22 Powerful Sounds for Healing & Unwinding: Deep Sleep, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, and Happiness

22 Powerful Sounds for Healing & Unwinding: Deep Sleep, Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, and Happiness

Äänikirja by Sounds for Healing and Unwinding

Aloita maksutta
***** Please read the following description and listen to the audio sample BEFORE buying it. ***** This is NOT: - "normal" relaxation music, - a compilation of nature sounds! These are atmospheric, warm sounds waves combined with healing solfeggio frequencies and soft binaural beats. Unlike calming music, these long sound waves are projected for energy work like reiki, hypnotic use, trance, and deep relaxation. Use the power of this frequency based collection to bring balance, relaxation, and a sense of well-being to your mind, body, and spirit. This audio book gives you: • A strong feeling of peace so you can distance yourself from the issues in your life, allowing you to rise above them; • Keys to melt the stress away from your mind; • Sounds that ring at just the right frequency to fill you with calm, peace, and intuition; • A non-invasive type of listening, without being distracted by voices or other complex music (which is not here); • Control over your mental environment and your state of mind; • Warm, soothing sounds that aid in meditation, causing a better result for you and those around you; • Perfect soundscapes for Wellness, Zen, Reiki, Yoga, Massage, QiGong, Energy Work, for letting go, relaxing, and healing; • So much more! 22 fascinating soundscapes: The long sounds are ideal to put in the background, in most situations such as: • creating ambient atmosphere; • sauna, massage, wellness & SPA; • yoga, concentration, super learning & study; • accompany you to sleep. Relaxing atmospheric soundscapes with a total running time of 12+ hours! The tracks are so relaxing that most people are calm after just a few seconds. We recommend good headphones or loudspeakers for best results. They will make you hear the deep, long, and warm frequencies much better. 
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