Hidden Brain
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Hidden Brain

Podcast de Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

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Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. 

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504 episodios
episode Innovation 2.0: Multiplying the Growth Mindset artwork
Innovation 2.0: Multiplying the Growth Mindset
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that people wrote you off? Maybe a teacher suggested you weren't talented enough to take a certain class, or a boss implied that you didn't have the smarts needed to handle a big project. In the latest in our "Innovation 2.0 series," we talk with Mary Murphy, who studies what she calls "cultures of genius." We'll look at how these cultures can keep people and organizations from thriving, and how we can create environments that better foster our growth. Do you know someone who'd find the ideas in today's episode to be useful? Please share it with them! And if you liked today's conversation, you might also like these classic Hidden Brain episodes:   The Edge Effect [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/edge-effect/] The Secret to Great Teams [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/the-secret-to-great-teams/] Dream Jobs [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/you-2-0-dream-jobs/]
Ayer - 52 min
episode Innovation 2.0: How Big Ideas Are Born artwork
Innovation 2.0: How Big Ideas Are Born
Why is it so hard to guess where we're meant to be? To predict where we'll end up? Nearly all of us have had the experience of traveling down one road, only to realize it's not the road for us. At the University of Virginia, Saras Sarasvathy [https://www.darden.virginia.edu/faculty-research/directory/saras-d-sarasvathy] uses the lens of entrepreneurship to study how we plan and prepare for the future. We kick off our new "Innovation 2.0" series by talking with Saras about how we pursue goals and make decisions. Do you know someone who might benefit from our conversation with Saras about expert entrepreneurs? Please share it with them if so! And be sure to check out our other conversations about how to get out of ruts and figure out a path forward:  Who Do You Want to Be? You 2.0 : How to Break Out of a Rut [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/you-2-0-how-to-break-out-of-a-rut/]
29 abr 2024 - 50 min
episode Parents: Keep Out! artwork
Parents: Keep Out!
If you're a parent or a teacher, you've probably wondered how to balance play and safety for the kids in your care. You don't want to put children in danger, but you also don't want to rob them of the joy of exploration. This week, we talk with psychologist Peter Gray [https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/morrissey/departments/psychology-neuroscience/people/affiliated-and-emeritus/peter-gray.html] about how this balance has changed — for parents and children alike — and what we can do about it. For more of our reporting on children and parents, check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes: Kinder-Gardening [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/kinder-gardening/] Bringing Up Baby  [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/bringing-up-baby/]
22 abr 2024 - 53 min
episode The Curious Science of Cravings artwork
The Curious Science of Cravings
We've all had those days when all we want is a little treat. Maybe it's a bag of chips, an ice cream sundae or a glass of wine. But sometimes, these desires become all-consuming. This week on the show, psychiatrist Judson Brewer [https://www.brown.edu/public-health/mindfulness/people/judson-brewer-md-phd] helps us understand the science of cravings, and how we should respond to them.  If you liked today's conversation, be sure to check out other Hidden Brain episodes about ways to regain a feeling of control over your life: Creatures of Habit [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/creatures-of-habit/] and Taking Control of Your Time [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/taking-control-of-your-time/].
15 abr 2024 - 49 min
episode What Is Normal? artwork
What Is Normal?
Anthropologist Tom Pearson [https://www.uwstout.edu/directory/pearsont] was devastated after his daughter Michaela was diagnosed with Down syndrome. When he began to examine that emotional response, he found himself wrestling with questions that have roiled his field for decades. Early anthropologists would often compare people of different backgrounds and abilities, asking questions like: How is one group different from another? Which one is stronger or smarter? And how do we understand people who don’t fit our expectations? This week, we talk with Pearson about his family’s story, and the evolution of our thinking on disability and difference. If you liked today's show, be sure to check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes: "Emma, Carrie, Vivian" [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/emma-carrie-vivian/] "Why You're Smarter than You Think" [https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/why-youre-smarter-than-you-think/]
08 abr 2024 - 50 min

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