens when we come together. However, as christians, we must always be aware that we aren’t the only ones gathering together. The greatest movements and revivals in human history have always met opposition. Today we are seeing waves of persecution sweeping across the globe. Now more than ever we are beginning to see the birth pains of the persecution coming upon the church. We have enemies who are coming together as a kingdom of darkness, and are coming against the light of the world. We must prepare ourselves for the coming persecution. One day we may end up being in chains for our beliefs! But if we persecution comes, we will get through it together.

15. feb. 2022 - 19 min
episode Ep.41 Miraculous Together artwork
Ep.41 Miraculous Together

When the people of God are actively praying and fellowshipping together, the miraculous begins to happen! In this chapter a miracle happens for a lame man. He was miraculously healed by the power of God at the hands of His disciples! God wants to do the miraculous in us, around us, and through us! God used the disciples to do the miraculous! Even after this great miracle an even greater miracle begins to happen! One man’s miracle became a walking testimony to the people of his community! People began to run together to catch a glimpse of the grace and mercy of God. God wants to use your miracle to win the hearts of the lost!

08. feb. 2022 - 20 min
episode Ep.40 Fellowship Together artwork
Ep.40 Fellowship Together

With 3000 brand new christians, the disciples knew that there was more to be done. They didn’t just preach at people, they brought them into fellowship and community. Revival isn’t just about preaching the gospel, it’s also about displaying it. Fellowship together is the only thing that keeps revival from being just a memorable moment to being a true God honoring life style. When we bring people into our homes and daily created opportunities for people to grow, we will begin to see revival spread throughout our city. Let’s look at what true fellowship looked like.

01. feb. 2022 - 20 min
episode Ep.39 Witnessing Together artwork
Ep.39 Witnessing Together

Revival has begun! The Holy Spirit filled that upper room and everyone was filled with his presence. We see people speaking in other tongues and the power of God manifesting himself in his people. They weren’t the only ones who were affected! We see that a true move of the Holy Spirit draws unbelievers together! People from every tribe and nation gathered together and were amazed by the promise of the Holy Spirit! This miraculous promise wasn’t meant to be stuck in the 4 walls of the upper room. It burst forth into the community and spread like a wild fire. The community benefitted from the move of the Holy Spirit as it gave the disciples utterance to preach the Gospel in each person’s own language!

25. jan. 2022 - 18 min
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