Science Fiction Adventures Classics in Literature Collection
Äänikirja by Jules Verne, Arthur Conan Doyle, H. G. Wells, George Orwell
Man has always wanted to travel into the unknown and encounter what he has not, and perhaps cannot, experience in the real world.
The early 20th century witnessed an explosion of science fiction literature. Authors studied the wonders of scientific and technological progress and imagined worlds that had developed even greater advances. Jules Vernes' and H.G. Wells' fantastic tales well whetted the public's appetite for adventure tales.
Since then, science fiction has metamorphosized hundreds of times, each transformation introducing more sophisticated plots and otherworldly settings than those which have come before. While wars against robots or green men may no longer be the most terrifying struggle that we can imagine, the classic tales do not cease to fascinate readers and inspire the exploration of new frontiers.
Jules Verne : Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
Arthur Conan Doyle : The Lost World
H. G. Wells : The Invisible Man
George Orwell : 1984. Nineteen Eighty-Four
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