Balance Period
Podcast by Balance Period
Welcome to the Balance Period Podcast! This platform exists to empower communities to create generational wellness. Tune in to hear inspiring health t...
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In this episode of the Balance Period Podcast, we close out our four-part series, sponsored by First Merchants Bank [https://www.firstmerchants.com/], by diving into the concept of measuring how you respond to what you experience. As entrepreneurs, the ability to respond intentionally rather than react impulsively to challenges is transformative. This episode emphasizes the importance of mindset in shaping our responses and introduces practical strategies for evaluating and shifting our reactions to create better outcomes in business and life. Key Highlights: 1. The Power of Mindset: Discover how your mindset influences your ability to respond to challenges and how cultivating a growth mindset can enhance resilience. 2. Mindset Types: Learn the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset and how they affect your responses to stress, failure, and opportunity. 3. Stress as an Opportunity: Understand the benefits of shifting from a stress-is-debilitating mindset to a stress-can-be-enhancing approach that helps you thrive under pressure. 4. Practical Tools for Response Auditing: Explore exercises like the self-talk log, relationship reflections, mindfulness, and priming to measure and adjust your responses for better alignment with your values and goals. Timestamps: * 00:00 – Introduction to Part 4 & Recap of the Series * 02:20 – The Importance of Measuring How You Respond * 06:50 – Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset * 12:30 – Shifting from Stress-is-Debilitating to Stress-can-be-Enhancing * 16:40 – Practical Tools to Audit Your Responses * 22:00 – Conclusion & Final Thoughts on the Series Questions, comments, or feedback? Send them to podcast@balanceperiod.com Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Balance Period Podcast. Remember: invest in your wellness, because you are worth the investment. Continue to learn, grow, and develop your sustainable self-care system. You don't have to be perfect to make progress—be patient and kind to yourself on this journey of creating generational wellness while building generational wealth. Be well and make it a great week! Balance Period Resources: Apply for Wellness Challenge Cohort: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFhY3Ata2xXSHpnc0ZvZkZWRjVsSjVBbG9Nd3xBQ3Jtc0tuRVlUTEUzSmpOd1MwZ1Ficlo1ODJCNXFBQmEwSE11dUJwWm1wa19iOUoyZjMzLXN6ZHdPVFZycVlTdzU2cGVwR1dMeXl3Tl9Ld3pJNVZ3ZS02Y2czSUgzSmFTY01qWVBOMHJhRUJXNWlpcDRNb3g5UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.balanceperiod.com%2Fhttps://sites.google.com/nuvita.com/balanceperiod-betteryou/landing-page [https://shop.balanceperiod.com/] Check out the Generational Wellness Digest: https://blog.balanceperiod.com/ [https://blog.balanceperiod.com/] Get a Free WHOOP Wellness Tracker - https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod [https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod] Sustainable Self-Care System Discounts: shorturl.at/lpsMV [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w9e6IJyaYWXMWJOM1pUFf3cl8LMY1z8R7P5hRfqQUGk/edit?usp=sharing] Download our Free Energy Management Guide: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEpUNU5RSmhuNlZfbkhwSWVzUENacG9YR2pNUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZHV6T294cGs0UHpwdnV0X0JHcVNIcTBoM3N3NU55MzRSeEpBamVkbm9ZaXlGN25zTkNoX3k0Y1ZOZ2JFNjhzWGdrZTdKT1MxTk5OZERGdnRpWjJLcVRORTZMTDg2UGt1cXd0MGNGeGtPRjQ1RWp1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbalance-period.ck.page%2F742a74403ahttps://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a [https://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a] Access more resources: https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod [https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod]

In this episode of the Balance Period Podcast, we continue our four-part series, sponsored by First Merchants Bank [https://www.firstmerchants.com/], where we dive into the importance of measuring the quality of what we consume. As entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs of color, being mindful of the food, drinks, and mental content we take in can significantly impact our mental and physical health, as well as our overall performance. In this episode, we explore strategies for expanding awareness of what we consume, from food and drink to media, and how to measure the quality of these inputs to optimize your well-being. Key Highlights: 1. Mindful Consumption of Food & Drink: Learn how food and drink impact both your mental and physical health, and discover tools to track and improve your consumption habits. 2. Quality of Mental Diet: Understand the significance of what you watch, read, and listen to, and how it shapes your mental state and outcomes. 3. Tools for Tracking: Get introduced to several apps and methods, like MyFitnessPal, Yuka, and continuous glucose monitors, to track and improve your food intake and its effects on your health. 4. The Power of Awareness: Discover how meal tracking and evaluating your mental diet can lead to more intentional, health-positive decisions for long-term wellness and business success. Resources Mentioned: * MyFitnessPal App [https://www.myfitnesspal.com/] * Yuka App [https://yuka.io/en/] * Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) [https://www.healthline.com/diabetesmine/what-is-continuous-glucose-monitor-and-choosing-one#what-is-cgm] * Better YOU B.A.L.A.N.C.E. Challenge [https://sites.google.com/nuvita.com/balanceperiod-betteryou/landing-page] Timestamps: * 00:00 – Introduction to the Episode & Series Overview * 01:40 – Importance of Measuring Quality Consumption * 05:10 – Tools for Tracking: MyFitnessPal, Yuka, and CGM * 10:45 – Understanding the Mental Diet: What We Watch, Read, and Listen To * 14:20 – Practical Tips for Better Consumption * 18:30 – Mindful Moment * 20:30 – Conclusion & Next Episode Preview Questions, comments, or feedback? Send them to podcast@balanceperiod.com Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Balance Period Podcast. Remember to invest in your wellness because you are worth the investment. Continue to learn, grow, and develop your sustainable self-care system. You don’t have to be perfect to make progress—be patient and kind to yourself on this journey of creating generational wellness. Be well and make it a great week! Balance Period Resources: See our Products/Services: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFhY3Ata2xXSHpnc0ZvZkZWRjVsSjVBbG9Nd3xBQ3Jtc0tuRVlUTEUzSmpOd1MwZ1Ficlo1ODJCNXFBQmEwSE11dUJwWm1wa19iOUoyZjMzLXN6ZHdPVFZycVlTdzU2cGVwR1dMeXl3Tl9Ld3pJNVZ3ZS02Y2czSUgzSmFTY01qWVBOMHJhRUJXNWlpcDRNb3g5UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.balanceperiod.com%2Fhttps://shop.balanceperiod.com/ [https://shop.balanceperiod.com/] Check out the Generational Wellness Digest: https://blog.balanceperiod.com/ [https://blog.balanceperiod.com/] Get a Free WHOOP Wellness Tracker - https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod [https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod] Sustainable Self-Care System Discounts: shorturl.at/lpsMV [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w9e6IJyaYWXMWJOM1pUFf3cl8LMY1z8R7P5hRfqQUGk/edit?usp=sharing] Download our Free Energy Management Guide: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEpUNU5RSmhuNlZfbkhwSWVzUENacG9YR2pNUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZHV6T294cGs0UHpwdnV0X0JHcVNIcTBoM3N3NU55MzRSeEpBamVkbm9ZaXlGN25zTkNoX3k0Y1ZOZ2JFNjhzWGdrZTdKT1MxTk5OZERGdnRpWjJLcVRORTZMTDg2UGt1cXd0MGNGeGtPRjQ1RWp1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbalance-period.ck.page%2F742a74403ahttps://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a [https://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a] Access more resources: https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod [https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod]

In this episode of the Balance Period Podcast, we continue our four-part series, sponsored by First Merchants Bank [https://www.firstmerchants.com/], with a focus on measuring how you spend your time and energy. As entrepreneurs, particularly entrepreneurs of color, it’s important to align how we spend our time with our personal and business goals to optimize our mental health, physical health, and performance. Key Highlights: 1. Time & Energy Alignment: Learn how aligning your time and energy with your values and goals can help you achieve better outcomes in your business and personal life. 2. Measurement Tools: Dive into the Awareness Log [https://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a] exercise to track your time and energy usage across different areas of your life. 3. The Power of Reflection: Discover how reflecting on screen time apps and other tracking tools can provide insights into where your energy is being spent and whether it aligns with your long-term objectives. 4. Mindful Moments: Understand how quick mindfulness practices and energy check-ins can help re-align your day-to-day energy and focus. Timestamps: * 00:00 Introduction and Thanksgiving Recap * 01:10 Series Overview: Awareness and Measurement * 03:28 Mindful Moment: Guided Breathing Exercise * 09:09 Measuring Time and Energy for Entrepreneurs * 16:00 Practical Tips for Time Management * 20:06 Understanding and Measuring Energy * 24:26 Conclusion and Next Episode Preview Questions, comments, or feedback? Send them to podcast@balanceperiod.com [podcast@balanceperiod.com]. Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Balance Period Podcast. Remember: invest in your wellness, because you are worth the investment. Continue to learn, grow, and develop your sustainable self-care system. You don't have to be perfect to make progress—be patient and kind to yourself on this journey of creating generational wellness while building generational wealth. Be well and make it a great day! Balance Period Resources: See our Products/Services: [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFhY3Ata2xXSHpnc0ZvZkZWRjVsSjVBbG9Nd3xBQ3Jtc0tuRVlUTEUzSmpOd1MwZ1Ficlo1ODJCNXFBQmEwSE11dUJwWm1wa19iOUoyZjMzLXN6ZHdPVFZycVlTdzU2cGVwR1dMeXl3Tl9Ld3pJNVZ3ZS02Y2czSUgzSmFTY01qWVBOMHJhRUJXNWlpcDRNb3g5UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.balanceperiod.com%2F]https://shop.balanceperiod.com/ [https://shop.balanceperiod.com/] Check out the Generational Wellness Digest: https://blog.balanceperiod.com/ [https://blog.balanceperiod.com/] Get a Free WHOOP Wellness Tracker - https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod [https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod] Sustainable Self-Care System Discounts: shorturl.at/lpsMV [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w9e6IJyaYWXMWJOM1pUFf3cl8LMY1z8R7P5hRfqQUGk/edit?usp=sharing] Download our Free Energy Management Guide: [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEpUNU5RSmhuNlZfbkhwSWVzUENacG9YR2pNUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZHV6T294cGs0UHpwdnV0X0JHcVNIcTBoM3N3NU55MzRSeEpBamVkbm9ZaXlGN25zTkNoX3k0Y1ZOZ2JFNjhzWGdrZTdKT1MxTk5OZERGdnRpWjJLcVRORTZMTDg2UGt1cXd0MGNGeGtPRjQ1RWp1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbalance-period.ck.page%2F742a74403a]https://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a [https://balance-period.kit.com/742a74403a] Access more resources: https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod [https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod]

In this episode of the Balance Period Podcast, we kick off a four-part series, sponsored by First Merchants Bank [https://www.firstmerchants.com/], focused on a popular theme across our health education and wellness coaching services – ”We can only take care of what we are aware of.” As the landscape of entrepreneurship can be overwhelming, especially for Black entrepreneurs, it's important to prioritize mental and physical health so we can create generational wellness while building generational wealth. Key Highlights: * Importance of Awareness: Discover how understanding your mental and physical state can empower you to make informed decisions for better health outcomes. * Unique Challenges for Entrepreneurs of Color: Explore the additional pressures faced by entrepreneurs of color, including systemic barriers and the impact on mental health. * Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual Strategies: Get actionable insights on how to track your mental and physical health across various timeframes, ensuring that you maintain a balanced approach to your wellness as you grow your business. Questions, comments, or feedback? Send them to podcast@balanceperiod.com [podcast@balanceperiod.com] Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Balance Period Podcast. Remember to invest in your wellness because you are worth the investment. Continue to learn, grow, and develop your sustainable self-care system. You don't have to be perfect to make progress—be patient and kind to yourself on this journey of creating generational wellness. Be well and make it a great week! Balance Period Resources: See our Products/Services: https://shop.balanceperiod.com/ [https://shop.balanceperiod.com/%E2%81%A0] Check out the Generational Wellness Digest: https://blog.balanceperiod.com/ [https://blog.balanceperiod.com/] Get a Free WHOOP Wellness Tracker - https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod [https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod%E2%81%A0] Sustainable Self-Care System Discounts: shorturl.at/lpsMV [http://shorturl.at/lpsMV] Access more resources: https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod [https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod]
![episode [GWD Audio Experience] Vol. 192 | Featured: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among African Americans artwork](https://cdn.podimo.com/images/21bc3cf1-4825-4e8b-a512-a23d51433dec_400x400.png)
Here’s what you can expect in this episode... Mindful Moment + Check-In: In this episode, Recovery Ray guides us through a calming mindful moment featuring a box breathing exercise. This practice includes two rounds of box breathing followed by a brief awareness exercise to help us become fully present. After the mindful moment, Recovery Ray encourages listeners to engage in a self-check-in by asking, "What am I feeling in this moment?" This check-in helps listeners identify their emotions beyond the basic categories of happy, sad, or angry, fostering a deeper emotional literacy and self-awareness. Key resources for expanding emotional intelligence mentioned include: * Emotional Agility by Dr. Susan David * Mood Meter app * Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown Mindful Reflection: This week's mindful reflection question is: "In what ways do I practice self-compassion and what additional practices could I incorporate to better support my overall well-being?" Recovery Ray shares personal insights on practicing self-compassion through mindfulness and meditation. He also discusses the importance of auditing self-talk to replace negative statements with affirmations that foster self-kindness. This practice helps in creating a more compassionate inner dialogue and enhancing overall emotional well-being. Affirmation: The affirmation for this episode is: "I am worthy of kindness and understanding from both myself and others." Recovery Ray emphasizes the importance of believing in one's worthiness of kindness and understanding, both from oneself and others. This belief can positively influence self-respect and interactions with others, reinforcing personal boundaries and fostering healthier relationships. Featured Article: This episode highlights the article titled "Alcohol and Drug Abuse Among African Americans." Recovery Ray explores the impact of substance abuse in communities of color, particularly in light of National Recovery Month. He identifies three key takeaways: * Higher Incarceration Rates: The disproportionate incarceration of individuals with substance abuse issues limits access to effective recovery care. * Access to Care: Socioeconomic factors and healthcare biases often restrict access to quality addiction treatment. * Community Support: The importance of community organizations like MRCI (Indianapolis) that support recovery efforts and how listeners can contribute through volunteering or donations. To learn more about MRCI and support the work they are doing in the Indianapolis area click the following link: https://www.wearemrci.org/ [https://www.wearemrci.org/] Questions, comments, or feedback? Send them to podcast@balanceperiod.com [podcast@balanceperiod.com] or drop them in the comments section below 👇🏾 Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Generational Wellness Digest audio experience. Remember to invest in your wellness because you are worth the investment. Continue to learn, grow, and develop your sustainable self-care system. You don't have to be perfect to make progress—be patient and kind to yourself on this journey of creating generational wellness. Be well and make it a great week! Balance Period Resources: See our Products/Services: [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDFhY3Ata2xXSHpnc0ZvZkZWRjVsSjVBbG9Nd3xBQ3Jtc0tuRVlUTEUzSmpOd1MwZ1Ficlo1ODJCNXFBQmEwSE11dUJwWm1wa19iOUoyZjMzLXN6ZHdPVFZycVlTdzU2cGVwR1dMeXl3Tl9Ld3pJNVZ3ZS02Y2czSUgzSmFTY01qWVBOMHJhRUJXNWlpcDRNb3g5UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.balanceperiod.com%2F]https://shop.balanceperiod.com/ [https://shop.balanceperiod.com/] Check out the Generational Wellness Digest: https://blog.balanceperiod.com/ [https://blog.balanceperiod.com/] Get a Free WHOOP Wellness Tracker - https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod [https://join.whoop.com/balanceperiod] Sustainable Self-Care System Discounts: shorturl.at/lpsMV [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w9e6IJyaYWXMWJOM1pUFf3cl8LMY1z8R7P5hRfqQUGk/edit?usp=sharing] Download our Free Energy Management Guide: [https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEpUNU5RSmhuNlZfbkhwSWVzUENacG9YR2pNUXxBQ3Jtc0ttZHV6T294cGs0UHpwdnV0X0JHcVNIcTBoM3N3NU55MzRSeEpBamVkbm9ZaXlGN25zTkNoX3k0Y1ZOZ2JFNjhzWGdrZTdKT1MxTk5OZERGdnRpWjJLcVRORTZMTDg2UGt1cXd0MGNGeGtPRjQ1RWp1cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbalance-period.ck.page%2F742a74403a]https://balance-period.ck.page/742a74403a [https://balance-period.ck.page/742a74403a] Access more resources: https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod [https://linktr.ee/balanceperiod]
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