The Most Relaxing Music in the Universe: Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi & Inner Peace
Äänikirja by Holistic Music for Mindful Living
If you want to rapidly achieve deeper levels of relaxation and relieve stress - then keep reading... One of the few constants in life is change. Our lives are so unpredictable. Jobs are lost. Health falters. Loved ones pass away. Relationships get rocky. Stress comes like a tidal wave. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the stress of life? Is your mind racing with endless thoughts? Do you struggle to 'switch off' before you meditate or go to sleep? The truth is, mind is programmed to heal. But only if you have the right tools. This premium audio book contains powerful psycho-acoustic ambient sounds, the perfect mix of natural sounds and weightless music. Perfect for Yoga, Qigong, Tai Chi, for relaxing, meditating, inner sonic journeying, and deep rejuvenating sleep. This calming selection of healing music gives you the power to calm your mind and relieve stress on the go - even if you're lifestyle is overwhelmingly busy and hectic. Here's how this relaxation music will empower you: • The right sounds resonate with the body, bringing it back to its natural state, with a healing and regenerating effect on mind, body, and soul. • Use the pulsating sounds to calm your soul and put yourself in a state of absolute, deep peace. • Achieve deep levels of relaxation anytime, anywhere. • Incredibly useful whether you're working, travelling, sleeping, or meditating. • Even if you don't have any time to sit down for just one minute, you can play this music in the background to calm yourself. Are you ready to effortlessly free yourself from the anxieties of stress - anytime, anywhere? Then buy this audiobook today - and immerse yourself in a world of limitless relaxation.
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