A Mystery in Bloom: Murder in the Marigolds (An Alice Bloom Cozy Mystery—Book 1)
Äänikirja by Fiona Grace
For landscape designer Alice Bloom, plants are more than just her job—they are her passion. But her latest project turns grim when a despised socialite is found dead in an Italian villa's garden—and Alice, finding herself blamed for the crime, has no choice but to solve it herself. Drawing on her own extensive botanical knowledge, Alice must dig through the layers of aristocratic secrets and intrigue to unearth the killer, and to clear her name before it's too late. But a new romance may just have her distracted with other things… A Mystery in Bloom: Murder in the Marigolds (An Alice Bloom Cozy Mystery—Book 1) is the first novel in a new series by cozy mystery author Fiona Grace. The Alice Bloom series is a page-turning, charming cozy mystery that invites you into a picturesque setting, packed with humor, romance, and surprise twists and turns. You'll be up well past bedtime as you fall in love your new favorite female protagonist. Future books in the series are also available!
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