The Naturist Living Show

The Naturist Living Show

Podcast by Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park

A podcast about naturism for naturists (nudism and nudists to some people) While we obviously cover issues related to nudity, naturism is about much m...

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151 episodes
episode Just a Naturist Band artwork
Just a Naturist Band

Nick and Lins of Naked Wanderings introduced us to a great band from France – the Just Married Band. They are not strictly naturists because it is difficult to make a living just playing within the community. But they are doing more all the time and that is their preference. In 2022 they did a tour of Florida resorts. So we caught up with Céline and Jérémy to find out more about their plans. Links to useful information and items mentioned in this episode: Just Married Band Links: * Website [] * Instagram @ justmarriedband [] * Facebook [] * YouTube @JustMarriedBand [] * Bandcamp [] * Spotify – Just Married Band [] Nick and Lins – Naked Wanderings [] Other Episodes about naturist musicians: * Episode 25 – Naturist Music [] * Episode 46 – Performing Nude [] * Episode 116 – The Nude Music interview with Dario Western of Laissez Fayre [] Photo: Céline and Jérémy of the Just Married Band in Florida in 2022. Episode CXLIX Become a Patron! []

31. mar. 2023 - 45 min
episode New Nudity Research artwork
New Nudity Research

Naturists know instinctively that our movement is good for our health. But without science to confirm and quantify the effect we are only expressing opinion. Research by Professor Keon West in the last few years has produced some amazing results that confirm our experience. Dr. West tells us more about his work and how he came to do this research; which may surprise you. Links to useful information and items mentioned in this episode: * Naked Age Podcast [http://Naked Age Podcast] * South Florida Free Beaches [] * B.E.A.C.H.E.S. Foundation [] * Planet Nude blog/journal [] * Professor Keon West [] * 2018 Naked and unashamed: Investigating and applying the effects of naturist activities on body image, self-esteem, and life-satisfaction.Journal of Happiness Studies [] * 2020 A nudity-based intervention to improve body image, self-esteem, and life satisfaction.International Journal of Happiness and Development [] * 2021  I feel better naked: Communal naked activity increases body appreciation by reducing social physique anxiety.Journal of Sex Research [] * 2022 Good nudes and bad nudes: How naturism, casual stripping, and sexting predict social physique anxiety and body appreciation. Sexuality & Culture. [] Photo: Prof. Keon West at British Naturism’s 2017 AGM and Vision Day – used with permission from both British Naturism and Prof. West. Episode CXLVIII Become a Patron! []

12. feb. 2023 - 1 h 2 min
episode Children and Naturism – Part 2 of 2 artwork
Children and Naturism – Part 2 of 2

Since the beginning, naturism has been a family movement. Because its adherents believed that all of humanity would benefit, it was natural that children should be included. In part 1 we focused on the scholarly research which suggests that there is no evidence that children are harmed by non-sexualized social nudity, and good reason to believe they benefit. For the second segment we hear from five parents: Samii, Gillian, Nate, Nikki, and Lauren; who explain why they are raising their children as naturists while they answer many frequently asked questions and address common concerns. Links to useful information and items mentioned in this episode: * Children and Naturism – part 1 [] * YouTube video – Children in Naturism [] (Jan.5/23 edit: the video was temporarily unavailable because of a technical problem with the audio. Because YouTube does not allow video replacement, the URL changed when the corrected version was uploaded. We apologize for any confusion this has caused.) * YouTube video – 1984 W5 episode “Naked City” [] * Podcast episode on Cap d’Agde, Naked City [] * Book: “Naked Child: Growing Up Without Shame” by Dennis Craig Smith [] – Worldcat list of libraries where you can borrow the book [] * The Naturist Society’s Bibliography of non-fiction works (includes academic papers on children and nudity) [] * “Children, Social Nudity and Academic Research” by Mark Storey from Nude & Natural 23.4 [] * “Children Deserve Better” by British Naturism [] * Children in Naturism FAQ by Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park [] * Family Weekend at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park [] Photo: Mom and child at the beach at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park Episode CXLVII

31. dec. 2022 - 44 min
episode Naked Age is moving artwork
Naked Age is moving

After previously being released through the Naturist Living Show’s RSS feed, Naked Age is now moving to its own podcast feed []. We really enjoyed including Evan’s excellent work within our podcast. But we’re equally happy to see it become it’s own podcast. The world needs more naturist media! If you have enjoyed Naked Age on the Naturist Living Show, please follow [], rate, and review Naked Age on your podcast app of choice []. Visit: []

13. dec. 2022 - 2 min
episode Going Braless artwork
Going Braless

For over a year, Amber kept a video diary about her experiment with going braless at work and in public. As she put it, she shared her “day to day struggles and triumphs related to the growing trend of ditching the woefully uncomfortable and inconvenient undergarment that every woman secretly wishes she could do without.” Links to items mentioned in this episode: * The Braless Diaries on YouTube [] * 2012 interview with Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer [] * 2018 interview about the second edition of Dressed to Kill [] Photo: Screen grab from The Braless Diaries episode 10 Episode CXLVI Become a Patron! []

18. nov. 2022 - 1 h 1 min
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