Volcano Vinyl
Gratis podcast

Volcano Vinyl

Podcast af Volcano Vinyl

Volcano Vinyl is a weekly podcast hosted by old friends and musicians Brian Schmutz (The Starting Line, Person L, Legendary Divorce) & Brian Medlin (The Minor Times, Person L, Wives, Legendary Divorce, etc...). Listen along in real time with Brian and Brian as they explore a full length vinyl record while crowding around an active Volcano. Recorded in Potato's House on Baloney Avenue in Philadelphia, PA. 

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Alle episoder

300 episoder
episode vv300: Cyndi Lauper – She’s So Unusual (1983) artwork
vv300: Cyndi Lauper – She’s So Unusual (1983)
Brian and Brian end the show forever with a party record, She's So Unusual by Cyndi Lauper. VV-mails: volcanovinyl@gmail.com tVVitter: twitter.com/volcanovinyl Funstagram: instagram.com/volcanovinyl
11. dec. 2020 - 1 h 20 min
episode vv299: Beastie Boys – Check Your Head (1992) artwork
vv299: Beastie Boys – Check Your Head (1992)
Brian picks one of his all time favorite albums as his final selection of the season, Check Your Head by the Beastie Boys. Mike D-mails: volcanovinyl@gmail.com Tweetrock: twitter.com/volcanovinyl Yauchstagram: instagram.com/volcanovinyl
04. dec. 2020 - 1 h 24 min
episode vv298: Slayer – Reign in Blood (1986) artwork
vv298: Slayer – Reign in Blood (1986)
Inspired by a podfather's recommendation of the River's Edge soundtrack for the show, Brian spins the perfect soundtrack for our current nightmare plague world: Reign in Blood by Slayer. Slay-mails: volcanovinyl@gmail.com Tweets in Blood/Tweeting Blood: twitter.com/volcanovinyl Thrashstagram: instagram.com/volcanovinyl
27. nov. 2020 - 43 min
episode vv297: Alanis Morissette – Jagged Little Pill (1995) artwork
vv297: Alanis Morissette – Jagged Little Pill (1995)
Brian spins the monumental landmark Alanis Morissette album Jagged Little Pill. E-lanis: volcanovinyl@gmail.com You Oughta Tweet: twitter.com/volcanovinyl Pillstagram: instagram.com/volcanovinyl
20. nov. 2020 - 1 h 8 min
episode vv296: Saint Etienne – Foxbase Alpha (1991) artwork
vv296: Saint Etienne – Foxbase Alpha (1991)
Brian follows up the Ned Doheny and Azymuth episodes with the debut album from the inspiration for those episodes, Foxbase Alpha by Saint Etienne. St.-mails: volcanovinyl@gmail.com Tweetbase: twitter.com/volcanovinyl Etstagram: instagram.com/volcanovinyl
13. nov. 2020 - 1 h 3 min
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