We GoT Her!
Gratis podcast

We GoT Her!

Podcast af @wegotherpod

A podcast where two friends force another friend to watch the entire Game of Thrones series for the first time. Join Lyndsey, Katie, and Chelsea as they discuss each episode and see if Chelsea's predictions come true. 

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Alle episoder

10 episoder
episode Not Today artwork
Not Today

In this episode of We GoT Her! Chelsea, Lyndsey, and Katie discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 8: The Pointy End. We discuss our own recent life events, including Katie’s identity crisis, if Chelsea’s feelings towards Sansa have changed, and the epic adventures of Ghost. We are left with these burning questions: Will Benjen return with more information about white walkers? Will the Starks declare war on the Lannisters? Why was Hodor running around naked? Watch along with us and join us next week as we discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 9: Baelor. Send your comments, questions, or direwolf pictures to wegotherpod@gmail.com Follow us on instagram @wegotherpod Our cover art is by Bryan Fleming, check out more of his art on instagram @Brybox Music is by Celestial Aeon Project, check out more of their music on Spotify

23. sep. 2019 - 1 h 11 min
episode All The King's Bastards And All The King's Hands, Couldn't Put The Kingdom Together Again (Part 2) artwork
All The King's Bastards And All The King's Hands, Couldn't Put The Kingdom Together Again (Part 2)

In this episode of We GoT Her! Chelsea, Lyndsey, and Katie finish their discussion of Game of Thrones season 1 episode 7: You Win or You Die. Katie notices similarities between two royal marriages, Lyndsey teaches Chelsea how to hashtag, and Chelsea admits she is actually eager to watch more episodes! We are left with these burning questions: what will happen to Ned now that he spoke out against the Lannisters? Will Arya be using her sword for fun or protection? What happened to Benjen? Watch along with us and join us next week as we discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 8: The Pointy End. Send your comments, questions, or direwolf pictures to wegotherpod@gmail.com Follow us on instagram @wegotherpod Our cover art is by Bryan Fleming, check out more of his art on instagram @Brybox Music is by Celestial Aeon Project, check out more of their music on Spotify

16. sep. 2019 - 44 min
episode All The King's Bastards And All The King's Hands, Couldn't Put The Kingdom Together Again (Part 1) artwork
All The King's Bastards And All The King's Hands, Couldn't Put The Kingdom Together Again (Part 1)

In this episode of We GoT Her! Chelsea, Lyndsey, and Katie discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 7: You Win or You Die. We learn all about stomach wounds and boar attacks, draw similarities between Cersei and Ned, and wish little brats couldn’t be kings. Join us next week as we conclude our discussion about this show episode, hear Chelsea’s predictions for the following episode, and give some thoughts on those who were killed off in this episode. Follow us on instagram @wegotherpod Our cover art is by Bryan Fleming, check out more of his art on instagram @Brybox Music is by Celestial Aeon Project, check out more of their music on Spotify

09. sep. 2019 - 56 min
episode If He Were A Dragon, The Crown Would Have Fit artwork
If He Were A Dragon, The Crown Would Have Fit

In this episode of We GoT Her! Chelsea, Lyndsey, and Katie discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 6: A Golden Crown. Chelsea is intrigued at Daenerys’ ability to withstand the heat of a hot dragon egg, and Lyndsey and Katie loved watching Khal Drogo's crown making technique. We discuss Daenerys’ rising as Khaleesi, Catelyn’s and Ned’s terrible decision making, and Tyrion’s clever ability to get himself out of a pickle. We are left with these burning questions: What is the significance of Bran’s recurring dream? Why did Joffrey suddenly decide to apologize to Sansa? What will happen when Tywin arrives in King’s Landing? Watch along with us and join us next week for our discussion of Game of Thrones season 1 episode 7: You Win or You Die. Follow us on instagram @wegotherpod Our cover art is by Bryan Fleming, check out more of his art on instagram @Brybox Music is by Celestial Aeon Project, check out more of their music on Spotify

02. sep. 2019 - 1 h 4 min
episode "Quarrel" Does NOT Sound Like "Squirrel" artwork
"Quarrel" Does NOT Sound Like "Squirrel"

In this episode of We GoT Her! Chelsea, Lyndsey, and Katie discuss Game of Thrones season 1 episode 5: The Wolf and the Lion. Chelsea wishes she could chase cats like Arya, Katie becomes more fond of Cersei, and Lyndsey is impressed that Chelsea got so many predictions correct for this episode. We discuss The Mountain’s reaction to being defeated by Loras Tyrell, Catelyn’s “bonker-pants” sister, and wish we saw some of Jon Snow. We are left with these burning questions: What will happen to Daenerys now that Robert wants to go after her? How will Catelynn and Tyrion get away from Lyssa? Will there be direwolves in the next episode? Join us next week for our discussion of Game of Thrones season 1 episode 6: A Golden Crown. Follow us on instagram @wegotherpod Our cover art is by Bryan Fleming, check out more of his art on instagram @Brybox Music is by Celestial Aeon Project, check out more of their music on Spotify

26. aug. 2019 - 1 h 0 min
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