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Podcast de Two-Up

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In this first of its kind feature-length audio movie, Wallace Conway wakes up to find he’s been implanted with an untraceable earpiece while sleeping. So long as he does everything the voice on the other end tells him, he and his family will live. Written by Zack Akers and produced by Skip Bronkie, Shipworm is the fourth podcast from Two-Up, the studio known for breaking ground in fiction (Limetown), musical (36 Questions), and documentary podcasts (The Wilderness). Shipworm stars Broadway luminaries Quentin Earl Darrington and Miriam Silverman, and is available on podcast platforms everywhere. 

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2 episodios
episode Shipworm artwork
In this first of its kind feature-length audio movie, Wallace Conway wakes up to find he’s been implanted with an untraceable earpiece while sleeping. So long as he does everything the voice on the other end tells him, he and his family will live. Shipworm is the fourth podcast from Two-Up [], the studio known for breaking ground in fiction (Limetown), musical (36 Questions), and documentary podcasts (The Wilderness). Shipworm stars Broadway luminaries Quentin Earl Darrington and Miriam Silverman, and is available for free on podcast platforms everywhere. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
26 abr 2021 - 1 h 59 min
episode Shipworm Trailer artwork
Shipworm Trailer
In this first of its kind feature-length audio movie, Wallace Conway wakes up to find he’s been implanted with an untraceable earpiece while sleeping. So long as he does everything the voice on the other end tells him, he and his family will live. Written by Zack Akers and produced by Skip Bronkie, Shipworm is the fourth podcast from Two-Up, the studio known for breaking ground in fiction (Limetown), musical (36 Questions), and documentary podcasts (The Wilderness). Shipworm stars Broadway luminaries Quentin Earl Darrington and Miriam Silverman, and is coming to podcast platforms everywhere on April 26, 2021. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit []
06 abr 2021 - 2 min

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Soy muy de podcasts. Mientras hago la cama, mientras recojo la casa, mientras trabajo… Y en Podimo encuentro podcast que me encantan. De emprendimiento, de salid, de humor… De lo que quiera! Estoy encantada 👍
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Me suscribi con los 14 días de prueba para escuchar el Podcast de Misterios Cotidianos, pero al final me quedo mas tiempo porque hacia tiempo que no me reía tanto. Tiene Podcast muy buenos y la aplicación funciona bien.
App ligera, eficiente, encuentras rápido tus podcast favoritos. Diseño sencillo y bonito. me gustó.
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