Redefine Wealth for Yourself

Redefine Wealth for Yourself

Äänikirja by Patrice C. Washington

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Personal finance expert, America's Money Maven turned go-to holistic lifestyle integrator, award-winning author, Patrice Washington has used her platform, The Redefining Wealth Podcast to teach millions that wealth is so much more than money and material possessions. Now she's written the template to make it plain and remove the mystery surrounding wealth so that it frees you to create a wealthy life your way. Through stories, principles, and practical exercises based on her Six Pillars of Wealth, she guides you, step by step, through the process to create a life of peace, purpose, and prosperity. Do you feel a calling to do something greater with your life? Are you tired of working hard with little to show for your effort? Or exhausted from sacrificing your health and your relationships to build your career? In Redefine Wealth for Yourself, Patrice will guide you through how to: Change your habits and stop struggling to achieve your health goals. Prioritize the relationships that mean the most to you. Set up your life to support all your goals. Rely on your faith to bounce back from failure. Live your purpose and do work you love. Manage the money you have and earn more with ease and grace. If you're tired of chasing money and ready to pursue your purpose, this holistic guide to wealth is for you. 
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