This Could Be Home: Raffles Hotel and the City of Tomorrow
Äänikirja by Pico Iyer
No hotel is as inseparably linked to its city than Raffles Hotel, writes Pico Iyer, arguably the world's greatest travel writer alive. Drawing upon numerous stays in Raffles over 35 years and the fast-ascending city all around it, Iyer—a lifelong global soul—reflects on the "Grand Old Lady's" literary legacy and its mark on writers everywhere. In the process, he finds new ways of considering not just yesterday, but tomorrow. How have Singapore and its white-stucco monument evolved to meet the needs of a shifting world? In this compact volume, Iyer pulls back the curtains on a personal, thoughtful and surprising look at places we too often take for granted. © 2019 by Pico Iyer. Published in paper format in Singapore by Epigram Books, recorded by Storyside 2019.
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