A Forge of Valor (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 4)
Äänikirja by Morgan Rice
A Forge of Valor is book four in Morgan Rice's best-selling epic fantasy series, Kings And Sorcerers, which begins with Rise of the Dragons. In A Forge of Valor, Kyra slowly returns from the verge of death, healed by Kyle's love and mysterious power. As he sacrifices for her, she regains her strength - yet not without a price. She presses Alva for the secret of her lineage, and he finally reveals all about her mother. Given a chance to quest to the source of her power, Kyra must make a crucial choice: whether to complete her training or journey to help her father, who wallows in the capital dungeon, his execution pending. Aidan, with Motley at his side, also strives to rescue his father, trapped in the perilous capital, while in the far corner of the kingdom, Merk, amazed by what he discovers in the Tower of Ur, braces himself against a massive troll invasion. His tower surrounded, he must fight alongside his fellow watchers to defend his nation's most precious relic.
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